Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/46

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36 WAKR. ttr gnaidliig the marchef of SootiAnd, 1299, and was Mim. to Pari, aa a Baron (LORD WAKB), bj write dated from 1 Oct. (1295) 28 Bd. I. to 19 Dec. (1299) 28 Rd. I. He m. JoaDe,(») mid to be da. of Sir Joha FitiBarbabd, of Kingadown, oo. Keot. He d. (1800) 28 Ed. I. Etch. 28 Ed. [. II. 1300. S. Thomas (Wakk), Lord Waki, or Lord Wakb de Ltobll^ only a and b., aged 2 years at hia father's death in 1800. He was sum. to ParL(i>) from 20 Nut. (1317) 11 Ed. IL to 20 Nov. (1848) 22 Kd. III., the write being generally directed '* 7'homa Wake," but sometimes " Thoma WaU de Lifddl*' Ue took part against Kd. II. with the Queen Consort, by whom he was inade Justiop of all foresU, ioiith of Trent, and Consteble of the Tower of London. In the next rrign he was Qow. of Hertford Castle, ss slso of the islands of Jeney, Guernsey, ke. He was one of the 12 Lords^) appointed in Jan. 1226/7, as Council to the young King Edward III. ; took part with Edward Balliol in his claim to the Crown of Scotland in 1329 ; waa auspected, but cleared himaelf, of being in the Karl of Kent's conspiracy in 1880, and was in the wars with Prance, 1842. He at. Blanche, 2d da. of Henry (Plamtaqimr), Babl of LAHoaana (grandson of Henry HI.), by Mandf da. and h. of Sir Patrick Chawurth. He d a.p. 81 May (1849) 23 Ed. IIL His widow long aurvived him. Her will (aa ^* Blanche de Lancastre, Lady Wake ") pr. July 1880, at Lincoln. III. 1349. 3. Marqahbt, Dow. Countiss of Kbnt and, suo jure^ Barorbs Wakr/') aister and h., by the death of her aaid brother, in 1349, became sole heir of her father, so sum, in 1295 as afsd. She «. firstly Jobn Couth, of Badenoch. and secondly, about 1S27| Edmund (Plant aobhrt), Eabl op KsHrCyst. a. of Edward I.) who waa beheaded 29 March 1829/80, aged 28. She had livery of her late brother'a eaUtes, but d aborUy afterwarda, 29 Sep. 1849, aged 40. lY. 1349, 4. John (Pulntagrnkt), Earl op Kent, Lord Sep. Waki, ftc, 2d but Ist surv. s. and h. ; 6. 7 April 1330 ; 9ue, his elder br., in 1333, ss Karl of Kent and Lord Wood- atod[, and me. hia mother, in 1849, as Lord Wake. He d, s.p. 22 Dec. 1852, aged 22. y. 1 352. 5. Joan, suojurfi, Baronbss Wakb and Barokbss Woodstock, and, according to »ome, iuo jure CouNTi-sa ov KiRT, b. 1831 ; m. Thoroaii (Dr Holamd) Karl op Kbmt, who d. 28 Dea 1360. She m. aecondly Edward, Prince of Wales (who d. v.p. 8 June 1876, aged 46), by whom she was mother of Richard II. She ct. 8 July 1385, uged about 64. VI. 1385. 6, Thomas (db HoijANd), Earl of Kbnt, Lord Waki, Ac , b. 1850 ; §uc. hia father, 28 Dec. 1360. as Earl of Kent, and tue. hia mother (the Princess of Wales) 8 July 1385, as Lord Wake, &c He d. 25 April 1897. VII. 1397. 7. Thomas (db Holand), Earl OP Kbnt, Lord Waki, &c., s. and h., 6. 1374 ; was Dukk of SoRHsr, 1897-99. He d. s.p., being beheaded 6 Jan. 1899/400. YIII. 1400, 8. Edmund (db Holand), Earl op Kbnt [1360], to Lord Waki [1295], Lord Woodstock [1320] and Lord 1408. HOLAHD [1353], br. and h. ; 6. 8 Jan. 1384 ; d. 8.p. 18 Sep. 1408, when the Barldom of Keni became exHntt, but the Baronite of Wake, Woodttock and ilolamf, fell into abtjfanee,^) j (*) Thomas, Lord Wake, direota prayers to be mivde for Joaue, hts mother. The parentage, howeyer, of thia Joan is s<>mewhat doubtful. (^) There ia proof in the rolls of Psrl. of his sitting. («) Bee ▼ol. vl, p. 229, note " d./ etib " Percy." (^) According to the now reooi?ed doctrine aa to the creation of an hereditary Bajrony by writ of aummona. (*) The coheirs in 1408 were lus sisters or their descendants, of whom (1) Bleanor ». firatly» before 1391, Roger (Mortimer), Earl of March, and d. 23 Oct CO o 00 I o 9 I