Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/452

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p. 25; line 25, see vol. iv, p. 428, in the corrigenda to this page: line 29, after "rising," add "(1536-37)”; conclude "M.I. at Hornby"; lines 31 and 32, dele 20 July " to "secondly"; line 84, for "1526-27," read "7 Feb. 1526/7"; line 85, after "afsd.," add "M.I. at Hornby. He m. secondly, 20 July 1528, in the chapel of Snapemanor, Elizabeth, da. of Sir Edward Musgrave, of Hartland, co. Westmorland, by Joan, da, of Sir Christopher Ward. She d. s.p."; after "thirdly," add "in 1538"; lines 35 and 36, dele "Edward " to "1528-29," insert "Sir Edward Burgh (who d. s.p. and v.p. before April 1583, being s. and h. ap. of Thomas, Lord Burgh)"; line 40, after " as," add "her 3d husband, and."

p. 28; line 2, for "first," read "second "; line 6, after "Browne," add " K.G.”; line 7, after "1577," add "aged 61 "; line 8, conclude " and at Hackney, Midx." line 9, for "28 April 1581/2," read "28 Feb. 1582/8, aged 59"; line 18, for "(-)," read "William"; after "Warwick," add " by Elizabeth, da. of Edward Conway, of Arrowe."

p. 28; line 3, for "GUILDFORD," read “GUILFORD"; line 6, after "firstly," add "long before 1648"; line 10, conclude "(then about 44) "; line 16, after "issue," add " d. of convulsions, 5 and."

p. 31; in margin, for " 1793," read " 1795." Line 9, after "at," add "St."; line 12 for "1889," read "1889-94 "; line 17, for "Haddingshire," read "Haddington-shire"; line 28, see vol. v, p. 428, in the corrigenda to this page; line 35, after "Carlisle," add "or Carlile."

p. 32; line 18, for "considerably," read "materially"; line 21, after " Council," add "of India"; line 27, for "1892," read "1898 "; line 81, after "1879," add "a Lord in Waiting, since 1895 "; after "1872," add "at All Saints, Knightsbridge."

p. 33; line 26, after "1810," add "at Ardglass Castle"; line 89, for "Camden House," read "Campden House, Kensington."

p. 34; line 1, after " m.," add as his second wife "; line 13, after "suddenly," add "of apoplexy."

p. 35; line 19, for "before 1655," read "in 1651." Note (a), line 3, for "Lord (Nevill)," read "(Nevill), Lord." Note (c), line 11, after "that," add "six of."

p. 36; line 1, after "Latimer," add "s. and h. ap."; line 4, after " m.," add " before March 1676"; line 5, dele "(v.p.)"; line 20, for " Albury," read "Aldbury,” Top note, lines 2 to 10, dele "He was made" to "of all "; conclude "It should, however, be remembered to his credit, that owing to his personal remonstrances, William III. was (with difficulty) prevailed upon to cancel a general mandate which he had issued for a wholesale massacre of the Highland families (who had not taken the benefit of his gracious idemnity) and to content himself with operating on a smaller scale at Glencoe. [See Aytoun]."

p. 37; line 8, for " He d. 9 April 1781," read "by Julian, da. of George PRESTWOOD, of Butterford, Devon. He d. 9 May 1781, and was bur. at Harthill"; line 10, after "1794," add "in Stratford place, Marylebone"; line 23, after "d.," add "of apoplexy, while at dinner at her seat in Herts"; line 25, for "1789," read "1789(c)," and insert as said note " (c) He, his son, and his infaut grandson, were [1784-89] all Peers of the realm, probably a unique case."

p. 38; line 9, after "1799," add "in St. James' square, and was bur. 10 Feb. at Kiveton"; line 10, for "became," read " was (1880-87)": line 21, conclude "at Rainham (spec. lic.)."; line 24, after "London," add "after three days illness and was bur. 16, in Trinity church, Marylebone "; line 25, conclude "and was bur. at Harthill."

p. 39; line 5, after "Cambridge," add "and was bur. at Stoke Pogis"; line 10, for "1675," read "1673"; line 15, for "She," read "He d. of bronchitis, 23 Dec. 1895, at Horuby Castle, aged 67. Will pr. 1896, at £31,880. His widow"; line 16, conclude "She d., after a severe operation, 26 Oct. 1896, at 11 Grosvenor crescent. Both were bur. at Hornby"; line 19, dele "[George Godolphin Osborne"; insert as under