Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/477

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CORRIGENDA ETC., TO VOL. V. 467 HOLINGARIA, or MULLINGAR See Gent Mag. for Feb. 1852 (pp. 156-157), as to a patent nid to have been granted by Charles 11, line 85, /or «or before 1623/' read "Feb. 1622/8"; line i%^fler '•d., add ■horUj.*' p. 327 ; in maigin, far " 1658 V* read " 1654." Line 5, itfUr " »./' «M » 28 Oot 1652, at EaMX House, Strand '*; line 7, far *' about 1658," read *' and was hwr, 2 July 1654, at Sefton": line 15, eondude '* h^ distinguished himself at the siege of LiTerpoo], June 1644 "; lines 16 and 17, deU "he" to *'ftne"; Hne 18, after " seas," add " but was displaced at the Re?olntion, tried with other Roman Catholics at Manchester, 1694, outlawed and mulcted in a Iai|^ fine '*; line 29, after " Feb.," odd '* or March "; Une 81, for " about 1678," r$ad " 29 May 1679, at Sefton." p. 328 ; line 2, ftr *' about 1680,*' read «< 28 Dec 1688, at Sefton "; line 8, for

  • 'unm.," read '*unm.(o),** M,d intert at taid noie " {•) In Lodge^ in Foster's

LaneaMre P«ff., in 0. Molineuz*s Mdpneu* Family [1882], Ac, this Caryl (to whom no wife is ever assigned) is made (apparently in error) the father of three sons, vff., (1) Richard, called 7th Viscount, a Priest of the Church of Rome ; (2) William, who sua his said br. as (in that case, the 8th) Visct., but d. s.p. 1758 and (8) Thomas, father of the let Earl"; line 4, for "8," reiuf "7"; line 6, afier"h.,"add "h, 80 Jan. 1684/5, at Sefton"; line 10, fitr "9," read "8"; hne 12, e^ter " Thomas," add Joeeph " ; conclude " {hap. 25 Not. 1689, at Sef ton> "; hue 89, itfUr " 1802," add '< Will, 1802, in Prerog. Ct [I.]." p. 329; line 4, t^fter *' 1806," add "at St Qeoige's, Dublin"; line 12, for "Tolouse," read ** Toulouse"; line 17, after "4," add "and /"; line 28, eondmde *'He<f. at Charleyille, 29 Not. 1894, aged 75. Will pr. at £40,891 gross. Yieoountoy [1.]^ 5 and £. Hbnrt Powbr Gharlks Stanlkt y (MoHOK), VnooDNT Mohok op Ballttrakmor [1. 1801], - 1894 *°^ Babon Mohok or Ballttbammon [L 1797], olio Barony [U.K.] ' * Barok Mohok of Ballttbammor [U.K. 1866], 1st s, J* and h., 6. 8 Jan. 1849, in Dublin ; ed. at Eton and at ^^- J Ch. Ch., Oxford ; B.A., 1871 ; entered the Coldstream Guards, 1871, serring in the Egyptian campaiffn, 1882, and Suakin ezpedit, 1885 (medal with two clasps, bronie star), retiring m 1885 ; High Sheriff, co. Wicklow, 1887 ; eue. to the peerage, 29 Not. 1894. He m. 28 July 1874, at St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, Edith Caroline Sophia, 4th da. of John Henry (Soon), 8d Eabl op Clormbll [I.], by Henrietta Louisa, da. of George (Qbbtilu), 2d Earl Bbookr and Earl op Warwick. She was 6. 27 Sep. 1852," p. 330 ; line 6, ^fter " Scotland," add " by Eleanora, da. of Andrew Roes, Col. 21st Regiment "; line 7, eondude " He d. there, 27 April 1895, aged 88.'* II. 1895. $. Hbnrt James (Momorbiff), Baron Monorbot of TuLLiiBOLB [1874], eito a Baronet [S. 1626 and U.K. 1871], let s. and h., 5. 24 April 1840 ; ed. at Harrow and at Trin. Coll. Cambridge ; B.A. and Ist class honours in law, 1862 ; LL.B 1864 ; AdTocate [S.] 1868 ; Sheriff of Renfrew and Bute, 1881-88 ; Senator of the College of Juatice and Judge of the Court of Sessions [SJ under the style of Lord Wellwoodt 1888 ; Lord ordinary in Ezcheauer Causes [S.], 1889 ; eue, to the peerage, 27 April 1895. He fR. firatly 8 April 1866, at Edinburgh, Susan Wilhelmina, 8d da. of Sir William Hanmer DiOK-CuNTKOHAif, 8th Bart [8.], by Susan, da. of James Albton-Stiwabt. She d. s.p. 29 Oct 1869. He m. secondly 26 March 1878, at Moulton, oa Suffolk, Milliceut Julia, 1st da. of Col. Frederick Daniel Frtib, of Moulton Paddocks. She cf. s.p. 6 Jan. 1881. line 29, eoaehtde " He d. at 6 Seamore place, Mayfair, 25 and was 5iir. 29 May, 1897, at Baraombe, Sussex, aged 71. (") Will pr. at £185,586. His widow liviug 1898.