Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/480

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470 CORRIGBNDA, BTO., TO VOL. V. Sh6» who WM h, at AWeion in 1820, d. at Sheffield 27 Sep. 1889, aged 10"; line 81, after *' d.," add ** being ahot by hia own hand "; line 86, after *' 1766," add '* LL.D. of Cambridge, 176o "; line 86, fin' « 1722," read <* 1772.*' Note (•), line 1, deie ** The " to '* Qray," and eubeiUuU <* Hia a. and h. ap. Ouy." Note {% line 8, for " Barony," read ** Barona." p; 350; line 4, after **m.," add firatly"; line 6, irfUr •< Watib," add "ot lalington"; line 6, after <Mn," add « Lower"; line 9. after *<1861," add «'^ir. 8 May, at Kenial Qreen "; line 20, after ** Kamarnock." add " She waa living 16 Sep. 1458." p. 351 ; line 10, /or « Edinburgh," read " Holyrood. Her will dat. at Loch wood, 22 April 1628 "; line 11, eonelude " pr. 1686 in Prerog. Cc [[.] "; line 16, after 1642," add " Will 1668 [«m.] in Prerog. Gt. [I.] "; Une 46, after " WiNOHimiL" add "by Isabella, da. of William (Biauobamp) Babl of Waewiok." Note (<») line 1,/er '< the Udy," read ** hia wife." p. 352; line 48, a/ier «<Beoondly/' add *' befora 8 Marah 1604 (when aha waa living aa hia wife)." p. 353 ; line 6, fir ** probably before 1620," read " firstly, Sep 1610 (contract 10 Jnly 1610, at QUagow), Marv, lat da. of Sir John Sokirvilli, of Quathquain. He m. aeoondly "; line 18, for '* leaving her aurviving," read '* She waa living 16 Aug, 1684 "; line 27, /or " 1608," read ** 1608,(^) and in$ert ae eaid noU " (^) By two remarkable oontmota, 17 June 1617 and 27 Nov. 1620, Alexander, Kari of Eglintim [S.], notwithstanding that t^e decreet of ranking of 1606 gave hia Earldom [cr, 1607/8], precedency over that of Montroae [er, 1604/6], ' aeknow- ledi^ea that the precedency belonga of right to the Earl of Montroee, and therefore quiU the same in hia favour' [UitL MS3., 2d report, p. 168]"; line 28, for ^ July," read •' March." p. 354 ; line 20, ctmdude " Hia widow living 10 Oct. 1671 "; line 22, a/ier <'h.," add "6. 20 Oct 1667." p. 355 ; line 4, t^/Ur ** m.," add " about 1708 (before 29 May 1708) "; Une 6, >Vr •* 1742," read ** 1741/2 "; line 26, for *< in London," read *< auddenly, in Upper Qroevenor atreet." p. 356 ; Une 7, after "m.," add «firaUy "; line 14, after "<{.;' oiU *<in Qroevenor sq."; Une 24, after *' 1799," add ** in London "; Une 41, conchide She (weU known, under the name of ' Mrs. Manton,' aa an owner of race horaea), d, 16 Nov. 1894, aged 76, at 46 Belgrave sq., and waa hir, (with her aecond huabaud), at St. Agnea', Newmarket Wdl pr. at £181,826, groaa "; Une 43, /or " d," read " in Belgrave aquare ; d, there. p. 357 ; Une 6, /or '* and 1660," read « 1660 and 1707. p. 358 ; in margin, /or **Baroony," read " Barony p. 359; Una 22, /or "indepenov," read "independence"; line 88, qfter "Bonkyll," add " He m. secondly Euphemia, da. of Hugh, Earl ov Ross [S.J, by hia 2d wife, Margaret, da. of Sir David GRARAif"; Une 86, conclude '* Hia widow m. (an aecond wife), Robert, Babl ov Stratbibn [S.], afterwards Bobert II. [6.}, and d. 1872." p, 360: in margin, /or "14271" read '* 1424." Line 10, condude " Hia widow Uving 6 May 1417 "; Una 16, for ** 1427 t " read « being alain at the battle of Verueuil, 17 Aug. 1424 " ; line 19, after <* I.," add ** [&] '^; line 28, deU " ] "; line 26, after " m.," add *' before 26 April 1442 "; Une 86, after " m.," add '< before 1468 "; Une 86, eondade *' She waa living 1472." p. 361 ; line 22,/i/r *' July 1668," read " 23 June 1667." II. 362 ; line 9, /or ** Anne," read " Annabel or Agnea "; Uue 10, fin- <* 1st," read <* 4th "; Une 11, trfUr *' m," add " between May 1671 and HUy 1676." Note (•), Une 18, for " known," read " know." p. 363 ; Une 2, after «• h.," add *< 6. about 1682 "; Une 16, n/Ur ** m./' add *< before FV»b. 1682/8^'i Une 88, ^fter " m.," add " 29 Dea 1677." tf i>