Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/441

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GORRIGBNDA, BTC., TO VOL. lY. 431 p. 336; line 4, a/tcr ^foUowiog/' aM "KB., 8 Not. 1616"; lino 14, t^ "Hamphrej," a^<l {Q^, Ambrose)"; Uoe 42, f<nr ** 1748,** read "174!^^." Note («), line 1, far "exisU," read " exist " p. 337 ; liut line, for *' 1828 or 1829," read " at Airdie afed., 8 Dee 1829, in (it if ■aid) his 86th year. Hta wife probably snrviTed him." p. 338 ; in margin, after " 1829," deie the " T " Line 82, for « living 1891," read "d. at Bowsear, near Penrith, 14 July 1896, aged 81. Will pr. at Carlide, at £11,674." p. 339; line 10, for "1891," read "1898"; line 18, after " Diblbtodv," add

  • ' [1604] "; line 16, eoneUtde ** Rbp. Prbr [S.], rinoe 1892. He m. 14 Jnly 1892,

at St. Paiire, Knightebridge, Snean Violet., 4th da. uf Anthony (AsBLHT-CkWPiR), 8th Eabl of SHAmsBURT, by Harriet Augusta Anne Seymourina, da. of Oeorce Hamilton (CRicanTBR), 8d MARQuns of Dobioall [I.] She was 6. 18 July 1868. I John-Franois-Ashlhy Erskinb, styled Lord Erskini, Ist b. and h. ap., b. 26 April 1896, at the Inch, Midlothian V II Between lines 20 and 21, imert a$ under^ KELLS. lines 23 and 24, dde " (tho* apparently without any foundation)"; Une 38, deU " KELSO "; lines 86 and 86, dde " er. Feb." to the end, and imeert ** Barony, er. 1892 ; see toI. Tiii, p. 248, in Afpbrdix, Note (*), line 1, for apparency/' read " in effect." Note (**), line 2, for " Vieeeountey;' read " VieeowUey:* p. 340; line 14, after Margaret," add *<da.of Amaud Amanjeu, Sire"; line 16, for '*da.," read "apparently a da. of Richard Dk-I«a-Polk, br."; lines 16 and 16, dHe " by " to "Stafford "; line 17, dde " his wife's brother "; line 28, for "to," read "of"; line 24, for "Bbvanois," read "Bimaugib"; line 25, for " Chabtiluoh," read ** Castilloh "; for "(•)," read "(«)." Note («), Une 8, for " 1678," read " Feb. 1672/3 "; line 6. for " Gurson/' read " Curson." p. 341; line 8, for "error," read "error)." Note («). line 8, for "(only)," read alone." Note (<l), line 2, for " meteaUianee," read " metallianee"; for " skOmni," read *'maieon"; lines 4, 6, 11 and 16, for "Meysebug" or "Meysbug," read " MeysebtirK "; line 12, dele the comma afler " dr "; line 14, for " mairee," read "marie^." p. 342; line 1, for "Twickenham/* read " laleworth "; line 4, /or "1892," read " 1892(M)," ineert ae eaid note " (»») Prince Leopold of Saxe Cobuivh (after- wards King of the Belgians) is stated [ilnn. Jieg, for 1866, p. 184] to have been cr, in March 1816, Dukb of Kendal. Possibly, there was some intention of such creation [See N. and Q., 8th S., if, 227] "; line 22, for "in 1640," read "26 April 1640, OS 8d Bart [I.]"; line 26, for " er,," read "w-.^bb)/' ineert Of eaid note " {^°) The preamble thereto and a good account of the family is giren in * Lodge,' toL rii, $ub ' Atlmbr"; line 88, after "h.," add " was some- time M.P. [L] for Kerry, and"; line 88, after " Westm.," add "and was 6ifr. there as 'Mrs. Ellen Brown, w.,' 16 July 1700"; last line, for " 1720," read "April 1720, at Brussels." p. 343 ; in margin, dele " 1790, or." Line 13, after <* Purorll," add "She d. before him "; for ^ 1790 or 1796," read " 1796, at Killarney. Will, 1796, at Prerog. Ct.[I.]"; line 22. dde "1790, or"; line 28, /or da.," read "4th da."; tine 29, for "coheir," read "eventually coheir"; for "8d," reed "2d": line 80, condude "at Lyons, co. Kildare "; line 36, for " 1800," read " 1801 *^; line 89, eondude " at the house of her brother, in Montagu square, Harylebone.'* Note {^),for '* 142," read "842." p. 346; line ie,afUr "1848,"a(U "at PorUmouth"; line SO.afUr "1469)," add "da. of Sir Alexander Oqiltt, of Auchterhouse "; line Z2, after "wife," add " b. beforo 12 Oct 1464.'*