Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/473

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GOltRlGENbA, BtC., TO VOL, V. 46t 1800," r$ad " at ber hooM In Piooadflly, 8 and was hur. (no ohiiaiiaii oama being ciTeD, as * Viae(mtitm Mayo '), 10 June 1794, at Si. James' Wertm.(«)," and tui^rt a» taui note ** («) U is presumed tbat tbis entry applies to this lady, tho' in the [generally very aocumte] peerage by the Hisses Innes (edit 18S0, iub * Hiltown '), she is said to died in April 1800. The burial entry (if, righUy, that of a Fit- countess) might refer to the widow of the 8th Viscount T<i 1767], who is (in this work) stated (possibly in error) to have d. in Jan. 1776. p. 281 ; line 5, i^fter <• 1794/' add " at Tuam palace. Will, 1794, in Prerog. Ct [L] *'; line 6, eondwU ** at Clifton, ca Glouc" ; line 9, for " since," '« read *'from "; Ime 24, /or **d, 26 Jan. 1867, at" read " who was b, 81 July 1801, d 26 Jan. 1867, at Edge Hill '*; line 82, after «' 1848 " add ** at Petworth "; line 87, itfier "1826" add «<at Brighton"; /or *'1872," read « 1872-74, (preTiously an Honorary one)"; Une 88, /or "1893," read '<1898"; line 41, ewelade "from 1867." p. 282 ; Une 28, after '* Wieklow," add " by Catherine, dan. of [—]•" p. 283 ; line 82, for ** 11," read " firstly, when a boy, * his Aunt's chambermaid.' 8he d. about Oct 1 781. He m. secondly, in Dublin, 18 "; line 84, far *' widow," read " wife had previously "; line 40, after " 1772," add *' at Dublfai "; last line, after

  • ' 69," add " at Kilrudery," co. Wieklow " ; eoNciude " at DubUn, aged 88."

p. 284 ; line 11, after " m.," t^dd '* at Rt Stephen's Oreen, Dublin "; line 14, eenelmde " sged 86 " ; line 26, /or " 1893," read " 1898." p. 285 ; line 18, /or ;* William," read "Nicholas." p. 286 ; line 21,/or "MBLBOURB/' read " MBLBOUHNB"; line 80, after *'88," add " and was bar. at Hatfield"; line 31, /^r " Kilmobf," read KlLMORB." p. 287 ; line 80, after " 1863," add '* under £160,000 "; last Une, far "was livbg 1808," read " d. 7 July, 1894, and was bur. at Willey." Note (^) lines 2 and 8, for ** on behalf of," react " by "; Note {^) Une 4, for " has," reoif " had." p. 288; line 7. fftrr "1691," add "ed. (1704) at Wiuchester"; line 18, eonelwU " Nov."; line 19, for " (i) She," read " She d 17 and was." Note (<*), Une 6, for " since," r#«rf" from." p. 289 ; line 17, after " dethronement)" add " er. 7 Aug. 1689, BAHON CLE WORTH (i,e. Clewer, near Windsor.]" Note (») Une 1, after " II," add [1685-88.]" Note (*♦), line Z,for " representature," read "representative " p. 290 ; line 1, after *' Karldom," add "(as also to the titular Dukedom)"; line 10, for "CouNTBSS DK," read '*only dn.of Jean d'Audbbkht, Coumt or,*'; fl^<er'«Franoe," add ** by Marie Francois, da. of Henri Raimond, Skiombur db Bhjonon. She was living 29 Dec. 1727 "; Une 18, after " Service," add " Knight of the order of St. Louis, of France," line 28, for " Lepus island," read " Lepe "; Une 27, far '* clam," read " claim "; Une 29, eondude " aged 88." p. 291 ; Note (^), last line, irfUr " heirs," add " male." p. 292 ; Une 2, for " 2nd," read " 3d but 2d surv." ; line 3, after " by," aiM " his second wife " ; Une 4, for " Murchistoun," read " Merchistoun, b. about 1630 "; Une 6,/er "save," read "prevent"; Une 12, dele "(when she was Uving)"; Une 18, after "Rdinburgh," add "She was Uving 11 Dec 1586"; after "secondly," add " before 1608 "; Une 15, ofter " s.p.," add " April 1606. Will dat. at Monimail, 28 Mardi 1605"; Une 18, after "94," add "Will dat. 5 Dec. 1621 "; Une 26, amclude "in 1584"; Une 28, tffter "Urange," add <«Slie d, 24 May 1594, at Munlocliairuie. WUl dat. there 7 May 1594, pr. 24 July 1595 "; far «< 14 Aug. 1618,"reaci "20 Feb. 1605"; line 30, /ur "9," read "19"; Une 31, conclude Will dat. 9 March 1635, over £18,000 Scots" Une 88, for "before 1636," read "Oct. 1627"; line 39, /or " Innerliel," read "Innertliel"; for "1648," read " 22 May 1643. His widow Uved some years later "; Une 48, after " 1655,'* add " at Wemyss cathedral (tocher 25,000 marks) "; last Une, eonelude " Both bur. at MonymaU." p. 293 ; lines 1 and 2,/or " about 1658," read " 23 Dec 1655 "; line 3, /or << in or before 1692," reni " (contract 27 Aug. 1689)"; line 8. /r#r "2d," read '<3d"; Une 13, after "male," add "would have"; line 16, far "continues," recul "continue.'*