Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/41

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VBRULAM — VBBOI. 81 VBRULAM OF OORHAMBURY. ift, '• Vbrulam op OonnAMBURY, 00. Tlortford," Barony {GritMton) er, 1790 ; lee " Orimstoiv/' Viaoountcy [I.], er. 1719, tuft the 8d Viaooant. VESCI. VESCY, or VESSY, John db Yssot, of Alnwick, co. Northumberland, was a minor in 1253 ; wna sum. to {MonifoH'i] Purl. 14 D<ms. (1204) 49 Hen. 1(1., tuch Bummnnii, however, dues not originnte a hereditary Barony.(*) He d. 8.p. (1288-89) 17 Ed. I. Barony by 2, William db Vbsci, of Alnwick, co. Northumber- ^'^^ land, br. and h. of John de Veaoi, of the same, both beins sons of L 1295, Wilttam DK Vbsci {d, 12.53*, of Alnwick af8d.(i>) by his second to wife Agues, da. of William (Fbrrbrs), Earl or Dbrbt and coheir to 1 297. lic^r motlier, thnt Earl's first wife, Sibyl, da. and coheir of William (MARaiiATX), Karl of Tembroke, was 6. about 1248, being aged 40 when he tire, his said brother in 1288-89. He inherited also considerable estates in Ireland thro* his mother, and was Chief Qovernorof Ireland (as L. Justice) 1290-98. His conduct thei-e was impugned by John Fits-Thomas, and they were both sum. to appear liefore the King at Westm. where, accordingly, he (equipped for combat) Appeared, tho' his adversary did not. He, in 1291, ^rrve<1 in the wars of Gaacony ancl was sum. to pari, as a Baron (LORD DB VESCI), 24 June, 1 Ckst and 2 Nov. (1296) 28 Ed. I. He was one of the ofimpetitors 1291-92 for the Crown of Sootiand.(<) He m. Isabel, widow of Robert DB Wbllbs, da. of Adam DB PBRlTOif. Having no surv. ia8ne,(^) he dispoMd of Alnwick and the greater part of his Northumberland estatee,(*) in trust for hia illegit. son, who, however, never obtained tliem, tho' he inherited, by settlement, the estate of Hoton Biiscel, co. York, and others in that county and elsewhere. He d, t^. ^t, at Malton in Ryednle, co. York, 19 July 1297, when tht Barony became exiincl. His widow was living 1309. II. 1313, 1. William db Vbsci, cdlletl of Kildare" (from the to place of his biHh), illegit s-O of William (dr Vbsci), Lord dh Visoi 1314. altovenamed, inherited Malton and other considerable estates in York- shire, A c. from his aaid father ; wss in the expedition to Scotland, 1308, and was sum. to Pari, ns a Bnron (LOUD DE VESCI), from 8 Jan. (1312/8^ (>) See vol. iii, p. 865, note '* d," ni6 " Fits-John," where also a list of those so sum. is given. (^) This William was s. and h. of Eustace de Vesci,, one of the celebrated 25 Barons appointed to enforce the observance of Magna Cliarta, who was slain about 1216. (^) This was in right of his paternal grandmother. Margaret, da. of Williiim, the lion, King of Scotland. She was, however, one of the King's 5 illegit. children, each child being ancestor of a like competitor. Had any of them been legitimate, their descendants would have been prior to those of David, that King's broiher, who was the ancestor of the families of Bnlliol an<l Bruce. (^) John de Vesci, his only s. anfl h. ap., served in the wars of Oascony. He m. about 1287, Clementia [Qy. Isabel], a kinswoman of Eleanor of Castile, the Queen Consort, but d. s.p. and v. p. Isabel, widow of John de Vesci, was living in 1809, as well as (another) Isabel, widow of William de Vesci, being both entitled to dower. (*) The celebrated Anthony de Beke, Bishop of Durham, was enfeoffed thereof on such trust, which he afterwards betrayed, selling 19 Nov. 1809, the castle and honour of Alnwicke to the Percy family, who or whose descendants have ever since possessed it (0 " In the Inq. aftor his death held at Lincoln on the feast of St. Oswald [5 Aus. 1815], 9 Ed. II., he is state<l to have held certain lands ' ex dono ei Jeopmenio WUl % de Vetei patrii lut,' to him and the heirs of his body, but no express notice occurs in that or any of the other inquisitions held on his demise of his having been a bastard,

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