Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/436

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426 CORRIGENDA, BTTO., TO VOL. IV. add 0$ noU " (}») The tucoeBiion of this Thomas to the Barony (omitted in all previous peerages) was first pointed out by J. Horaoe Round, in his article on the Colchester Qnimmar School [Eaex Arch, Soe,, Jan. 1898] "; lines 86 and 86, dde

    • l male" to " Lord," and tntert '* 1st s. and h., bap, 14 Sep. 1628, at Stoke by

NayUnd afsd. ; sdmitted to Colchester Grammar School, 11 Jan. 1688/9"; line 48, condude " Will, 1727, in Prerog. Ct. [I]." p. 274; in margin, for "XV. 25; XVL 26; XVII. 27; XVIII. 28," read respectively "XVI. 26; XVII. 27; XVIIL 28; XIX. 29." Une 8, sA«r Will," add " 1748, in Prerog. Ot. [I.] "; line 16, afUr " 1794," add " at Bath "; condude "at Cheltenham, and was bur. at St. James', Bath. Will, 1802, in Prerog. Ct [I.]"; line 28, for "i/.," read "who was ft. 26 Oct. 1762, d. in Ireland"; afitr "secondly," add "at Killyane"; line 26, after "1822," add " at Howth CasUe, in his 70th year "; line 86, after " 1861," add "at DubUn." p. 276; line 21, ^fter " Evkrinoham," add "or of John (Bbaumomt), Lobd Bkaumont"; lines 29 and 80, dde the square brackets, the word " Query" and the " t" Note (^^ line 8. for the second " WUlUm," read " John "; line 4, for " Pari.," read "a Council "; line 6, for " afterwards," read " was lum. to Pari, as a Baron, tho' generally spoken of as one," p. 277 ; line 18, for " in Jan.," read " at Salisbury, 17 Jan." p. 278 ; in margin, for " 1641," read " 1640." Line 17, for " by," read " (who d, Deo. 1621), by his first wife, Jane, or"; line 18, afUr " 1621," add " when he was 19 and upwards ; was Esquire of the Body, 1628"; line 28, /or "He m. secondly," read " She d, s.p.m. He m. secondly in 1627 "; lines 24 and 26, for " is said to have m. thirdly," read " m. thirdly in, or after 1682 "; line 29, for ' 1641," read " 1640 "; last line, eondude " His widow m. (as his second wife), Sir Robert Thboomorton, of Cough ton." Notes (^) and (<^), dde and insert "The second wife of this Bdward, was Agnes (sometimes called Alice), widow of James Cotell, whom she murdered, 26 July 1618. For this she was hung at Tyburn, 20 Feb, 1628. There has been great confusion about her identity. See OolL Top, et Oen,, ▼ol. ▼, p. 891, and vol. vii, p. 71 ; Oent, Mag., N.S., vol. 36, p. 826 ; N.JkQ^ 8th S., iv, 266 ; and (above all), W. J. Hardy's article in The Antiquary (1881), ▼ol. iv." read " 4 March 1625/6." Note (<>), line 14, p. 879 ; line 6, for " about April 1626," for " forbad," read « forbade. " p. 280 ; line I, for " ILL," read "and was bur. in Westm. Abbey. ILL there and "; line 4, eondude " aged 40 and upwards at his father's death "; line 10, for ** 9," read "8 "; line 13, after " «.." add "sfter March 1612 "; line 27, for •« June," read "July"; line 28, far <* 1628," read "1627/8." Top note, 0onofii<{« " not that given in the Visit of Glouc. (as printed in the Harl. Soa), where Lord Hunsdon's wife is made to be da. of James Whitney, by Blanche, da. of Simon Milbome, both abovenamed." Note (»}, Hue 1, /or " Spencer," read ** Spenser." p. 281 ; Une 1, for " aged 37 in 1621," read " bap. 21 March 1682/3." p. 282 ; line 24, after " NORTHAMPTON," add *< He also received about Nov. 1072, the Government of Northumberland, and is consequently aometimes reckoned aa EARL OF NORTHUMBERLAND." Note (0, line 1, after " husband's," read " (Wsltheofs)." p. 283; line 26, for "Judith," read "Maud"; line 31, for "de Waer, Barl of NoBFOLK," read '* Seigneur de Montfort and Gael, in Britanny "; line 43, after " England," add " in 1167" p. 284; line 7, for " immedialely," read "immediately"; lines 9 and 10, fnr " Bkaumont, of Cenoman," read ** Vicomte de Beaumont la Maine "; line 19, for "Avis," read ** Alice"; lines 19 and 20, dde "Alice" to " Lincoln," and intert "Rohesia, sister of Roger, Earl of Hbrtfokd, da. of Richard FitzGilbert DB Glarb"; line 21, after "III.," add "and was bur. at St. Andrew's Priory, Northampton"; line 27, a/Cer <* CAMBRIDGE," add '*aiao RARL OF GARIOCH [S.]. Note (0, eondude " See vol. iv. p. 14, as to the Earldom of Qariooh."