Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/456

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4.4fi OORRIOENDA, ETO.» TO VOL. V. p. 79 ; in maraio, fw " 1782," read [three Umee] " 1770." Line 8, for " 1802," mil " 1898." p. 80 ; line 2, for " [l.y read « [L 1762] " ; line 7,/or '* diepatch," read " despetch "; line 9, for was/' read *'and" ; line 9, after "YiaooiinV add under the ■pea rem. afid." ; line 19, eonelude ** at Lady Bridget Tolleniache'a bouse " ; line 21, eondude "at Kirkby Mallory, co. Leicester"; line 81, after "1828," add "at Clifton"; line 84, efier *<iR.," add "(spec. Uo.) at Pentwortham, oo. Lono." ; last line, after " 50," add " and was bur, IS, at Achurch, oo. Northampton." p; 81 ; line 4, far **Ull," read << July 1887 to"; line 7, for *'Uving 1892," read

    • d, 7 Dec. 1891"; line 9, after "1888," add <'in Stanhope street"; line 10,

conclude "at St. Geo. Han. sq."; line 15, for "She was b. 1839," read " Had. at Lilford Hall, 17 and was bur. SO June 1896, at Achurch afsd. yill pr. at £50,984. His widow, who was b. 1889, living 1898. V. 1896. 5. John (Powts), Bakok Lilfobd [1797], 2d but lat sunr. s. and h. ; 6. 12 Jan. 1868 ; ed. at Ozfoi-d (Bras. ColL) ; B.A., 1S86 ; Mfc. to the peerage, 17 June 1896. He m. 9 Aug. 1894, Milly Louisa IsabelU, Ist da. of George William Culme Soltau-Symons, of Chaddlewood, South Devon." p. 82; line , for "attaifuUd," read "atUinted"; line 8, eondude "The wQl of Mary, Dow. Gtss. of Limerick, 1708, is in the Prerog. Gt [I.] "; Hue 20, eonelude "and was bur. 18, at St. James' Westm." p. 83; line 10, eondude " Personalty under £80,000 "; lines 11 and 16, for "since," read *• after"; line 11, for "s.," read <*2d but 1st surv. s."; line 12, after " 1789," add "ed. (1808) at Winchester." p, 84; Hue 12, for "1887," read "188796; P.C.. 1889"; far "1889," read ^ 1889-92, and again, 1895-96 "; line 13, for " 1892," read " 18 March 1892"; line 18, eondude " He d. at his seat, Tcwin Water, in Digswdl, Herts, 8 Aug. 1896, sged 56, and was bur. at Digswell. Will pr. at £28,965 gross, and £8,975 net His widow m. 22 Feb. 1898, at the Uom. Oath. ch. of the Annunciation, Marylebone, Major B. H. Euot, Itoyal Body Guard of the Yeoman of the Guard, formerly Royal Artillery "; lines 19 to 28, dde^ and imert ae under — VI. 1896. 4' William Henry Edmokd db Verb Shbaffb (Pert), Eabl OB LiAiBRiOK [1808], VisoouHT LiMBRiCK [1800], and Babon Glbhtwokth op Mallow [1790], lu Uie peerage of Ireland, alto Babon Foxfobd op Stackfolb Goubt [U.K. 1815], s. and h., being only s. of first wife ; 5. 16 Sep. 1868 ; defied Lord Glxntwurtu, 18U6-96 ; ed. at Eton ; sometime (1884) Lieut, in the Rifle Brigade ; tuc. to the peerage, as abo?e, 8 Auf. 1896. He m. 28 July 1890, at St. Manf's, Gadogan atreet. May Imelda Josephwe, da. of Joseph Burke Ibwim, of Stelleen House, co. Drogheda. fEDMOND-WlLLIAM-CLAUDE-GERABD-DB-VBRB PbRY, styled^ BlUGO 1896, Lord Glbmtwobth, Ist s. and h. ap., 6. 14 Oct. 1894, at Gelbridge, in Ireland]. Note (»), conclude "Sir F. Palgrave iNormaudyf vol. i, p. 708] sUtes that 'to the last, the Normans could never learn to say Lincdn ; they never could get nearer than Nineolt or Niede.* The early Earls of Lincoln are, accordingly, often styled Contee da Nkhde. See also N. d: Q., 8th S., xi, 49." p. 87 ; Top note, line 7, for '* Dbyon," read *' Dobbbt." p. 88 ; line 4, for " Dauphlin," read " Dauphin "; lines 5 and 6, also Note (»), Una 1, for " Gaht," read " Gak0." p. 90 ; Unes 1 and 17, /or '<Hawise," read " Hawyse"; line 9, for "on his father's death in 1219," read '* d. v.p. 1217, and his da. Margaret"; Ime 10, for '*her," reoif ** Hawyse's "; line 11, for *• s. and L," read "2d, but 1st surv. s. and h."; line 18, after " Gheater," add " by, presumably, Maud, da of Richard (db Glabb), Eabl of Hbbtvobd"; aftar "1211," add "being then a minor"; line 16, for " 1282," rMi " 21 June 1221 "; line 28, eonduifa ** She was living 1267 "; line 27, for "in," read "at Woodatock"; line 28, for "Eleanora, da. of Philip," read ^ "Beatrice, da. of Am6de6 IIL"; laat line, eondude «*bttt was Uving 1802."

  • ' Note (•), lihe hfor "ouUaudish," read "ouUandish."