Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/451

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OORRIGBNDA, BTC, TO VOL. V. 441 p. 16 ; Beiween lines 9 and 10» {n$eri tu under-^ LANGNEWTOUN, seo IjONQKBWton. Between lines 16 end 16, in$ert a$ under — LANOVRR, seo Llanotbr. p. 17 ; Note (»), Kite 6, /or ** phlemntic," read *' phlegmstie '*; line 7» />r " unem- bATsssed," rtad ** unemlMUTassed." Note (^), eondudt " A speech sttriboted to him is thus brilliantly traverstied in one of the political eologuea that aooompany Th€ RMad" ' A noble Duke affirms I like his plan. — I never did, my Lords — I never can. — Plain words, thank Heaven, are always nnderstoodi** I could approve, I said ; but not, I wouUL' " Note («'), lines 6 and 7, 40$ «that " to <« years," UmH "not to any other." p. 18 ; line 1, i$U '< Sir "; line 2, after ** Meath," add '< stylmg himself a Banmet"; line 22, etmeiude «*at Melbury"; line 26, ^fter <*1786," add '«and who was Principal Lady of the Bedchamber, Aug. 1887 to Sep. 1888 "; far '* Maroh," rtad •' and was 6tir. 11 April "; line 82, after *< 25," add « at Lansdowne House^ Berkeley square, and wrs 6ttr. at High Wycombe "; line 88, fifr " and," read " who (L 6 July 1897, aged 86, at Wimble<lon Common, Surrey. She "; line 84, fi>r ** 1892," read ** 1898"; line 62, ft^ '< was liring 1892," rsod "d 26 Jane 1895, at Meiklour Honse, co. Perth, sged 76." p. 19 ; line 8, fw " 1888," read ** 1888-98 ; Sec. of SUte for War, sboe 1895 ; me. his mother, 26 June 1895, as LORD NAIRNE [S. 1681] thus having a peerage in the three Kingdoms(<l) "; ineert a$ §aid note « («>) See vol. viii, p. 254, note (% where, however, the name ' Marquess of Lansdowne,' should be inserted "; line 18, after " Eton," add " and at Ball. Coll., Oxford ; B.A., 1894 ; Lieut Oren. Guards "; line 21, eondude, " Principal Hetidenea — Bowood Park, near Calne, Wilts ; Meiklour House, co. Perth, and Derreen, near Kenmare, oo. Kerry "; lines 26, 27 and 28, mfter " Lansladron," add " or Nanbladiior "; line 88, after •<LANTHONT," add '*iee also LLANTHONT." Note (•), line 4, far " Trerise," read « Trerice "; line 6, for " Trorice," read *« Trerioe." p. 20 ; tine 26, after '< 1892," add "and again July 1895 ; Q.O.B., 1892"; (0er " 1860," add " at SL Paul's, Kniglitbridge"; line 28, candude "and was kiUed by a carriage accident, near Lathom House, 28 Nov. 1897, sged 56 ; hur, at Ormskirk." p. 21 ; line 10, for *« Esoha«tor," read *' Escheator," Note («), line 8, for '* marV read " store." p. 38 ; line 15, after " howeyer," add ** (who was h. in the Spring of 1279, at Bylton) "; lines 25 and 26, dele ** but " to " 1869," ineert <* They were both living in 1866, bnthecf. s.p. and v.p. before 29 June 1868"; line 80, /or '* Becherelle," read

  • ' Becherel 'U last line, for " 80," reiui " at York, 81." Note (I), line 2, >br « de,"

read *' (de Meinill), Lord." p. 23 ; line 5, after « no," add " male "; line 6, conclude *' Will, duwsting her borial to be at Spilsby, dat. 18 Oct and pr. 10 Nov. 1895, at Lincoln "; line 14, fir '* parts," reoii <* part "; line 1 5, eondtuU '* his " ; line 1 6, after " 1480," add «• WUI. in which he makes no mention of his wife, dat. nt Poppleton, near York, 8 and pr. 14 Dec. 1480, at York"; /or **d. Aug. 1448," read "who was 6. before June 1414, d 26 Aug. 1446, end was 6Mr. in Roche Abbey, oo. York"; line 19, after the Ent '* sister," add " of the whole blood." p. 24 ; line 10, for " 5th," read "11th "; line 25, for '* 8d," read " 9th." Note (a), line 6, after •• This," add "sister." Note (^), dde " AUce Skipwith, 1st wife"; see voL v, p. 428, in the corrigenda to this page. 2Q