Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/447

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CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. IV. 487 moh a patent. There are no other records of that reign in the RO. here, whkh would be et all Itkelv to contain it' It may be added also that there is no reference to this grant in the Printed Chancery Rolls [I.], and that, as to England, the printed calendar for the JRoi. Fat, of 20 JUc II. contains nothing about Courcy." p. 396 ; line 7, eonehtde " The will of Catherme Fsrcevtl, Ladff Kimale, widow^ 1686, at the Prerog. Ct. [I.], may, not improbably, relate to a widow of this Peer.'* p. 397 ; line 14, after " by," <uU " his first wife " ; Hue 16, afier "spinster/* add '• and he 26." p. 398 ; line 5, fir " 1778," read " 1724 ": line 7, fir " 17th or 18th Lord," read

    • Baron Kingsale, who d. 1628 " ; line 8, fir *' since " rtad " from."

p. 399 ; line 12, after ** 1819," add «at Kingsale" ; after " 1822," add ** at Cork ** ; Une 16, after " 1832," ndd " at Kingsale " ; line 82. for «* only." read '* next " ; line 84, far " 49," read " 46." Note (•), line 4, for " «.y.," r«ad *' ss also Is." p. 400 ; line 2, frr '* Elia Elisabeth," read '* Elisabeth Elia "; line 5, for <« living 1891," read "d. 5 May 1893, at Bayeuz in France, aged 67 "; line 16, eondwU "by Jessie, dn. of Peter Qlubb, of Westbourne House, Liskesrd. He d, at RtokeUiu nfsd., 16 Not. 1895, aged 73. fits widow, who was 6. 12 Oct. 1847, living 1808. XXXI., 3t or ^^.C^) MioiiABL Constantikb (dk Govboy), or Baron KiirasALB and RiiraRoiiB [I. 1221 ?], Pbbmibr Babon op XXXII.(M lBBLAND,(«) 1st s. and h.. by first wife ; h. 8 May 1865 ; tucto the peerage [I.], 16 Nov. 1895 ; Mnnagitig Director of the Moran Tea 1895. Company, London. He m. 17 Jan. 1880, Emily Frances Anne, only surv. da. and h. of hii paternal uncle, Wilham Sinclair Db Coubot, by Anne, relict of WillUm Hodobs." line 33, eonelude " Will, 1776, in Prerog. Ct. [I.]." p. 401 ; line 16, for " patrouimic," read " patronymic "; line 19, for "from," read " under "; line 21. fir " Torre," read " Torry '^ line 22, for " Kent," read " and was 6iir. st Frinsted, co. Kent"; line 41, after "She," add "who was 6. Sep. 1661 "; line 48, fir " 8nl." read " 4th." p. 402; line 9, for "1743," read "1742/8"; line 24, condude "Will, 1676, in Prerog. Ct. [I. J"; line 83, /ur "His widow," read "Will, 1693, in Prerog. Ct [I.]. His widow(d) d. 3 Sep. and"; ineert aetaidnoW* (<>) See Gen., N.S., vol. zi, p. 192, as to ' a strange match,' 7 Aug. 1697, between ' Lady Kingston, widow to en Irish Lorrl ' [presumsbly this Lsdy] and a Lieut of the King's Foot" p. 403 ; line 6, eondude " near Reading "; line 18, eondude " [L] "; line 23, eonelude " Both d. at Kingston lodge, co. Roscommon. His will, 1708, in Prerog. Ct [I.l "; line 29, after " 1799,*^ add " at Mitchelstown. Will, 1799, in Prerog. Ct [I.]"; line 33, e^ter "there," add *'ed. at Eton"; Hue 42. after •« 1796, add " mat at Oxford (Ex. Coll.), 26 June 1814 ; 2d class (classics), 1818 "; last line, fir " 42," read " 41, and was hur, st Mitchelstown." p. 404; line 4, after "France," add '*M.P. for co. Cork, 1831-82"; line 14, for "1891," read "1898"; line 46, eondude "He d, at Cairo, 18 Jan. 1896* aged 47. Will pr. at £4,364. His widow living 1898"; line 48, /er "1876," nod " 1878 "; lines 60 and 61 dde, and intert a» under— IX. 1896. 9. Hbnrt Edwtn (Kino-Tbnisok, formerly Kino), Eabl of KiNOBTOif, Ac [I.], 2d but only snrv. s. and h., 6. 19 Sep. 1874. in Dublin ; ed. at Ktou ; eiyled VisoouNT KiMOSBonouaH till he mc. to tke peerage [I.], as above, 18 Jan. 1896. He m. 3 Feb. 1897, at St Paul's, Knishtsbridge, Ethel Lisette, 2d and yst da. of Sir Andrew Barolay Walrbr, 1st Bart, of Qateacro, CO. Lane, by his first wife, Elisa, da. of John Rkid, of Limekilns, co. Fife. She wsa 6. 29 Sep. 1872. C. 405 ; line 89, /or " 1660," read " 1660 "; line 44, /or " 6nr.," read "hw." p. 406 ; line 12, for " in 1666, aged 80," read " 26 April 1669 aged 84 "; line 14,ybr " Earl," read " Earl P><>)," and ineert a$ eaid note " (bb) He was a member of Cromwell's Bouoe of Lorde (1667-68) ; see voL ii, p. 84, note (o) for a list thereof ": line 21, after " m./^ add " about 20 Oct 1682."