Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/417

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I«  CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. IV. 405^ p. 35 ; Hn«8 28 and 25, nfier "Carir," mU '*[!.]"; line 26, fw " 1801-16," read 1801.19"; after "1793," add "in liOndoD "; line 87, aftir •• 1868," add suddenly, at Gowes." Between lines 40 and 41, intnt a$ under — GLENESK. i,e., Qlbnbsk of Glenesk, co. Midlothian," Biirony (Borlhwiek), er, 1896 ; see toI. Tiii, p. 240, in ArPiMDn. p. 36 ; line 6, t^fter " ArmT." add " Mnrch 1798 "; Une 14, emfluds «*at Dunkeld "; Hue 89, for *' if.,'* read " from whom he had been separated for several yenrs, d. in Qeorge street, Marylebone"; line 40, fir "4," rgad "at Kilmurtry, en. Limeriok, 14"; last line, fifter " year," <ic/if "at Limerick. Will pr. 1794 in Prerog. Ct. [I.J." p. 37 ; between lines 6 and 6, ineert a$ under — GLENURCHY, see Glbnoroht. p. 38 ; line 8, /or '* MaUlda (or Sybells," read " Sibilla"; line 9, for " de Montooubrt," read " (Montqomrrt), Karl ok Siirkwbbury "; lines 16 and 21, fttr ** Oct" rea<f "Aug. or Oct."; line 26, for "his wife," read "da. of Italph, Skiqmiur db MoRTFORT DB Qakl, in Britunuy." p. 39; line 12, deU "of the Kingdom." Note (•), line 1, for *'AImaric," read " Amaurl" p, 40; lines 4 and 6, dde <* was" (o "to be," and inmi "<i. a. p. 14 Oct 1217,(0 and was"; line 9, /or " IS March 1182," read "about 1198.'^ Note (^), line 8, for " Oopemie,'* read " Olcvemie." Note («), line 1, deU " (if she so long Uved)." Note (•), line 1, for "career," read •« career." p. 41 ; lines 16 and 16, ddf. " half " to " being da.," and ineert " only child of Gny PR LuBioRAN, Count i>r Cixinac. by ( — ), which Guy was uterine br. to the King (Henry 111.), being 2d t. of"; line 17, for "Aylmer," read " Aimar"; line 28, for •• Joanna," r«irf"Joan." p. 42; lines 7 snd 8, dele "DR HABTrNOS" to "db Morohbrsi," and iiuert "(db Habtiros), Lord Hastings, da. of Hugh (lb Drbpbkobr), Earl or Wirohbbtbh "; line 17, eondude *<8h« d. 13H6"; Hues 17 and 18, dele "1808" to "[1.]," and ineert " 29 Sep. 1308, at Waltham Abbey, Matilda, da. of Hichnrd (db Buroh), 2d Earl op Uutrr [I.], by Margnret, d«. of Sir John db Burgh, of Lanvnlley(%" and add a$ eaid tioU '* {•) See p. 869, note (b)." p. 43; line 4, after " 6th," add ** but 6th sunr." p. 44 ; line 12, for « 1891," read " 8 Oct 1890 "; line 17, efter " Pembroke." add " as also "; line 82, for " 1440," read " Oct 1441 "; line 86. for " 28," read " 28 "; line 88, after '* 1464,'* «dd " possibly *'; line 89, after " Man," add " where she had been ordered in July 1446." N«>te {% Hue 1, for " 1443," read « 1442/8." Note (*),/or " of Borselen, a Dutchman, and d.," read " Tan Borsele, a Zealander, and d, 8 Oct" p. 45 ; line 10, for " [14 TJ," read " between 7 and 13 "; line 16,' for " 24 Auff.," read "8 Sep."; line 17, ofter "▼.p.," 'dd "31 March 1484." Note (•), last line, conclude " See vol. v, p. 14, note (^), for a list of peemges er. by Charles II., when in exile." p. 47 ; line 8, after " Clbmbhtb," add " of Durham, a Milliner's apprentice "; line 28, for " Queen," read " Queen's"; line 27, after " 1836," add " oyer X'90,000." p. 49; in margin. /or-* 1776." read "1766." Line 14, /or "h.." read " h. ap."; line 30, after " 1786," add "in the stableyard, St James', sged 78, said to been then worth a million "; line 87. after " 1797," add " M. A, of Cambridge, 1832 "; line 44, after " 72," add " and wns hur, 26 at Harthill, co. York "; line 46, for " 1st," read " 2d but 1st snrv."; Headline, and linos 49 ami 60. for " Ooldjlards," read " Uoluiklards"; Iniit line, for " Dbloraink," read " Dblimiair."