Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/466

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    • Oromar "; line 26, after " widow." add *• who wm b. 1819, at Kingaton Houaa,

KnighUbridge, and who waa a Lady of the Bedchamber, 1856-68 "; liue 82, . after •« 1626]," add •* br. and h." p. 198; line 11, Jw- "NoRifAif," r$ad '< Norman." Note (t>), dde, and tnaeH " See vol i, p. 857, note (•), tub Blaokbubn, aa to theae oreationa." p. 199 ; Hoe 10, for "Luub," read "(Lbslib)"; line 14, for <« (OnBiaHTOV," nod " Creighton "; line 83, after " which," add '<atUinder "; Hue 86, oondude " Will, 1629, in Prerog. Ct. [I.J." Note (»), conclude '*See, however, vol. vii, p. 280. note (*), eub Strathaixam." Note (•), loat line, for " Clanna," read " Clan na." 11. 200 ; line 17, eonelude "The will of 'Margaret, Lady Yiaotaa. lYeagh,' 1744, ia in the Prepog. Ct. [L] "; line 82, for " 1877," read " 1887 "; line 87, for " 1898,' read '* 1898." Pi 201 ; in margin, far *' 1644," read *< 1646." Line 18, for ** 1644," read " 1644/6 **; line 81, after *< [S.]," add "(d. 1 Aug. 1686)." Note (>>), line 2, far " to," read " of." p. 202 ; Between lines 20 and 21, imeri ae under— MALCOLM OF POLTALLOCH. «.«., " Malooiji of Poltallooh, CO. Argyll," Barony {Malcobn)^ er. 1896 ; aee toL viii, p. 247, in Appbndix. p. 203 ; line 12, for " ICaria," read " Anna Maria"; line 18, fiyr " 21," read '* 12 "; line 14, after *< widow," add » who waa 6. 2 May 1761 "; line 26, after " <f.," add "at Heron Court"; line 46, /or <Miving 1898," read "m. 18 Feb. 1896, at Trinity chnrch, Sloane atreet. Sir John Abdaqh, K.O.I.E., both being liTing 1898 '^; laat line, Jor " 1788," read " 1888." p. 204; line 6, eondude '*ed. at Ch. Ch., Oxford; B.A., 1896"; line 14, for

  • ' 1788," read " 1784 "; Une 84, dele *«a.p.m.a."; after "abeyance," add "among

the deacendanta of hia eldeat aon and heir ap." p. 206 ; line 7. for " to," read " on "; line 26, for " in 1891," read '* 14 Aug. 1890. NoU (»>), laat line, for " ather'a," read " father'a." ff» p. 206 ; line 12, after " 1668," add " at Boughton." Note (a), line 1, for ** alao (the," read **aa alao (in the"; line 5, for "heritible," read "heriUble." Note (•), line 4, for ** tally herewith," read ** bear out this theory.*' Note {t line 1, for "er," read " who were er. Earls." p. 207 ; line 18, for '<ed.," read " matrio. 27 Jan. 1617/3 "; liue 82, after "nine,'* add " (genuine) "; laat line, for " ave," read '* five." p. 208 ; line 2, eonaude " Jan. 1624/6 "; line 9, for " 1649," read " 1669 "; Une 11, ybr " 1641," read " 1643 "; line 18, after " Warwick," add " (who d. 18 April 1668)"; line 28, for " Mandbrvillk." read *' Mandbyillb"; line 26, after " 1661," add " M.A., Oxford, 1666 "; line 28, for <* Oile'a." read " Qilea' "; line 29, /or ** Manduit," read '• Mauduit "; line 84, /ur *' Montagu)," read " (MonUgu) "; line 47, for " Bremar," rearf " Bremer"; /or "2d," read "(then about 17), 2d and yat."; line 49, after " 1720/1," and after " 1721/2," add " at Kimbolton." p. 209 ; line 2, for " a.," read '< let aur?. b.{^) "; intert ae eaid noU " C*) The death of an elder aon. Lord MandevUle, is mentioned by Luttrell, eub 17 June 1699"; line 16, after "rf.," add "in Dover atreet"; liue 26, after "rf.," add "in Berkeley aquare"; line 89, after "d.," add "at Brighton, from a chill after playing cricket"; line 41, eondude " Both bur. at Kimbolton "; line 47, eondude " and (1787) at Wincheater "; line 61, afUr " 1793," add " at Eaton (the aeat of Mr. Fordyoe), near Edinburgh." Note (»), Une 1, for the firat *'for," read " as "; laat line, for " c aed," read ** ceaaed." p. 210 ; line 2, e^fUr " 1828," add " at Bedfont lodge, and waa bur. at Kimbolton"; line 8, conclude " under £60,000 "; line 10, after " Millicent," add " (£20,000 a year"; line 18, a/Ur "60," add "and waa bur, at Kimbolton"; Une 17, t^