Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/457

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OORRIQENDA, RTO., TO VOL. V. 447 p. 91 ; line 8, afUf " being," add " great gnnd-dMighter and heir (24 Ans. 1261) of Ela, generally considered sHojHr$ Gountees of Salisbury, and the"; Tine 9, /or "the 8d/' read *' often spoken of, as"; d$l$ <'of that race"; line 10, d^U "(Clifpord) Lord db"; line 1ft, ^fter "ap,"and line 18,«/(er '<h.,"mM*'by first wife/' Note (*>), line 1, after ** the second William," add ** also often spoken of as '* ; line 8, for " generally," read " often." Note («), linee 2 to 6, deU ** indeed " to the end ; ineert *' but such does not appear to liaYe been the case. Bee tub Saubburt." II. 92 ; Unes 2 and 8, dele '< and " to " Saubburt." p. 93 ; in maigin, for « 1540 f " read " 1684." Une 4, for " 1467 " read " 1466/7 "; line 17, after " ».," add '* at Bath place, 11 March '^; line 19,/ur '• before 14 Aug. 1546," read <* 8 March 1584(<»)"; inettrt ae eaid note " («) See ?ol. t, p. 429, in the eorrigenda to this page"; line 27, after " where," add " (at Leith)." p. 94 ; Unes 8 and 4, dele " 1531 " to ** 1580)," ineert " 1540, Elisabeth, widow of Gilbert (Tailbots), Lord Taifjiotr (who d, 16 April 1589) "; line 8, dele ** about 1540, but certainly"; line 16, for '< Dublin," read "Kilflare**; line 18, after '* Clinton," read ** aliae Fibnnrr"; line 80, erfUr '*Sep. 1616," read *'and was 6«r. 80 at Tattershall, oo. Lincoln." p. 95 ; line 17, oondvde " his house near Chsring cross "; line 24, /cr " Presbiterian," read '* Presbyterian "; line 80, for " 21," read " 22 "; line 81, after *< 1670." add "and before Feb. 1677/8 (the date of her naturalisation)"; for ** Verun," read "Verdun"; after "25," add "Aug." Note (»), line I, for 'In." read ♦•The 4th Earl, in "; for '«he," read *' (1618/9)"; line 8, for '* 4th," read " 5tb "; last line, eondude as in toI. ▼, p. 480, in the eorrigenda to this page. p. 96; line 25. /or "Hollbs," read " Pblhaic-Hollrs "; line 28, afUr jtair/ add '*at his sent called Oatlnnds in WeYbridge(«)"; ineert ae eaid note •' {•) See ▼ol. ▼, p. 430, in the eorrigenda to thu page "; line 85, after *' Henry," oilcl " FiBNNBS." p. 97 : line 25, /or « s.," read « br. "; line 28, after *< Torkshire," add « He also si. [Vieit. nfeo, York, 1665] Elisabeth, da. of John Torkk, of Qunlthwayt, oo. York, by his first wife, Florence, da. of ( — ) Sbarpb, of co. Westmorland." p. 98 ; line 16, /t " living Aug. 1784/' read *' cf. at Weetm. 25 Feb. 1790. sged 94 "; line 83, after *'year," add *'at his seat near Maidenhead. Note (<>), eonelmde " This however is erroneous, as the Leslies, of co. Antrim, descendants of Henry, Bishop of Down end Connor [who was s. of James, yr. br. of Andrew, Earl of llotlies {(L 1611), both being sons of Qoorge, the 4th Earl], are now (1894) such representatives. [£e injform. U. C. Leslie]." p. 99 ; line 18, ftr *' Sir Robert Strwart, of Lorn," read *' Robert (Strwart), 1st Lord Lorn [S.]"; line 22, for '* Sanchiebum," read " Sauchiebum " ; line 26, for " 1490," read *' 1490/1 "; line 28, dele " after " to " before," and tnserl "between 2 Oct and." Note (<*), eonclude "but he by notarial instrument, 28 Sep. 1497, resigned his rights of Lordship and heritage to his brother Patrick." p. 100 ; in margin, for " 1591," read " 1589." Line 5, after •' Foethan," add " She was living 29 April 1524 "; after " 1526," add *< (after 8 March) "; line 10, for "July," read "28 Aug."; line 29, for "Longsyde," re<uf "Ungsyde"; for " seising," read " siesing "; line 80, after " m." add « about 1558, before 80 Oct 1557 "; line 86, for " He m. before 16 Feb. 1578/4," read *'b. about 1554. He m. (contract 9 May 1578) "; last line, /or '* June," read "Jan. (confirmed 18 April)." p. 101 ; line 2, after " 1616," add " Will pr. at Edinburgh, 7 Msy 1617 "; line 6, for " 1598," read " 1611 " ; line 7, after " 1616," add « was a minor in 1617 and first sat in Pari. [S.] in 1688 ; '^ line 12, for " since," read " from ; " line 14, <^^ " in his 81st year."