Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/435

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CORRIGENDA ETC., TO VOL. IV. 425 p. 263 ; line 1, fw ** ther/' rtad " their"; line 27, f&t <' Aniudel/' read " Arandel "; line 38, fw " Derby/' md ** Derby(Od) ». iM^gri a$»aidnoU- (<M) His preoedenoe above all Viacoutita would oot, appareotlyy be affected, save only in the Houae of Lords, by this creation. See vol. W, p. 40, note («), nub Nobpolk "; line 84, for *< Qraoedien," read *' Gracedieu "; bat line, f»r " £118,00,'* rwd " 118,000 "; far « 1891," read " 1898. p. 264 ; line 6, fcr ** Bariiadiston," read " Barkabdwton "; line 7, fir " Saffbrd," read " Suffolk "; line 82, afUr " writ," add"2i Oct. 1697." p. 265 ; line 24, after -bur.,'* add " 24 "; after <« Walden," add "aged 42 "; line 27, after " 78," add " and waa bur, 2 June, at Safih>n Walden." p. 266 ; line 2, after '* year," add ** and waa bur, 26, at Saffron Walden "; line 84, far "Bbwtick," read "Bbntihok"; line 86, for "68," read •'69"; line 89, fttr « 1891," read *' 1898*'; line 42, for ** London," read " Baton square "; latt line, eonelude " She obtained a judidal separation by decree, 11 Maroh 1898." p. 267 ; in margin, for " 1878," read « 1878." Line 29, ftr " aids./' read "albd." p. 268; line 11, for *< Personality," read <* Personalty"; line 27, after " JuUana,' add "(then abont 28)"; line 40, for "wife," read « widow"; line 41, aftar " 1782," M» '* hi Albemarle atreet" p. 269 ; line 2, for " 1726,** read " 1726/6 "; Unas 2 and 29, for " 6," read "6 "; Una 26, /or" 6th," ««*" 2d." p. 270 ; line 8, aee wrrigenda to that line, in toI. ir, p. 428 ; line 9, for " Devon," read "Leicester"; eoadude "in Grafton street"; Une 2l,afUr "A," add'*oi apoplexy, at Pope's Tills, Twickenham"; line 84, after <*18d6," aM "at Penn House, near Ameraham, and waa bur. 8 Nov., at Penn." p. 271 ; line 14, after " 1876/' add "O.O.V.O., 1897 "; line 19, <!^fter "1861," add "in Charlea street, Berkeley square"; line 20, after " 1886," add "Treasurer of the Household, since Feb. 1896." p. 272; in margin, for "14661" read "1468f" Line 4, after "Dublin," add " ConsUble of Dublin Castle for life, 12 Oot 1461 "; line 6, eonduda " He d. before 24 Jan. 1464." Top note, line 1, after " 1177," add " [should be 1189] "; tine 8, for "de Tristram, baring (among," read "baring (beeidfla." Note (i>), line 1, for " preoeeding," read " preceding." p. 273 ; in margin, fir "XIL 1648. It," read "XIIL 1649. IS*'; for "MIL IS," read "XIV. 14"; for "XIV. W read "XV. 16." Une 7, for " 1669," read " 1669(0) **. ineert aeeaidnote'* (O) Queen Kliiabeth [Oarew Papers, I. 811], on 22 May 1661, writea as under — 'We perceive that the heir to the Baron of Hothe, lately deceaaed, has all the poenessions and inheritance of the aaid Baron, eaving the title of Baron. We have determined to grant the said Barony to him in tail male by letters patent.' This letter seems to throw some doubt upon the descent of the ancient Irish Bnronies being (at that date) recog- nised aa one in tail male "; Une 13, eonelude " Will, 1686, in Prerog. Ct. [I.j "; line 16, e^fter " Knighted." add'* 2 May "; line 20, after " Howth," add " WiU, 1607, in Prerog. Ct [L]"; line 26, for "(— ) Wbntwobth, of Pickering, co. York," read " John Wbntwobth, of Little Horksley and Gosfleld, Essex, by his 2d wife, Dorothy, da. of Sir Richard Southwbll"; line 27, after "[I.]," add " who rf. 1629"; line 28, eonelude "Will, 1627, in Prerog. Ct. [I.]"; line 82, after " Meath," add " by Susan, da. of Philip Strtninos "; Hue 83, fir '< 1648 and," read " 1643-44; Will dat 24 Aug. 1648, opened 22 Deo. 1644, and pr. 10 Nov. 1646, in Prerog. Ct. [I.]. He." Between lines 88 and 84, imert as under— XIL 164344. JfiP. Thomas (St. Lawrbncb), liORD Howth [I.], br. and h. male,(^) formerly of Stoke by Nnyland and, in 1646, of Weston, CO. Suffolk. He nt. in or before 1628, Rlnnor, da. of William Ltnbb of Wonningford and Little Horksley, Essex, by his first wife, Audrey, da. of Sir John Watts, sometime L. Mayor of London, Will dat 6 Aug. and pr. 3 Oct 1649, in Prerog. Ct [L], directing his burial to be at Howth. His wife survived hinu 20