Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/479

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CORRIGENDA, BTO.» TO VOL. V. 469 and one of the whole blood. (1), Hand, Abbew of Barking (1876), who d. unm. 1894 ; (2), Joan, b. at Bungay Castle, 2 Febi 1848/0, m., before her age of 12 (aa hia firat wife), William (de Ufford), 2d Barl of Suffolk, who d, 16 Feb. 1881/2. She d. B.p.«. in 1875, aged 28. (1), Etheldreda, aged 2, in 1861, who, in 1890, was wife of Sir Hugh de Strauley, of Redenhall, Norfolk. [Watora's ' ChnUri of Chiekiky] ' "; Unea 84 to 88, d9U. Note (0, Une 2, for " 8d," read " 2d." p. 339 ; line 26, dele ** or 1466 "; Une 80, /or '< da. and," read " eiiter of John, Earl OF WoBonmR, da. and oTentually "; line 86, eonelude "She d. before 1618/4, and was bur. at Bisbam afsd." Note («), line 1, for " Marqessate," read " Mar- quessate." Note (0, hut line, /or ** ksi^'* read ^ 8.' p. 340 ; line 15, after *< 1662," add ** eX Cowdray, in ehildbirth, aged 20, and waji bur. 4 Aug."; line 86, after " 1687," add '* he aged 28 and she 19." p. 341 ; line 2, far " June," read ** at Hidhurst, April "; line 8, i^er •* widow," add

    • m,, before 22 June, 1716, Sir George Maxwkll, Bart., of Orohardtown,

who d. in or before June 1720. She "; line 17, for *' 81," read ** 81 "; Une 22, for **1767," read "1766"; line 26, after *'d.;^ add "in Queen Anne street, Marylebone"; line 80, for " SchauflTliausen," read "Schaffhausen"; Une 81, dele "(presumably)"; line 36, for V Stainslaus," read (bit) "Stanislaus"; last Une, for ** Fontaineblau," read " Fontainebleau." p. 342 ; line 8, after " 1797," add " at Great Badow, Essex "; line 6, ofter " who," add **d, at Worcester, 1 Feb. ^823, sged 67, having only for a few days"; line 16, candude "and was er. 29 June, 1621, 6AH0N MONTAGU OF BOUGHTON, 00. Northampton." Note («) : this note refers to the words "s. and h." on p. 848, Une 2. p. 343 ; in margin,/or " III. 1680," read " III. 1688 "; ftr " I. 1680," read " 1. 1689." Line 24, after " was," add "6. 22 Feb. 1664, and was "; line 28, for "at," reiui " about 1 May in." Note (^), line 4, for " oooulist," read " oculist." p. 344 ; Une 21, for " 16," read " 6 or 6 "; Une 26, dde «* but only sur?."; between lines 27 and 28 ifteert ae under — Edward Montagu, ttyled Marqubss of Monthbrmsr, 2d but Ist sunr. s. and h. ap., bap. 27 Deo. 1726 ; d. an infant 6 May 1727. Une 87, for " Walton," read " Warkton "; line 46./or " 16," read " 16." p. 346 ; Une 28, eonelude " Both are bur. at Stoke Pogia"; Une 86, for "oi," reoil "OF "; line 41, for " ex. 1786," read •* ex. 1770." p. 346 ; Une 8, for " r. 1660, with the Eardlom," read " er, 1660, with the Rarldom *'; Une 7, aft^ " Steward)," add " by Jaue, de. of Roger dr Mowbray "; line 17, eandwde " widow of Richard Fits Joan "; line 20, after " s.p.," add " 26 Deo." Note (b), Une I, deU " W to "John," and eubetUute '* b. and*'; Une 2, efter " Montalt," add " of Hawarden, Seneschal of Chester." p. 347 ; Hoe 14, eondude " firsUy "; Une 19, after <* Westmorland," add " by Ann, da. of Wniiam Thorhbubt"; line 27, after "secondly," add "shortly before 16 Sep. 1676 "; Une 30, afUr " thvdly," add " 4 Dec. 1692, at Tamton, Ozon "; Ime 88, for " only," read *< 2d but only surv." Note (>>), Une 4, for " indicated," read " attributed." p. 348 ; Une 18, after " 1839," add "at HasUngs, and was 6ttr. at Ore, Sussex"; Une 28, after " 1849," add <*at Hither Green, Lewisham "; betweens Unes 86 and 86, imert ae trndir— MONTEFEX. t.e., *' Drumhond, Stobhall and Montbfbz," Barony [S.] (Drummand), stated to have been cr. 1687, together with a nowfdamueot the Eabldom or Pbrth [S.] » see " Pbrth " Earldom [S.], cr. 1606, under the 4th Earl." p. 349; line 11, /or "Stryvelln," read « Bannockburn, 24 June": Une 17,/or "da. of the LOBD FuBHiVALL," read " 1st da. of Tbumas (db FuBBiyAiX]^ LOBQ FuBViVALL, by Joan, da. and ooheir of Theobald {un Vkboqit), Jjouo Vbb|x>h.