Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/400

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890 CORRIOBNDA, ETC., TO VOL. UI. 1396, at Witlaj heigbta, Sarroy, mnd wm 6iir. at Bonkkflko, agMl 70. WiU pr. at £195,851 "; Une 19, mfUr " 1850," mdd**m Raton plaoa." P* 968 ; Between linea 6 and 7, itueri at umd€t— t.eL, *' Ehsix " Earldmn [S.] (Gordon), or. 1599 with the Marqubssatb or HmnLT [S.], which linee 9, 10 (to) 11, and 17./t " Kbdihotov," rtmd " BBDTHoroH "; last ]ine,/«r "aaoiind wife survived hiui," read ** widow, d. 21 Feb. 1800, in Sackville street* DuUin. His will 1772, and hen 1800, in Pierog. Ct [I.]." p. 209 ; in magin, for *' Eardom/' rmd " Barldom." Line 1 1, >iir «« 1776," rwad •* or Jul J, 1775, in DubUn "; after ** 1776," o^ *' at the bouse of Theoph. Jones, ca Leitrim "; line 18, a/Ur " 15," add '« Sep. or." Noto (>>), line l./ar " formeriy CreigbUMi as," read " from Creigbton to." p. 270; in margin, for "1453," r$ad •M452",->^ "14601" r$ad " 1460 ";/ur "1470," r*wf "1467." Une 2. for "Aug.," read "6 AprU"; line 5, for "Gasmauob," read "Casamajor"; line 18, for "Hat." rMul " Hat(M»),'* and intert a$ taid noU "{^) See liayi of HrraU, by 'J.D.H.' [Rt Hon. Sir J. C. Dalrymple Hay, 3d Bart.j, in NoriUm NoUb and QMerief, to1«. i and ii, where suferal olnU of the earlier Lords are given "; lines 20 and 21 for "in EngUnd about 1430." read "at Ardmuir. 7 Sep. 1431"; line 22, /or " 1452/3," reoif " 145X121,^)," and add attaidnoU "(<1) He is called Karl of Krroll in a grant dat. 20 Aug. 14JS2 "; line 24, /or " Beatrix." rmd "Mary Beatrix, 2d da. of James (Douglas), Earl Douglas [S. ), by Beatrix, da. of Henry (SUncUir;, Eari of Orkney [S.], according to the Douylat Book, vol. i, p. 445"; line 26, for " about," read " at Slaios and was bur. at Cupar, 19 Aug."; far " 25 Not. 1482," read " 1490 "; line 81,/or " 1470," read " at KilUemuir [Kirriemuir t] and was hur. at Cupar, 24 Aug. 1467 "; line 82, after " 1508," add " She d. 17 April 1500, and was bur. at Cupar "; line 85, for " 1427," read " 1472 "; line 40, after " iL," add " 14 Jan." p. 271 ; io margin, for « 1 535 ! " read " 1522 "; for " 1575 1 " read " 1578." Line 7, for " 30 June 1534," read " 13 Se|>. 1548 "; linea 12 to 14, dele "was Uring " to "afterwards," and intert "if. at Edinburgh, 28 July 1522, and was 6iir. at Cupar, aged 27"; line 14, after "m.," add "April 1548"; Une 15, for "July 1567, and d, 1563-65," read "23 June 1567, and d, in Flanders shortly before 1 Jan, 1564/5 "; Unas 17 and 18, dele " wko," U, Unds "; line 17, after "1541," add " at Rdinbuivh "; line 27, dele and inmi *« d. at Perth, 80 Jan. 1578, and was bur. at ErroU "; line 82, for " 1585," read " 8 Oct 1585, at Shins, and was bur. there. His widow living 15 June 1598 "; lines 45 and 46, fir " before 10 Aug. 1600," read " shorUy after 24 AprU 1586." p. 272; Une 2, for "Prostestant," read "Protestant"; line 6, after "da.," add " of "; Une 29, dele " She was b. Jan. 1656 "; after •« 1704," add " His widow, who was 6. about 4 Jan. 1656, UTing 17 Not. 1707"; Une 89, after •«m.," add " before Aug. 1722 " ; after ** Faloohxb," add " thenoeforward Hat "; Une 40, after " 1682," add " and was UTing May 1780." p. 273 ; Une 25, for " Jeminia," read " Jemimia"; Une 89, for "Bluott," read EUOTT." p. 274 ; line 6, after " at," add ** two d«T8 before "; line 7, for *' 18 June," read "at Quatre Braa (where he waa 6ur.) 16 June"; line 19, after "Midx.," add " of diabetes, and waa bur. 27 at Wimbledon "; line 28, fir " She." read " He d. 2 Deo. 1891, aged 67, at Slalns Castle, and waa bur. at Cruden. Hie widow "; Une 29, for "2d ckss," read •«8d dsss; living 1898"; Unes 82 to 84, dde from beginning to " waiting," and inart ae undir — XX. 1891. 20. OflARLES GoBB (Hat), Karl of Erroll [S. 1452J AHD Hbbsditart CoMnABLi [S.], oUo Babon Kilmabmook [U.K. 1881], 2d but 1st surv. a. and h. ; 6. 6 Feb. 1852, at Montreal; etyled Loko KiuiABVOCK tiU 1891 ; ed. at Harrow ; entered the Royal Horse Guards, 1860 ; Lieut.