Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/474

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464 COftRtGBNDA, fctO., TO VOL. V. P* 294 ; line 16, afUr *< houie/' add, of "; line 18, ofUr ** m.," add " in I^wer Brui>k Btraet, St. Qeo. Han. sq."; line 20, oondude ** in Fortman eq. and was bur. from Feathentone Caatle"; line 87, condude "of bronchitis, and waa &iir. 17, at LuBwade.*' p. 205; Note(»), line 18, /or "ezhilirate," read « exhilarate "; last Una, coHciude wiUi inverted oommaa, p. 296 ; line 6, afUr ** d,," add «< at "; line 8, for " Poulton," read '* Palton "; Une 21, fir *< Perthshire," read " Perthslure)". Note (S, Une 4, for ** Nominaium," read " Nominatim *'; line 6, for " patent)" read " patent" p. 297 ; line IS, for "in 1258," read *' Nov. 1258 "; last Une, /or '* nominees," read " nominators." p. 299 ; Une 2, eondude " as." Note (0 Une 2, >or " a claim to," read «' claiming." p. 300; in margin, for "1585t" read *'1586!" Line 8, after <* Marion," add " apparently Drumiiond, or Caufbill of Glenorchy "; for " His," read " before which last date, his"; Unes 7 and 8, far " 19 Oct. 1478," read '* April 1471 "; after "v.p.," add '* He was 6. after 24 Jan. 1465, the daU of his parenU' marriage contract"; Une 10, for "between 1521 and 1540," read "in 1586 or 1587 "; Une 18, after " m.," add " before 16 June 1521 "; line 16, conclude *' HU widow living 16 May 1545"; line 20, after "m.," add " before 1540 "; line 24, for " in July 1567," read " 23 June 1567, at Dunrobin, and was bur, at Domock," Note («), line 8, after " and," add " (it is generally supposed)." Note (0, Une 1, for " claim," read " (now extinct) claimed.' p. 301 ; Une 5. afier "a. and h.," add "6. 'about 1578"; Une 7, eondude "His widow m. Colm Oaufbill, of Lundie." Note (>), Une 17» dele " been." p. 302 : line 11, after " ap.," add " 6. about 1618 "; line 12, after " Marischal," add " [8.] "; line 17, after " h.," add "5. about 1684." p. 303; Note(«), line 4, dde '*and"; line 17, after " Menteith," add << claiming descent"; last line, eondude " which John is generally held to have d. s.p., see p. 800, note («)." P- 304 ; between lines 6 and 7, insert as under — MERIONETH. This county, alone of all others [b.s. or i.j has never given name to H title of peerage, being, aooording to Austis [see vui. v. p. 428, in the eorrigenda to p. 81]; " a word of that Siiund that no person ever took it." line 18, eondude <* which see"; line 16, a/<«r *' Thomas," add "Theophilus"; line 17, after " 1802," add "(who d. 17 Nov. 1813)"; line 10, nfter *' 1785," add " at Calcutta ; ed. at Eton ; Une 28, after " Hants," add ** of cancer and was 6ttr. 19, at Winkaeld afsd. M.I." p. 305 ; line 1, for " re-election,*' read seat "; line 2, for '* 8," read " at St. Qeo., Han.sq., 81 "; line 5, <r/i;«r 70," a</(i '* Both &i<r. at North Wraxall, Wilts"; line 12, after ** Somerset," add ** by Klisa, da. of Mujor-Oeo. Qeorge Hobgan "; line 18, for " 1898," read *< 1898 "; line 21, for " 1892," read " 189207 ; served in the Expedit, against the Afridis, 1897 ; K.O.y.0 , 1897 "; line 24, t^fter

  • ' Prance," add '* M.I. at Corsham "; lines 25 and 26, deU ** Sarah " to the end,

and insert " his first wife, Sarah Ellen, da. of Henry Sbymour, of Knoyle, Wilts." p. 306 ; line 8, for " 5 June 1545," read " 4 Nov. 1544 "; line 5, after " by," add " Janet, or "; lines 9 and 17, for " (Mithvim)," read'* (Stkwart) "; Une 15, after " m.," add " before 22 Sept. 1678 "; line 81, after " TON," add " OF LONG- FORD." p. 307; line 8, for '«12," read '*17"; line 8, after '< 68," add and was itsr. at Methley "; line 19, after " Pollinqton," add ** ov Lonovobd"; Une 22, eoneUtle '* at her father's seat, Woltertou Park"; lines 30 and 81, for " Stanlkt, after- wards EbBUiaTOii," read *' Erbinqton, /vrw^r/^ Stamlby."