Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/40

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80 YBRULAM. Barldoir. i. Jambs Waltbb (GaiicsTON), Yisooukt Griubton and I 1815 Baboh Dundothb [1. 1719^, also Lobd Fobbutbr op Corstobfhinb

  • [a 1688], also Baron Vbrulam op Gobhambitbt [G.B. 17901 alao *

Baronet [1628], wiia cr., 24 Not. 1816, VISCOUNT ORIMSTON and KARL OF VRRULAM. He was ooly a. and b, of Jamea Biicknall (Oriuston), 8d ViacouMT Qbihston, &c. ri.], and lat Baron Ybbulam or Oorhambubt, by Harriot, da. and h. of Bdward Waltbr ; waa 6. in Qr<i«?enor aquare, 26 Sep. and bap, 26 Oct 1775. at St Geo., Han. aq. ; ed. at Harrow and at Ch. Oh., Oxford, being cr, M.A. 16 June 1796 ; waa M.P. for St Albaua, 1802-08 ; Lieut Col., Herta Militia, 1808-09; iue. his maternal cousin, 8 Dec. 1808, aa Loud Fobrbstbr op CoBBTOBPHiNB [S.], aud guc. hia father, about 8 weeka later, SO Dec 1808, aa Viscodkt Qrimbton, Ac. [I.], and Baron Vkrdlam op Qoi(Hasibdry ; High Steward of St Albana, 1809, and waa er.^ 24 Nov. 1815, A'aW of Verulauif &o., aa aboveatated. He waa Cupbearer at the ooron. of Geo. IV., 19 July 1821 ; L. Lieut of HerU, 1828-45 ; a Lord of the Bedchamber, Jan. to April 1885. He m., 11 Aug. 1807 (apeo. lie), at her father'a bouae, Addiaoombe place, near Cnydon, co Surrey, Charlotte, only da. of Charlea (Jmnkinson), lat Earl op Livkkpool, by hia aeoond wife, Catherine, da. of Sir Cecil Bubhup, Bart He d. 17 Nov. 1845, at Gorhambury, aged 70.(*) Will pr. June 1846. Hia widow, who waa 6. 8 June 1788, at 26 Hertford atreet, Mayfair, </. 16 April 1868, at 42 Groavenor aquare, in her 80th year. II. 1845. £. Jambs Waltbr (Griiistgk), Earl op Vbrulam, &o.f alao ViBCODNT Grimbton, Ac. [I.], alao Lord Foubpbtbr op Cobbtobphinb [S.], lat a. and h. ; 6. in Gruavenor square, 20 Feb. 1809 ; Uyled ViBOOUNT Gbimston, 1815-45 ; ed. at Harrow and at Ch. Oh., Oxford ; B.A., 15 June 1880; waa M.P. for St Albana, 1880-81 ; for Newport, 1831 82, and for Herts, 1832 45 ; iue. to the peerage^ aa above, 17 Nov. 1845 ; L. Ueut. of Herta, 1816-92 ; Lieut Cot., South Herta Yeomanry Cavalry, 1847-64 ; a Lord in Waiting, Feb. to Dec. 1852, and again, 1858-59 ; a Gov. of Harrow School ; Preaideut of the Camden Soc, 1878. He m., 12 Sep. 1844, at St Geo., Han. aq., Elisabeth Joanna, sister of John Wbtland, of Woodeaton, Oxon, da. of Richard Wbtland, Major in the Army, by Charlotte, relict of Sir John Lowther Johnstons, 6ih Bart [S.], da. of Charlea GoBDON, of Cluny. She d, at Gorhambury, 5 July 1886, in her 61st year, and waa bur, at St Michaera, in St Albana. He <f. at Gorhambury, 27, and waa 6ttr. 81 July 1895, at St Hichael'a afsd., aged 86.(b) III. 1895. S. Jambs Waltsr (Grimstok), £arl op Vbrulam and ViaooiiNT GRIAI8T0N [1815] and Baron Vmrulaic op Gouhambdrt il790], alao Viscount Guim&ton and Baron Dundoynk [1719] in the peerage of relaud, alao Lord Forrbstbu op Cohstorphinn [1633] iu the {peerage of Scotland ;(o) alao a liaronei [1628] ; Ist a. and li ; b. 11 May 1852, at Cell Barnes, St Albana ; ttjfled Viscount Ghiuston, till 18v5 ; ed. at Harrow ; an officer in the lirat Life Guarda, 1870*78 ; waa M.P. for Herts (St. Albans), 1885-92 ; »ue. to the peerage^ aa above, 27 July 1895. He m. 80 April 1878, at St Geo. Han. Sq., Margarc^t Fraiicea, 1st da. of Sir Frederick Ulric GuAUAif, 8d Bart, by Jane Hermiouu, da. of Edward Adolphua (Sbtmouu), 12th Dukk op Sombrbbt. [Jambs Waltbr Grimston, oulj a. and h.; ^.17 April ]880i Bttjle f, since 1895, V18OOONT Grimstun.] PamUg J^talM.— Theae, in 1888, oonaiated of 8,625 acrea in Herta and 1,492 in Esaez. Total, 10,117 acrea, worth JC14,101 a year. Chief Seat, Gorhambury, near St Albana, ca Hertford. (*) He, who aun|M>rted the (?onaervative party, waa romewhat prominent on the Turf. Hia portrait, after W. Owen," ia engraved in " Doffle,*' (^) An amiable, acoompliahed and high-minded man, enjoying the rc^apect of hia neighboura of all daaaea. (^) The Duke of Aberoorn [I.] and the Earl of Verulam are the only noblemen now [1896] holding, besides their peerage of (»arl., a peerage iu the kingdom of Scotland and alao in that of Ireland ; a privilege previously enjoyed (1688-1715) by the famoua Duke of Ormonde, and (1840-68) by tlie Marqueaaea of Haatinga. See vol. i, p. 8, note ** c^" tub " Abercorn " and vol. iv, p. 188, note ** c/' tub ** HasUnga.'*