Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/478

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. 468 OORRIQBNDA, BTO., TO VOL. V. IL 1897. £. John William (Dodson), Baron Mokk-Bbvtton OP GoNTBOBO AHD HnRaTPiBRFOUiT [1884]. Only •. and h. 6. 22 Sep. 1869| ftt Baroombe ufad. ; ed. at Eton and New Coll., Oxford ; B A. and 8d data hiatorj, 1891 ; Attaeh6 in the Diplom. aar? ice, 1894-97 ; $ue. to tks p§$rag0t 69 Maj, 1897. Note (b), line 2, finr «< hardly naed/' read "* anomalonaly dealt with "; Una 4, /or '< Manoheater of LiTerpool," read *' would be Leeda of Harrogate.*' Jmeeri a» ao additional note, "(<') He waa a auoceaafiil Chairman of Committee!, but an indifferent debater. * A oold formal manner, a dry Toioe, a lerel flow of apeeeh and a painfully practical turn of mind, whilat making Mr. Dodaon'a interYention aomctimea uaeful, do not endear him to hit audienoe.' [Men and Mamurt m PaH., 18741" p. 331 ; Une 2, for " 15/* read •< 14 " ; line 12, a/Ur " 1846," oiU " in liondon "; line 16, far " He m.," read " Under Sec. for War, for a few montht, in 1896. He m. at St Mary Abbotta, Kenainicton "; line Itf, eondude "by Franeea Lambibth, his wife": liue 24, /or <* waa in," read '• held a." Note (•), line i^dde** pracU- cally " to of," and tubUUuU "illuaory, and waa made in order to evade"; line 12. far •' under," read " in." p. 332 ; line 27, after '* $^ed," add *< after 16S9 "; line 29, fir " ainoe," read " after "; line 80, for *' Bmanuel," read " Emmanuel "; line 86, after ^'eiyted," add ** after 1849 "; line 40, for *' o/tot," read " aftenearde," p. 333 ; line 2, /or TINDALL," read TINDAL." Top note, linea 10 and 11, deie

    • It ia," to •• why," and imeH, " After 1648, when ahe went to Paris, with her

kinsman, John Barlow." p. 334 ; line 28, for *' BBLLINQNARD." read " BBLLINQUARD "; Une 80, for 'M662/S," read *' 1661/2"; line 89, after "Uiirdly," add *< before Sep. 1666"; Une 42, for "in 1678. Hia widow m.," read "in 1678, in Uie King'a Bench (tho* aome aay the Fleet) Prison. His widow shortlv afterwards waa reatored by the King to her late husband's rank. She m. in or before 1676 (being then 60)." P^ 335 ; Une 4, /or " 28 May er." read " er. 28 May "; line 6, for " oommiaaion." read <* commissioner "; line 16, conclude "of Stain ton Vale, and"; line 17> dele the " e," in " Whiobootk "; line 21, for " 12," read " 11 "; Une 47, after " Foot," add

  • 'by Catherine, da. of Oeorge Maddiboii, of Stainton Vale, oo. Lincoln." Note

(», line 2, for " maUrnal family)," read " maternal) famUy." p. 336 ; line 19, after <* 1880*86," add " and Feb. to Aug. 1886 "; e^fter " one of the," add " deputy " ; for " 1878-74," read " Jan. to March 1874 "; Une 21, /or " 1892," read " 1892-94 ; JLO.V.O., 1896 "; line 28, conetade " and d. 24 Deo. 1897, at 29 Belgrave aqunre, aged 88. Peraonalty £14,146. He d. a. p. (4 montha lat«r) 16 April 1898. aged 69, at the Britiah Bmbaaay, Paris, when the Vieeountey of Oxenbridge of Burton became extinct, but the Barooy and Baronetcy paaaed to hia br. and h. male(<>) "; intert a$ eaid note, " {^) The aucceasion of Peera after 1 Jan. 1898 are not given in this work"; Une 26, deU " 4748," to " Taloe," and inierl " 10,184 aorea, worth £21,800 a year "; line 89, after " He/' aU " waa Uving (1818-14) Ed. II., but"; Une 47,>br 1864," read 1868/4." p. 337; line 14, for '<1400," read "1899/400"; line 80, for "16," read "14"; Une 32, dde " Earl of Warwick "; Une 89, e^fter " [1867]," add " By the death, ahortly before 8 Feb. 1492/8, of hia maternal grandmother, Anne, euo jura Gouirma or Warwiok, he became EARL OF WARWICK." Note (•), far "Ed. L," read "Ed. IV." p. 338; in margin, after "1842," add "to 1861." Line 23, deU "second," to "Buckingham," and insert "firat wife, Margaret, da. and h. of Sir Hugh Fknmk "; Une 24, for " 1639, read " 1538/9. or 9 Dec 1638 "; Une 31, after " m.," add " firstly, before 1348 "; line 33,/ar *^He d. s.p.m. 1361." read " She d. 1361, He M., secondly, in or before 1367('»), (— ), who d. in childbirth, May 1861. He d. 14 July 1361, lea?ing (by 2d wife) one a. and h., Edward, then 7 week* old, who d. 27 Sep. following, when the Barony fell into abeyanoe.(') Inq. p.m. 86 Ed. IIL "; iniert as said note " {^) Watfrs'p ' Oheetere of Chiehde^; p. 882 "; ineert a$ ttdd mte " (*) The coheirs were his three aisterS| vU., two of the half