Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/48

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38 WALDBGBAVK AUmj, aged 28. Ha d ^'of dropay and jaundice," at NaveaiodK afad., 11 and waa htr. then 18 April 1741, aged 57.(*) M.L WUl pr. 1741. Earldom* IL Barony. m. iP and S. Jamss (Waldbgbavb), Earl Waldb- GBAVi, Ao., let ai and h. ; 6. 4 March 1714/5 ; ed. at Eton; . 1741. <<]M ViBooDNT CHKWTOir from 1729 till he me. to tke peeroffe, aa abore, 11 April 1741 ; a Lord of the Bed- chamber, 1748-52 ; er, LLd. of Ounbridge, 8 Jalj 1749; F.Ra, 14 Dec 1749; L. Warden of the Stannariea, 1751-62 ; P.O., 1752 ; Qot. and Keeper of the privr puree to Qeorge, Prince of Wales, and to Prince Edward, 1752-56 ; a Teller of the Kxdiequer, 1757 ; aaid(t>) to have been Firat Lord of tlie Traasury, 8 to 12 June 1757 ; eL and inv. KO., 80 June, and inat. 80 Aug. 1757 ; F.R.S., &o. He m. firatly, Dee. 1754 (— ) d«. of (— ) Dbax. She d. a p. He ai. aeoondly, 15 May 1759, at her father*a houae in Pall ICall, St Jamea' Weatm., Maria, second of the illc^it daughters of the Hon. Sir Edward Walpolb, KB., by Dorothy Clbmuto, Spuiater.(«) He li. a.p.m. of the small poz,28 April 1768, and waa frier, at Naveatock, aged 48. M.I.(<>) Will pr. 1768. flia widow, who waa bap. 10 July 1786, at St Jamea' afad., ». 6 Sep. 1766, at her houae in Pall Mall, ff.R.H. Prince William Henry, Dru or GiAUcnriB, who d. 25 Aug. 1805, aged 61. Her Qraoe d. at Brompton, oo Midz., 22 and waa bur. (with her aeoond hnaband) 81 Aug. 1807, in St Qeoige'a chapel, Windsor, aged 71.(*) WiU pr. 1807. Barldom. III. Barony. IV. 3 and 4- John (Waldeorayb), Eabl Waldb- ORAVB, &c., only surv. br. and h. male, being 8d and yat , 1763. ** ^' ^^^ ^*^ Earl(0 ; b. at Qhent, in Flanders, 28 April 1718 ; entered the army 1785. distioguishiDg himself at the battle of Minden, 1 Aug. 1759, and becoming eventually, 1772, full General ; waa Aide-de-Camp to the Duke of Oumberlnnd, 1747 ; Groom of the Bedcbamlier, to Geo. II., 1747, and to Geo. III., 1760-68 ; M.P. for Oxford, 1747-54, and for Newcastle- under-Lyne, 1754-68 ; Got. of Plymouth, 1760 ; iue. to tke peerage^ 28 April 1768 ; Master of the Horse to the Queen Consort, 1770 ; Col. of the Coldstream Foot Guarda, 1775 ; L.-Lieut of Bssez, 1781. He m. 7 May, 1751, Eliaabeth, aister to Granville (Livbson-Gowbr), let Mabquii88 of STAvrouD. 5th da. of John, In Earl Gowbr, by hia first wife, Evelyn, da. of Evelyn (Purrifont), 1st Ddkb of KiKoaTOV-UPON-HnLL. She, who in March 1748/9, waa hudy of the Bedchamber to the Princesses, Amelia and Caroline, d. 28 April, and was frtir. 5 May 1784, at NaTcatock. He d. six montlis later, suddenly of apoplezy, at an inn near Reading, 22 and was bur. 80 Oct. 1784, at Naveetock, aged 66.(() Admon. March 1785, and again Aug. 1848. (^) He appears to have been a successful diplomatist U. Walpole (" Oeo. II,, vol. i, p. 91) say a that he *'had complaisance enough to have covered fully or ill-nature, tho' in him it only concealed a very good understanding and made his good nature the lesa obaerved." (b) M Doyle "; but no such appointment, is in Ockerby*B ** Haydn* e dignUiee." (®) This Dorothy is said to have been a milliner'a apprentice at Durham. i*^) A very long and highly eulogistic character of him is thereon. A copy is given in " C*tiUn$." The Earl is best known aa being author of " flittorieal Memoirt, 1754-1758," pub. in 1821, and noUoed (very fully) in Uie "Quarterly Review;* vol. zzv. His portniit "after Sir J. Reynolds," is engraved in ** Doyle.** {*) '* A lady of exquisite beauty." Her nnde, Horace Walpole, says of her " she was very pious, charitable, siucere, frauk, and friendly, but worm and resentful ; hur sense atrong; her wit ready aud very pointed." (0 The second son, also named John, was 6. 17 Jan. 1715/6, and d. the same day at Ghent, in Flanders. (ff) H. Walpole {'* Oeo. IL, vol. iii, p. 199), calls him a man, who united much frauknesa with ateady attention to his mterest His parta were never taken notice of but on this occasion [f.<., the battle of Minden], but euth an occasion ia immortalitv." On thia occasion too the same writer remarka (Lettere iii, p. 852) alluding to his extreme leanness {** too lean for to be a Groom of the Bedchamber ") that '* Johnny Waldegrave waa shot through the hat and through the coat, and would have been shot through the body, if he had had any."