Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/448

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438 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. IV. 9.407; lino 2, /h-" 1682," flYwi'« 1992"; line 10, /br^lTlV rmd "1706"; Iim 4, fw " da. of Thonia/' remd " (hfliK«(<i) of John Hall, of Bradfoid, WilU, who d, s.p. legit in Sep. 1711) da. of ThoniM^" mnd iuld •$ mid naU " {*) John HaU waa undoubtedly her •drnml, tho' Thomaa Bayntoo waa her Ugal faUier. See an article by J. H. Round [Koater'a CoilecL Oem., vol i, p. 17] clearing up the many blonden in the varioua aooounta of tfaia lady "; line 82, fur " whan," remd ** but pleading her privilege aa a Feereaa eacaped aentenee, and"; liiie 41, tifter

  • ' Berlu/' ydd ** Barony." Kote («) eancUds ** Thia trial i«, alao, the leading caae

on the doctrine of Katoppel. A previona marriage ia aaaigned to him in the OtmL Map. for Hay 1734 (aa 'ktely,' at Paria) with 'Lewiaa FnuMMca, commonly called MIU de Maine, da. of Lewia Anguatua of Bourbon, Duke of Maine.' Thii ia probably a fiction." p. 400 ; line 80, fir •* Gkpt," read *« Hajor"; line 81 madmdt *« He <!. 26 Aug. 1896 at Peoroae, near Helaton, Cornwall, and waa frvr. at Biddleaden, Bucks. Will pr. at £8,584." p. 411: line 12, /or « 1787," read •< 1787-90"; line 15, afUr *'1805," add aged 51 "; lioe 18, /ur " 2d," read " 3d "; line 20, Jor " 21," read " 11 "; Une 21, fir "in London," reo^i '*at the house of Lord Henry Fitigerald, in Stratlbrd place, Marylebone"; Une 24, for ** 48," read 'MO**; line 25, eundude^'at Bath"; line 38, fir *< 1891,r«aii '* 1898 "; Une 50, for " PerMmality." read "Personalty." NoU («) coadMU "of fever, at Naples." p. 412; in margin, fir <• 1644," read "1644 or 1649!" between lines 18 and 14 interiaeuader — KINNEAR OF SPURNESS. i.e.t '* Kknhiab of Sfubnsbs, co. Orkney," Boiony (KinnMr), er, 1897 ; see vol viii, p. 244, in Afpudix. line 86. ddc '* 7th "; line 40, dde "only "; line 41, deU •< 1624 Ull 8 Oct 1644 when " taaerl " for some period before v*) " ; inaeri a» mid fwU *' (*) The succession of these Earls is confused. One of them died in Oct 1649, at the Earl of Morton's bouse at Buisey in Orkney, and that person (writea S. R Gardiner) was 'aa a matter of fact the 8d Earl ' and probably a br. of his succeaeor. That successor, himself, is presumed (by Gordon of Sallagh, who liTed near the district) to have periahed from famine after the defeat of Montrose st Corbiesdale, 27 April 1650 : in which case the Earl who d, in 1677 would be the 5th [I] inatead of the 8d one. lAtkeaeeum, 11 Nov. 1898]." p. 413 ; line 12, fir «< 1759," read ** 1709 "; line 28, a/Ur " Jobmbtok," read " She d 1696, and was ^ifr. st St. Ge«»rge's Southwsrk "; line 88, Ar **PENWAR^ PINE," read *' FEDWARDINE "; line 86, after «« about," add '* 1 Sep."; Une 46, far ** 28," read " 29." p. 414 ; line 1,/or " Sep.," read " Dec"; after "bur.," add " 28 "; line 12, /or " 28," rmd " 27 "; line 19, afUr '< 1887," add "st Bromley palace, aged 76 "; Une 22, after " Somerset," add " hap. 6 ; reg. st Broadsworth, oo. York "; line 28, e^fkr

    • 1804," add '* ed. at Westm. School "; line 28, after ** Toi^iuay," odd '^ 5vr. 26,

ttt Aberdalgie"; line 81, Jor " London," read " Grosvenor street"; Une 82, far «« 1806," read " he mu. to the peerage, 18 Feb. 1866 "; line 35, eondude '* and d. of bronchitis, 27 Jan. 1895, at the Berkeltty Hotel, Piccadilly, being <Fiir. at Dupulin. He d, at the Bungalow, near Torquay, 81 Jan. 1897, and was 5ttr. 6 Feb. st Dupplin, aged 69. WiU pr. at £49,624 "; Une 87, ajter '* 1849," add " at 47 Green street, Grosvenor square "; last Une, after " bur." add " 18." P- 415 ; Unea 1 and 2, dde to " h. ap.," and iiiwrf a$ under — XIL 1897. Jf^. Abchibald Fitzboy (jkorgk (Hay), Earl . of KiMNOUL [S. 1663], Ac, aUo Babon Hay of Pidwauoikk [G.B. 1711], 8d but lat surv. s. and h. line 4, after ** campaign," add " Uyled Lord Hay of Kinfadns from Maroh 1886. tiU ha iuc to Hu peerage^ 81 Jan. 1897"; Une 5, after "Place," add " Solicitor"; Une 6, far << 1885]," rmd " 1885 "; between lines 6 and 7, intert Edmukd-Alfbsd-Rollo-Gkobgb Hay, lUyled, biiice 18D7, Lord Hay of KiiiVAinit, or Vuooukt Duppuv, only s. and b. sp., b. 1879.