Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/465

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OORRIQBKDA, ETC., TO VOL. V. 455 Owm Miridiihf a ▼one writer of aome merit'*; line 25, /w "and O.L, liTlnfl^ 1892/' read "in Cnmbridge terrace, Hyde Park ; waa O.JL ; a Lady of the Bed- diamber einoe 1895, Kfitig 1898"; line 38, for *« SMITH," read ^*8MlTti(^)"; insert at enid twle '* (^) He, who wae br. to Uie witty Sydney Smith, waa well known aa Bobiu Smiih, See iV. # Q , 8th a, zii, p. 811 "; laat line, f&r " Emma Marr," read " Mary, otherwiee Emma WiLaOM, Hpimter, a minor,** Note («}, eonaude " The bitter aattre on him by Tennyson (deseribing him aa ' A padded Uitng that weara the etaye '), entitled The new Timon and the Poete, appeared in Punch, 28 Feb. 1846, being followed by iln After 7%4nighi, 7 Maroh." p. 190 ; line 14, c&ndude "He m. secondly (when aged 72), 15 Oct 1898, at All Sonla', Hastings, Julia Katie (aged 18), yst. da. of Albert Smart, a tradeaman of that town(*) **; intert ae eaid note ** {^) She had * for sometime past been an assistant at a fancy warehouse at Eastbourne' [Daily Mail, 5 Not. 1896] "; line 23, i^fter « the same," add " (who d. 12 Jan. 1799) **; Une 25, after *« 1887," add

  • ' in 00. Antrim ; ed. at Dublin Uni7. ; M. A, 1759 "; line 89, after '* er„" add

" 8 June 1796 *'; last line, after " 1828,'* add " at 0>mey House afad., aged 86." p 191; lines 17 and 18, for " (moat exquisitely expressed), read "brilliant"; dde « several." p. 192 ; line 7, dde " waa" to " then "; line 8, for " but <f. before her huaband," read "in 1668, and d. 28 Sep. 1671"; line 88, for "1666," read *«and 6ap. 8 Aug. 1667." Note (•), line 8, for "history," read "existence"; line 4, fir "unauthentic," read "not establiahed "; line 7, condude aa in toL t, p. 480, in the corrigenda to this page. p. 193 ; line 14, after « m.," odd " 23 April 1671, at Wirksworth "; line 26, ^fter " 1722," add " at the Chapel Royal, St Jamea* "; line 81, for "Shirbum," read " Shirbumt>) "; inseH ae taid note " (>) See vol. ▼, p. 480, in the corrigenda to this page "; line 34, after *< 12," add '* Oct" p. 194; line 1, after " 1795," add <' in Cavendish sq. "; line 2, ^fter "1812," add "in Lower Berkeley street"; line 10, for '* 1705," remf "1795"; line 16, /or "Sherborne," read "Shirbum'*; Une 17, after "m.,*' add "s."; line 18, condude " under £140,000. Both bur, at Shu-bum "; line 24, for " 10," read "20"; line 29, condude "at Ensham Hall afsd., aged 81 "; lines 81 and 82, dde "[1721]" to "[1716V' intert "Ac."; line 42, for "She." read "He d. 24 July 1896, at 94 Katon aq., and wss bur. at Shirbum, aged 85. WiQ pr. at £559,506. His widow, who"; line 88, condude *' living 1898 "; line 45, for "Conduct," read "Conduit"; line 51, condude "He d. v. p. suddenly of cRrebml hcmorrnge, 25 Sep. 1895, agerl 51, at 22 Down street, Piccadilly. Will pr. at £1,105 groim and nil not. His widow m. 28 April 1807, at Christ Church, Mayfair, Oapt. Llewellyn Washington Matthews, 5th Drsguon Ouarda, and was living 1898. Earldom."^ X. Barooy. VII. Gborgb Lovbdbn Wiluam Hbnrt (Parrbr), Earl OP MACOLnFIKLD [1721], VlSOOCTNT PaRKBR OF EWILM [1721], 1896 *"^ Baron Parkbr op MAOOLRSPiBti) [1716], grandson and h., being only s. and h. of Qeoige Augustus Parkbr, etyled V18OOONT Parkbr, by Caroline Agnes, his second wife, both abovenamed. He was 5. 24 May 1888 ; waa etyled ViaoouRT Parkbr, from Sep. 1895 till he eue. to the peerage, aa above, 24 July 1896. p. 195; line 4, for "designation," read "designations"; Une 25, erfter "firetly," add "in or before 1850"; line 26, after *< Inverness," add "by whom he left male issue"; after " 1867," add <*at St Qeo. Han. sq."; line 29, for " 1893," read "s.p.m., 1898"; laat line, for "Bosvilb," read " BoeviLLB." Note (<>), line 1, for '*exisUnt," read "eiiatent"; for "alluded," read '< referred." p. 196 ; line 2, after "rf.," add "in Great George street"; line 11, for "was," read "ed. at Harrow; waa, 1796"; line 18, after "57," add "suddenly, at Bridlington"; for "if.," read "(who is said to have been a da. of H.RH. the Duke of Gloucester, by Lady Almeria Carpenter, spinster) if., aged 54, at Ikwaall"; line 20, for "Statb," read **Slatb"; line 28, for "Cromar," read