Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/440

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480 CORRIOENDA, RTC., TO VOL. IV. p. 324; lines 17, 19, and 25, fw *<Quixi88," rwi <*QnanrBfl8." Note («), line % Qfur "thia," ndd "ditooTery." Note (i>), line 2, fw "allude," rtad "refer." Note (•), line 18, fm "Antrem," rtad "Antrim." Note (<>), fw '*mb„' rud •* md," ^ 326 ; between lines 6 and 6, inttH m undw— JAMES OF HEREFORD. ».«., Jakbsof Hbrbford, CO. Hereford/' Barony (Jamea), er, 1895; see ▼ol. ?iii, p. 248, in Appbndix. line 19, fw " Ochitree," rewl " Ochiltree." p. 326 ; in margin, /or " 16661" r^ad " 1676?" Lines 16 and 17,iMf "and Amoraii"; line 18, fw " sinoe 1665," read « from about 1675." p. 327 ; line 10, fw "sarcasm," read '* sarcasmC*^)," and add at eaid noU "(«>) See vol. Tiii, p. 402, in oorHgrn^da to vol. iii, p. 886. ffu5 " Flint "; line 15, deU " [42 1] "; line 28, deU "(probably)"; Une 24, fw "Dtnb," rM<f "Dyvb"; line 80, after "s.p.m.," add "of a fev«r, at biii house iu Ijeioester street"; Hues 35 and 86, deU " and was &tir."; line 86, afUr " Surrey," add " and was 6ttr. 28 in Salisbury Cathedral. Note («»), fw " to," read " to.'"^ P* 328; Hue 1, fw "who," read "whom"; line 4, eaneludc "and was hur. at Rushbrooke"; line 27, fw " Judith," f#s4 'M? April 1675, at Uttle Saxham, Judith, 2nd"; line 81, fw "cf. about 1726," read "who was hap, 2 July 1654, at Bury St. Edmunds, d. * vsstly rich ' at her seat near Newmarket, about Sep. 1726, and was Mir. (with her husband) at Bruges. Note («), line 8, fw "gran- daughter," read " grand-daughter,*' p. 329; last line, fw " 26," read " 25." Sub-noto, last Une, fw " probably," read " doubUess." p. 330; line 8, eifUr "widow." add "<f. 22 and"; line 86, after "<i," add "of apoplexy, at Tunbridge Wells"; line 87, fw "d.," read "who was sometime Mistress to George IV., d. sfter two days niness"; line 40, fw "Stone," read " Stoney." p. 331 ; in margin, fw the first "1859," read "1659, Oct 8"; fw the second " 1859," read " 1859, Oct. 24." Une 6. fw " at," read " from the rupture of a blood vessel, at 88"; line 16, for "at," rend "of oonsumptiou, at the Royal Crescent Hotel"; line 17, afUr " widow," cu^ "who wss b. 80 April 1821"; line 18, fw " and was living 1891," read " who d 16 Sep. 1894. in Wilton plaoe, aged 61. She d^ somewhat suddenly, 14 Aug. 1898, at Petit Suoonnes, Ueneva, and was bur. at Kiddleton Stoney, aged 72. Will pr. at £10,187 "; line 24, fw "1890," read "1890-98"; after "1872," add "at St. Thomas', Orohazd stioet, Ifarylebone." p. 332 ; line 18, eondude " WUl, 1772, in Prerog. Ct. tl.]" p. 333 ; line 17, fw " Jamaoia," read " Jamaica ','; line 28, afUr " 1844," add " under "£45,000"; Une 29, a/ter " 1847," odd "at DuUingham"; line 87, a/(kr "d.," add " s.p.m."; line 88, fw " 1891," read <* 1898 "; Une 42, after " 1848," add "at St Gea Han. sq." p. 334 ; Une 21, fw " MARISHAL," read " MARISCHAL." p. 335; line 2, deU "formerly Nairnb"; Une 8, aftw « Pitkaithly," add "which WUUam Mercer, was a. and h. of the Hon. Robert Mbrobb, othwiriee Nairmb, 2d s. of William, 2d Lord Nairhb [3.] "; Une 10, fw " member of the," rtad " Lady of." Between Unes 81 and 82, imert ae under^ KELHEAD. t.6., "Kblhbad of Kblhrad, CO. DumbartoD/' Barony (Douglas), cr. 26 June 1898 : ex. 19 Oct. 1894 ; see "Qubbmsbbrrt," Marouessato [S.J, sr. 1682, under the s. and h. ap. {etyled Vibcoukt Dbuulambio) of the 9lh Marquess.