Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/453

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COBRIOBNBA, ETO., TO VOL. V. 443 X. 1895. 10. Gborob €k>DOLPHiN (Osbornb), Dues of LxBDSy fto., al9o YmcouvT Duhblahb [S. 1678], fd$o « Baronet [1620]. line 20, aJUr *'M2," add 'Mn Hereford street, Park ]ane";ybr "rince that date/' Ttad " from that date to 1805 "; line 21,/0r " 1887/' re€id ** 188705 "; line 22, after " 1887-88," add '*ittc to ihtpetroigt^ aa above, 28 Dec. 1805 ;.Trefuiurer of the Household, 180506"; line 80, ^br " Hill," rea), line 8, aft§r "attribute," oiU "(aa is done in the text of this article)." Note (K), see vol. y, p. 420, in the corrigenda to thia page. p. 41 ; line 2, for ** bt," read " and !)■ "; line 6, afUr " Vbbhahdois," add *' and DB Valois." Note (^ line 8, efttr " Preauz/' add " leaving six aons, of whom Robert succeeded him "; lines 8 to 5, cfefe " Of the two " to the end. See vol. t, p. 420, in the corrigenda to this page. P, 42 ; Une 1, hrfore '* Robert," iiueri ** 1 "; line 17, see vol. r, p. 420, in the corrigenda to this page. p. 43 ; line 5, for "since," read " from "; line 11, <2eb "in 1168/' which date (tho usually given) is clearly impossible, considering the ages of her children. It arisea from a misreading of Robert du Mont, who writes * anno 1168 obiit Rob., Com. Leio., relinq. filium Robertum, qui accepit cum uxore suft hereditatem de Grantemesntl.' [Bx, inform, G. W. Watson] ; lines 18 and 14, dde " She " to "during which/' and inurt "Joining in a Crusade"; line 15, eonriiMie "Hiq* widow 3. 1 April 1212/' p. 44 ; line 8, for " 6 Jan./' read *< 20 or 21 Oct "; line 10, /or *< but was dead before/' rMif "il. 4 March 1207, or"; line 12, for " coheir (>)," read <* coheir." Note (*), see vol. v., p. 420, in the corrigenda to this page. p. 45 ; Note (s), dcU, p. 46; line 7, for "2d," read "8d"; line 8, /or " betlirothed," tviui "previously; m. '*; Une 10, for " 24," read " 6 "; line 1 1, dde *' which/' to " to/' and ineeri '< on which account"; afUr "marriage," add "caused much scandal"; line 80, for "13," read "24." Note (•). line 0, fw "Raimondo," reed " Romano"; /or " Thomasse," read " Thomaaina." p. 48 ; line 18, after " m.," add " Sir "; line 20,/or " Warwick," reU " Warwick (0'*; line 24, for "05/' reed " 05 (K)/' Note {^ lines 4 and 5, deU " His!' U the end. The note between notes *< b " and " d " should be headed *< (e)." p. 49 ; line 7, a//«r " was," add "b. at Penshurst 10, and "; Une 16, after "Kent," add " (who d. 1625) "; Une 20, dde " (0 "; line 82, /or " s. and h.," rcad^'n. and ii.(V p. 60; in margin, for "1786/' read "1787." Lines 7 and 11, ybr "Pbhhotwt," read " Pbrbhurst " ; line 16, for " Rbbvbs of Thwates co. Suffolk," read " RBfeVB, 2d Bart, of Thwaite, oo. Suffolk, by MarKsret, sister of Sir Richard Omuow, Bart (^)"; insert at taid note '<(^^) Mary, the other coheir, m. the Hon, Thomas Sydney"; Une 17, eonehide^ "His widow m. May 1700, as his first wife, John Shbppabd, of Campsey Ash, Suffolk (who d. 18 Oct 1747), arid d. 18 April 1726, being bur. at Thwaite"; line 24, after "57," add "at Penshurst"; Une 27, deU " 1682 "; line 80, for «' h," read '< coheir "; after " of," add " QwemUwynwhith." p. 51: line (i, after •'mO," add "Holkham"; line 18, /or "in," rvmf"! April." Une 20, wmdade "who was ». 6 Feb. 1726"; Une 21, after "Sep. IZWr add " at Morton House, Chiswiek, and was bur. 11 Oct at Weatm. Abbey." Note (f ), after '< his," add " (erroneous)." p. 52 ; Une 16, after " secondly," add " (spea Ua, he aged 67 and she 10) "; Une 10, after " 1842," add " under £60,000." p. 53 ; Une 0, after " 1848/' add " at Holkham "; line 11, effler " 1888," add " Col. 1802.04"; Une 88, after "firstly/' add "April 1660 (both being under age)"; Une 80, /or "in or before April 1670," read " about 20 July 1678.^' p. 54 ; Une 14, irfUr " 1764," add " High Steward of Oxford Univ. 1767 "; Une' 15, pftcr " uum./' add " at StoneleSgh Abbey.'*