Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/415

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CORRIGENDA, KFC., TO VOL. IV. 405 p. 12 ; Ud6 27, for " 76," read * 77 "; «^ <* 1888,*' add " under £80,000 "; Une 86, etmdudt " and waa hur. at Bridlington, oo. York." Note (•), line 4, >br '* Dutch," read " Daoiah." Note (•), for " (•),•• read «• (e).- n. 13 ; line 28, fir *«66," read "66"; Une 29, after « 1749," add *' d. in London, 20, and "; Une 40, after «'d," mV at Tatmouth "; laat line, tfier " hur,," add " 6 Jan. 1816." p. 14; line 2,/m- "1806/' read "1794"; line 8, e^fter "1847," add "at Kinmel Park, 00. Denbigh"; line 11, for "1890," read "1898"; line 29, ^fter " LopdMp," add^'io the." Note (>), line l,for " oonaequenoe of," read " oppon- tion to"; Une 4, /or " when," read " where." p. 15; line 8, far " Kireudbright," read " Kirkcudbright"; Une 28, for "<f.," read "d.(**)," and add OM taid note " {^) BSm death ii given in the OetU. Mag. as on 11 Deo. 1787." p. 16 ; Une 7, far " 1787," read " 1781 "; Une 26, far " Charlotte EUaabeth," read " in PorUand place, laabelU Charlotte Roeabelle "; line 28, after " Mame," add "and waa Imr. at Londonderry "; Une 29, far "living 1890," read " dL 28 Dee. 1891, at Qarvagh, aged 87"; Une 88, after <*1851," add "at Finchiogfield, Essex "; line 86, far '< 1890,*' read ** d. 2 Jan. 1898, at 19 Kensington Oardena terrace. WiU pr. at £4,832 "; line 40, dde " of Sweden.'

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p. 17 ; in margin," far " 1807," read " 1314." Between Unes 1 and 2, intert a$ under — ue.f "Murray op Gask," Barony [S.] {Murray)^ er, 1628, in the ftosodaiiiics granted of the Baiuj)01I or Tullibard»« [S.], which see. Between lines 7 and 8, ineeri GAWSWORTH, see Gobworth/' lines 18 and 14, deie "s. and h." to "m.," and ineeH '*lreotUu Joinville], Sire of VnucoulouTS in France, 2d s. of Simon de Joinville, Seneschal of Champagne, bv his second wife, Beatrice, da. of Stephen, Vicomte of Auxerre, having m. (by the favour of Henry III.) before 1268 ^'; Une 16, after " Trim)," add " widow of Peter Di Qkhsya (a Provencal, who d. 1249)"; Unes 21 and 22, dele "if. about" to "left," and ineert "after his wife's death, took the vows, 17 Nov. 1808, in the priory of Trim, which he had founded (1268), and d. 21 Oct 1314, and waa 6«r. there. He had male"; last line, after "who," add ** et^led himself Lord Ruthvih [S.], and." Note (^), dele the first five Unes fo " Joan," and ineert " Aooording to the account of him by £. (Thester Waters (from which the text has been corrected as above) he had several sons whereof the eldest, Geoffrey, if. s.p. and v.p. before 1288, when Peter, the 2d son, was h. ap. This Peter m. Joan, da. of Hugh, Count of La Marohe and Angouleme, but d, also v.p. and s.p.m. in 1292, leaving (besides two daughten who became nuns) Joan, 6. 2 Feb. 1286"; Unes 8 to 10, deee "It," (o the end and ineeri " There were also two, if not four, other sons, of whom, Simon was of CnlmuUen, CO. Meath, and was father of Nicholas, who d, v.p. 1824, leaving Joan, his da. and h., who si. John Gusaok." p. 18 ; in margin, far " 1617," read " 1618." Line 8, far " in 1617," read " 16 Jan. 1617/8 "; fine 17, after " Wbhnav," add '« or Tuam "; /or " 1696," reaif •« 1686 "; line 18, for " (1669 f) 1658," read "1669"; Une 26,candude "She "dL Nov. 1708 "; line 81, e^fter " 1684," add " suddenly, in a drinking bont^ at the Boss tavern, Govent Garden, and was bur, at Ashley"; fifter "widow," add "She d. 11, and was hur. 19 Jan. 1699/7C0, in Westm. abbey "; line 88, /or "abroad," read " abroad(b) ». Una 42, >br '^ 8 Nov. 1684," read " 21 April 1707." p. 20 ; Une 17,/or "of," r«aii "or";>- "BRYMSFIBLD," read "BRTHESFBLD"| line 82, far " third," read " SMond ."