Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/418

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408 OORRIQBNDA, ETO., TO VOL. IV. p. 61 ; Itna 5, prr ^ AYBN/' rtoA » AVON "; line 7, fw " Frenchie/' ttad « FVeaohie**; line 9,/br*< 1645," raui "1649"; line 28, a/4«r *<Huiitlt/' oM "from 1684"; line 88, Jw <Mn 1706/' r<a4 shortly before 18 Feb. 1706/7"; line 85, «/t«r

  • < Fbasbb," oiU «<of Durrie, oo. Kincardine"; line 40, for «'6. about 1720/'

rtad ** a. and h., 6. about 1721." Note (»), /or " 258," read " 268." p. 52; line 26, tf/Zir " year," (Mi(i "and was hut. in Blgin Cathedral." p. 53 ; line 2, afUr " 1818," <Mi(i *'at Bath "; a/isr " Kincardine," ocU " a wealthy Indiamerohant"; line 5, for "in ScotUnd," rMuf "at Elgin afad., 10 June.^' Between linee 19 and 20, inaerl a$ under — GORDON OF BADENOCH. •.e., Gordon op Badbnooh, Barony [S.] (Gordon), cr, 1599, with the MARQUI88ATI OP HuMTLT [S.L which see. line 87, fir " hia widow li?tng 1890, at," read " leaving male issue, but the life peerage became extinct. His widow d, 11 Oct. 1895, at 2 Randolph crescent." p. 54 ; line 26, after "Sweden," add "mat. at Oxford, 28 March 1598/9, aged 16"; line 82, fir "1688," read "1638/4"; line 83, after "secondly/* add "before 1645"; line 84, fir " 1665," rfud "16 April 1652"; line 89, after "m.," add "before 18 July 1670"; for " lUcbard, read "Sir Henry"; line 40, after " Hants/' add " by Bridget, da. and coheir of John Wnm. of Southwick, HanU "; after " bur.," add 21 July 1681" line 41, for " 92/' read " about 90." p. 57 ; in margin, for " 1569," read " 1560." Une 22, for " 1569," read " 1560 "; line 84, ^fter "previously," add "Will, 1600, in Prerog. Ct. [I.]"; line 85, eondude "Will pr. 1602, as above"; line 48, after " Strathmullen," add "pr. 1629 in Prerog. Ot. [I.]." p, 58 ; line 28, for " is said to have d, in 1711," read " was living, in a pauperised condition, 1722, and was probably 6tir. 22 Oct 1788, at St. James' Westm."; line 41, eondude " WUl, 1722, at Prerog. Gt. [I.]"; line 42, for "d 1748 or 1751," read ** probably d. 27 I>ee. 1750"; last line, conduda "His will, 1756, and hers, 1788, in Prerog. Ot. [L]." p. 59 ; line 2. after " m./' add " 25 Oct 1774 "; line 4, eondude " PaU Hall "; line 8, after "Feb. 1826/' add "at Dullingham House afsd."; line 10, for "1775," read "1777 "; line 16, after "1794/' add "at the seat of Mrs. Jackson, near Dundalk, co. Louth "; Une 85, for " 1860," read " 1865 "; lines 41 and 42, for "Quana, 1887," read " Guiana, 1887-98, and of Tasmania since 1898 ": line 46, eonelude " by Annie Maria, da. of Sir Hercules Lanqrishi, 8d Bart. [I.]." p. 60 ; line 81, after " Limerick/' add "ed. at Harrow "; line 48, after " 1847," add " at St Maigaret's, Westm." p. 61; line 18, after "1807," add "in Pulteney street Bath. Will, 1807, in Prerog. Ct [I.] "; line 14, after " 1825/' add " in Paris "; line 28, after " 1805," add " in London "; line 26, after " 78," add " at Market Hill." p, 63; line 9, after " Surrey," aM " a Banker at Madras "; after " Inverness," add " She d, 4 Feb. 1892, at St Helen's, Booterstown. He d. there 81 May 1895, in his 81st year. Will pr. at £70,846. III. 1895. S. Hugh (Gough), Viscount Gough of Goojkiut and OF LiMBRiOK [1849], and Baron Qouoh of Gbinqkamo-foo and of Mahabajfori and tbk Sutlu [1846], aUo a Baronet [1842], Ut s. and h., 6. 27 Aug. 1849, in Upper Brook street ; ed. at Eton and at Brasenose Coll., Oxford ; B.A., 1872 ; M.A., 1879 ; in the Diplom. service, 1878 ; Sec. to the embassies at Rio di Janeiro, at Stockholm, at Washington, and at Berlin. He m. 5 Oct 1889, at St. Qeo. Han. sq., Georgiana Frances Henrietta, 1st da. of William Lygon (Pakbnham), Babl of Longford [I.], bv Selina, da. and coheir of George Rice (Rici-Tbbyor), Baron Dinbyor. She was {. 1 Sep. 1863." line 29, /or " 10 Sep.," read " 81 Aug."; after " iur.." add " 10 Sep."; line 80,

  • 3 tl « 1 a_ T 1 y I. »K ^A fW 1.1 11 %f ^ mm »

by file, and was 5iir. 24 Aug. at Trentham."