Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/416

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40*6 OORRIOKMDA, ETC., TO VOL. lY. p. 21; line 11, «|/tcr "6.," mdd •i Bzeter"; Iim IS, /»r •« Ejn,** mil "Bj*"; Una 84, /m- '* 1890," rtad " 1898." p 23 : line 18, far " 9 Jan. 1525/6," rtad " 5 Jane 1525 "; line 14, afiar "1558," •dd " She i. before Dea 1526 "; line 20, «/Ur "^ «.," «U " before 1585 "; Hm 21, for "Kepneitb, [SkiiMMMf]," rtad "Skipoish, 2d & of the 2d Eabl or AwmJL [a]"; line 22, mfler " periihed,'* mdd ""{wotm after her) "; Hue 28, «irlf

    • a$a witek" and tiiaert " without any auhetantial ground or proof of matter

againat her." p. 24 ; line 8, for " paedbly," read ** probably "; Ime 10, far <« and," re«i " aa alao "; f(9r ** it atyled/' read ** appeals aa "; far ** or.," read ** either er. or promiaed to be er."; line 18, far ** into»" read " to"; line 19, ^fter "Gown," mdd " EARL OP GLAMORGAN." Note (•), eoacf«uie « See more of thia matter in the eorrigeada to the 2d Marqoeaaate of Woroeater." Note (b), line 4, >i>r " generaliawme," r<n<i "ganeraliiaimo." Laat line of notes, far "his," resil "the"; far "in," resif " giren to him in." PL 25; linel9,aAer "would," mU "hare"; line25,itAa- "Henry," rMuI "who"; Une 31, afUr " together/' mdd " with." p. 27: Hoe 9, far "aUut 1718." read <* before 10 Oct 1707 "; line 10, after "if.," add •* 28 "; line ll./«r «* 1770," read « 1770(b),'* and a4/<f a« aauf note " (») 7 July 1767, according to the OaU, Mag:*; line 12, ddt " Louo Botli "; Une 33, after <'1824/' add^*ia Georve street, Edinburgh"; line 89, i^/to* "Y.p.," add "st Tunbridge Wella. aged 28 "; line 47, far " GeoiKiana," rtad " at MUton (the aeat of Sir D. H. Blair, Bart^X Georgians Anne, ysi"; Unea 49 and 50, far " Uving " 1890," rM4l " d 14 ICaroh 1895, st Portmore, co. Peeblea. WUl pr. shore £50,000." p. 28 ; line 8, for " 1890," read •' 1898 " ; line 18, after " 1890," mdd " aO.M.a. 1892 ; Gor. of New Zealand aince 1892. He was er. 28 July 1897(«) BARON PAIRLIB of Pairlie, co. Ayr [U.K.l being introduced, aa such, 15 Peb. 1898"; and addae taid note, " (•) See vol viii, p. 139. note (») "; line 21, after " i^yittf," mdd "since 1890 "; line 81, ybr " 5," read " 25." Note (•), line 2, ybr " Dongks," read " (Douglss), Earl of Selkirk [S.]. p. 29 ; in maigiu, for •< 1828," read " 1825 "; line 15, afUr " squsre," mU " snd wss bur. 6 May at Butleigh "; after " 1825," add " under £250,000." p. 80 ; line 8, after " by," luU " his first wife "; line 21, after '* 1817." «U " in Queen Anne street, Marylebone." NoU (f), line 2, far *' proceeding," read " preceding." p. 31; lino 9, fur •* about 1490 (before," read "(ooutract 24"; line 32, after

    • firstly," add '* before 26 March 1529 "; Hue 85, after " 1574," add " WiU pr.

26 March 1575 at IsUlinburgh "; Hue 89, for " Gohdon," rMil «< da. of (— ) GoKDON of Lochinvar"; Uue 14, after "h.." add "6. about 1652"; line 42, after " 1580," add '* and was aerved h. to hia father. 28 July 1581 "; last line, far

  • ' in 1574, Mariot or," read '* 5 Sep. 1574, at Perth "; for " yet," read " 8d."

p. 32 ; Hoe I, for "by," r#Mf "being 1st da. by 2d wife"; line 8, for "Km," read " KsRB "; line 27, for " 1658," read " 1654 "; line 29. for " 1644," read " 1664." Top note, line 7, far •• fairiy," read « fairly." p. 33 ; line 20, far " 20 Peb.," read " Nov.'*; line 22, for '• 1734," read " 1788/4." Note (•), line 22, fur " JkUtraiar," " J>ecUmUar," p. 34 ; Hoe 18, for " June," rend " 6 June 1748, or "; line 28, e^r " dormamt," add " Hia widow d. 17 May 1824, at Boulogne-aur-mer." Between linea 28 and 29, ituert at under — GLENCOR i6.» *' Stbatboona and Mount Royal of Gucnoob, ca Ai-gyll, aud op MouMT Rotal", kc Barony (Smitk), er, 1897 ; see foL ▼iii, p. 240, in Airaiiuz.