Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/481

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CORRIOKNDA, BTC., TO VOL. T. 471 p. 364 ; line 26, eondnde ** Hfa widow d, 1 Sep. 1779." p. 366 ; lines 1 and 8, far «Douh/' rwd *'DouNi"; line 14, afUr "irOS," add '* aged 28, and was bur, in the faoiily ▼auH near Edinburgh "; line 29, for ** Jana, U(," read *' Jean, 2d "; line 16, v/ter '* 1887," add " at Cheltenham "; line 84, for *' Qeobob," read '* Qiorgb Pbiup "; line 40, eondude "Had. unm. 16 March 1896. at 4 York atreet, St Jamee', aged 78. KaUte dut^ £852,297. At his death, the Barony of Orap devt»lv«d on his niece and heir general (aee that dignity), but the rest of his hoiiuiirt as below. XXVIII. 1895. 15. Edmund Archibald (Stuart, /orm«r/y Stuart- Gray), Earl op Moray, Lord ABtRNiTRT and Stbatbrarh [16621 Lord Dourb [1681] and Lord St. Golmb [1611] in the peerage of Scotland, alao Babor Stuart op Castlb Stuart [Q.B. 1796], cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of the Rev. Edmund Luttrell Stuart, Rector of Winterbome Houghton, Dorset, by Elisabeth, da. of the Rev. James Leonard Jaokron, Rector of Swanage in that oonnty, which Edmund, who d. 6 Nov. 1869, aged 71, was 4th son of the Hon. Archibald Stuart {d. 80 Oct. 1882, aged 61), twin br. of Frands, 10th Earl. He was b. 5 Not. 1840 ; ed. at Exeter Coll., Oxford ; B.A., 1868 ; M.A., 1866 ; Barrister (Inner Temple), 1867 ; assumed the name of Omy after that of Stuart in 1878 on inheriting Kilfauns Castle, co. Perth, kc un the death (26 May 1878) of his cousin Msrgaret, too Jure Barorbss Orat [S.], but discontinued it on his loss of that estate, in consequence of having eue. to the peerage, 16 March 1896. He m. 6 Sep. 1877, Anna Mary, da. of the Rev. Qeorge John Collirsor, B.A., sometime of Clapham." p. 366 ; in margin, for " 1661," rood " 1662." Une 12, after « Turrey," add •* He d. there 28 Aug. 1662 "; line 18,/<ir « 1661," rood " 1662." p. 367 ; line 26, e^ ** VnoouRT Mordaukt," add "from 1710"; last line, after

  • ' unm.," add '* in Park street, Midz., 22."

p. 368 ; Note (»»), line 2, for *« in," read " is." p. 369 ; line 8, for '< of," reoii " er. "; Ifaie 14, for *« Wiluam," read " Jambs." p. 370 ; line 4, for " alluded," read ** referred "; line 6, eoneiude *' H!a wife appears to have d before 17 July 1660 "; line 8, after •* si.," add " before 1661 "; line 12, after **h.," addled, at the Scotch Coll. at Dousy, 1667, and then aged 16"; line 16, eondude ** 1 April 1716, at Chesterton, Oxon"; line 18, /or *< 10 June 1741," read " 18 Msy 1741, and was bur. at Paddington "; lin«s 18 and 19,/or

    • d. before 18 Dec 1741," read " a few days, and d 8 June following, being (ur,

with him"; line 20, after "Mart," add •* apparently de jure"; Fine 21, deU " She " to •* m.;* and ineeri <* bap. 27 Oct 1718, at Chesterton ; m. 10 Oct 1748, at All Sainta, Northsmpton "; line 24, /or *'The Baroness," rtad "She, who, as ' Mary Weaver^* certified 8 April 1776, a pedigree recorded in the College of Arms." Note (»), list line, dde <* appears to have"; for ** before 1791," read

    • in 1766 at Carlisle, and was bur. at St. Cnthberts there."

p. 371 ; line 19, for " Tliomas," read ** John "; line 81, eoneiude ** His widow d about 1426 "; line 86, for " 1417," read " 1416." p. 372; in margin, for "1666," read "1666"; Line 14, dde and aubtiiiuta **at Dixmunde in Flanders, 18 June 1489, and bur. at Calaiiu Will dat 1 April 1489, his wife being then alive"; line 29, after "Beds," add "by Sibyl, da. of Rice ap Morgan ap Jenkin ap Pbiup. She was bur. 28 [T] Nov. 1668, at Hallingbury "; for " 1666," read " 26 Nov., and was bur. there 8 Dec. 1666, aged about 80"; line 88, after "He," add "who was b. 26 Aug. 1684"; line 87, eoneiude " She was certainly dead before 1696." p. 373 ; line 1, for " 1609," read " 1689 "; line 2, for " Elisabeth," read " firstly, Elizabeth Starlbt "; line 8, after "1608," add "He m. secondly, Gertrude, widow of John Arurdbl, of Trerice (who d. 16 Sep. 1680), ds. of Sir Robert Dbrrtb, of Holoombe, by Msrgaret, da. of Sir William Godolpbin "; line 7, after "He," add "who was 6. 7 Jan. 1674"; Une 29, i^fUr "He," add " was tried 28 April 1666 for murder, and found guilty of .manslaughter. He."