Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/47

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WAKBFIBLD — WALDBORAVB. 87 WAKEFIELD. f.fl., "Kru of Warbfibld, 00, York," EiirUoin (/T^r), cr. 1722; ex. 1804 ; Me ** JRozbdbgbb," Dukedom [SJ, er. 1707, mi6 the 2d Duke. WAILSH see WALSH. WALCOT. t.f., " Clivb of Waloot," oa Salop," Barony {Clive cr. 1794 ; see " Powis," Earldom, cr. 1804. WALDEGRAVE and WALDEGRAVE OF CHEWTON. Barony. 1, Sir Hbn'rt Waldbgbavb, Bart., of Chewton, co. I 1689 Somereet, Kavestock, oo. Kasez, and Stanninghiill, oo. Norfolk, let e. and h. of Sir Charles Walpioravii, 3d Bart,(*) of the same, by Helen, da. of Sir Cbarlee Enolbfibud, 2d Bart ; wae 6. before 1668 ; tue, hie father, in 1684 as 4th Baronet (a dignity a 1 Aug. 1648) and, having w. 20 Nov. 1683, Henrietta FmsJAHin, Siiiti^tcr, illcgit. da. of JameB II., by Arabella GiflTRCHiLi«, Spineter. was cr. by that King(^), 20 Jnu. 1685/6, BAIION WALDBQRAVE OF CHEWTON, ci>. Somerset He was Comptroller of the Household, 1667*88; L.-Lieut of Somerset, 1687-88; Kecorder of Taunton, 1688. He, after the Re?olution, accompanied James 11. to Paris, where he d. 1689. Will Sr. IGOl. His widow d. 8 and was hur, 7 April 1730, at Navestock afsd., aged 68. LI. Admon. 10 June 1784. U. 1689. Saudi. Jambs (Waldboravb), Baron Waijobgravb Xarldom. ^' Chiwton, Isl s. and h. ; 6. 1684 ; iue, to the peerage, 1689 ; ed. in France, but renounced the lioman Catholic faith, taking the oaUis L 1729. accordingly and his ntni in the House of Lfirds, 12 Feb. 1721/2 ; was a Lord of the Bedchamber to Geo. I, 1723, and to Geo. II, 1790 ; Ambaaeador on a spec mission to Paris for oongrati*. on the marriage of the King, Sep. 1725 ; Ambaesiulor iu residence at Viennn, 1727-30, lM*ing, for his difficult diplomatic services there, er. 13 Sep. 1729, VISCOUNT Somerset, and EARL WALDEGKAVE.(«) Ambassador to Paris, 1730-40. Vice Admiral of Emcz, 1785 ; P.O., 1735 ; el. and inv. KO. 20 Feb. 1737/8, and inst. (by proxy), 15 June 1788. He m. in 1714, Mary, 2d da. of Sir John Webb, 8d Bart, of Hatherop, CO. Gloucester, by Barbara, da. and coheir of John (Bklastbb), Ist Baron Bblabtbb or WoBLABT. She d. in childbirth, 22 and was hur, 27 Jan. 1718/9, in Wcstm. 1405, leafing issue, of whom her crandson and heir became Ring, as Edward IV, in 1460, waen such representation merged iu the Crown. (2) Margaret m. firstly, before 1399, John (Beaufort), Earl of Somerset, and d, (as Duchess of Clarence) 80 Dec. 1429. Her grandaiighter and heir, Margaret {bam Beaufort) Ountess of Ridimond, was sue (on her death, 29 June 1509) by her grandson and heir, Henry VXII., when such representation merged in the Crown. (3) Joan m. firstly, about 1393 (as his 2d wife) Edmund (Plntitneenet). liit Duke uf Tork, and (f. s.p. 12 April 1434. (4) Eleanor, living 1406, and theu wife of Thomas (de Montacute), Earl of Salisbury, Lord Montucute and Lonl Monthermer, by whom she had issue. With these two Baronies her shnre of the representation of the Barony of Wake thereafter devolved. (5) RliEabeth m. Sir John Nevill, s. snd h. ap. of Ralph, 1st Earl of Westmorland, which John d. v.p. 1423, leaving issue by her the 2d and succeeding Earls. On the death of the 6th Karl in 1584, this share of this representation devolved on his dsughters and coheirs. (6) Bridget, a nun at Barking. (*) It would seem from ImhoflT (*' (?f nea^o^y of Great Britain, 1690, p. 234) as if this Sir Charles was the King's Physician ; for, spcHking of the son's |«erage, he says, " Paive natus est Medico Primario R. Jac. II., cnjus flliam naturalem cum ills in axorem aooepisset, Baronts simul honors auctus fuit" {^) This was one of the 10 English Peerages made by James II. before his dethrone* ment See vol. iii, p. 78, note " a," $ub " Derwentwater." («) See Tol. 11, p. 102, nbto *' a," tub " Caddgan," as to peerage titles of Earldoms, fto., taken from the family name.