Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/482

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4T2 CORRIOENDA, BTO., TO VOL. V. P* 874; Um 7» condutWnkd wm ftur. at Plympton St Mary "; line B, fir "mam,*' read <*after"; line 10, etmdude "M.I. at Pljmpton St. Mary"; line 16, t^ "1842," add '*at Mumhead, DeTon"; line 20, fir «Mifing 1893," read '*d. at Whiteway, 16 Feb. 1897, aged 87. Will pr. at ^85,878 penonalty "; Une 23. ufUr " Hoiiae," add ** Knigbutridge "; last line, fir " 8tanyer," rtad •* Stay ner." Note (*), eundwie "See Carriugton in 1796, and Tara in 1800, for ttmilar aMumptions." P* 375 ; line 24, ctmdude Wbllislit "; line 83, "Will, 1781, in Prtrog. LBT," add '*and befure tbat, Wislbt." Note (•), line 1, afUr "aevenl, " [illegiUmate]." Note («), line 1, after " were," add *' aimuluneoualy." add p. 378; line14,^"1816/'rMi;"1814"; lines 87 and 89,/ar " Mohtaiomb." raul

  • ' MOBTAIM." Note («), line I, for "had also," read "(aa alao Stephen himaelf

before he was King) bad"; line 2, a/ter "Nomutndy," add *'not to be confounded with Mortagne, in Perche." p. 379 ; Une 17, /or '< to," read "on "; line 18, after " FiiMvn," add " hj Rlanehe, da. of John Di Bbibhmb d'Aobb, Butler of France, who was s. of John Di BuBNiii, King of Jenisaleok." p. 380; line 6, ybr "or," read "nor." Note (•), Une 8, >br "da. and h.," read "widow"; dde "by Ifabel"; Une 4, conclude "by Mabel, da. of Robert Mabmiov." p. 881 ; Une 10, dek «« having "to "the," and eubeiUuU "was shorUy before his marriage with the dumb *'; line 12, fir " was er," rtad " cr." p. 388 ; line 8, fiw " 1612," read " 1642 "; line 10, /br " who/' read «< was insane after 1669 *'; line 11, deU " had " to " 1874 "; line 11. deU, and mbelUuU " He was b. about 1616, being "; line 14, for " Since." read " After "; line 28, eondada " His insane widow living 12 July 1681 "; line 83, Jor ** aUinder," read ** attain- der "; last line, fin- " 6 June 1684," read " 29 April, or 29 Oct., 1681." NoU (0, line 1, fifr " 1692," read " 1692." p. 384 ; Une 24, after " He," add " who was 6. about 1626." p 386 ; line 16, fir " 17^8," read " 1737/8 "; line 26, fir " 764," read " 1764 "; line 86, after "6.," add *'at Edinburgh, April"; last line, after "1823," add " in Park strvet. Midz," Note («), line 6, dele " this " to "famous," and inaert "hia tame, in that vfay." p. 387 ; line 8, after " 1814," add '< at Dilhome Hall "; line 13, after •< Suffolk," add " (who d, 1842) "; line 14. efUr " d.r add " of apoplexy "; line 24, after " 1817," add " at Beriin "; Une 89, /«r '< 1893," read " 1898." p. 388 ; line 29, after " 1842," add " in Lower Seymour street, aged 71 "; Une 81, for " LoBD," read " Llotd-"; line 42, for " (or 3 June) 1891 at," read ** 1891, at the Queen's hotel." P- 389; Une 2, eondude "in Portland place"; Une SO, eondude "She was 6irr. 10 Oct 1676, at St. Patrick's, Dublin. Will, 1676, iu Prerog. Ct [I.] "; line 88, fir "since," read "after"; last line, eondude *' Will, 1718, iu Prerog, Ct [I.]." p. 390; in margin, for "1746," read ••1744." Une 6, fur "1744/6," read "1748/4"; eondude "Will, 1744, in Prerog. Ct [I]"; line 12, eondude " at Donaghadee "; Une 18, conclude " His wiU, 1767, and bar's, 1771, in Prarog. Ot. p.] "; Une 26, fir " Staffobd/' read " Stbaftohd "; Une 86, for " «r./' rtad " who had been «r. , **