Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/502

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492 CORRIGENDA) ETC., TO VOL. Vf. 9. 242 ; line 12, fw " 19 Hay/' r^ad " at Garlaruhe in Baden, in the Lnthenn ohoroh, and again 11 July"; line 14, iifUr "1842," add "in ParU"; €^ «1847," add **at St Peter'«, Pimlico": line 22, nfUr « auioide," add *«b7 poiM>n"; line SO, for "20,' read "4"; Hue 88, for *< deetination," nod

    • alienation."

p. 243; line 7, for "1820," nad "1821 "; lines 10 and 28, far **1582," r$ad "1629"; Une 28, deU "(probably)"; aft^r " Beda," add "He d. inteaUte." Note (•), line 1, aft$r " 1644," add " (certainly an error)." p. 244 ; line 2, aft$r " 1 9," add " and was 6ur. at Turvey , 29 "; Une 8, for " and," rwd " as also "; for " both of which," r$ad " which laaU" p. 245 ; Une 4, for " 1632," r0ad " 1629." p. 246 ; Une 16, afUr "d," aiif <*B.p.nL"; line 22, for " 1682," read " 1629"; Une 26, aft$r " unm.," eiW " at Dauutaey, Wilte." p. 247 ; Une 6, dda " Sir"; line 80, for " 28," read " 28." p. 248 ; line 18, for " 1706/6," read " 1707/8 "; Une 21, for " s.," r$ad " br."; Une 87, for " 1742," read " about Feb. 1741/2.*' Note («), Une 4, /or " personaUty," read "personalty." p. 249 ; line 9, of tor " d,," add " in Qrosyenor square "; Une 16, for •«28," read " at Thomdon hall, 29"; Une 21, for "1708," read "1798"; Une 24, afUr " Piccadilly," add " (St. Geo. Han. sq.) "; Une 26, after " d," add'* in childbed, •t Thomdon "; Une 48, for " Uving 1894," read " d. 81 Dec. 1896, at Belmont, Bournemouth, aged 72, and waa 6ur. at Tliorndon." p. 251 ; line 29, after " minster," add " (who d. 81 Deo. 1729)." P« 252 ; between Unes 22 and 23, ineert at under^ PIRBRIGIIT. ».«., " PiOBRiOHT of Pirbright, co, Surrey," Barony {de JFormjr), er. 1866 ; see vol. viu, p. 247, in ArriCNDiz. p. 263 ; line 4, /or " 1818," read " 1819 ": line 7, after ** 1861," add " Gent. Usher to H.R.H. Prince Albert, 1861 "; line 13, for " 6," i-ead ** 8 "; line 14, for " 1892," read "1892-96"; line 16, eouelude "at Alfreton "; Une 19, after "fi.," add " April "; Une 20, condude " and Louisa Adaus, his wife." p. 254; line 21, /or "PLESSETS," read " PLESSIS(<>b) "; lines 22 and 28, /or " Di PusBiTB,^' read " Da Plbssis, or db PLU8BTi8(l>b) "; Une -28, fer " PLBS- 9BTS," read ** PLBSSIS, or PLESSETIS(b^)." Ineert ae taid noU "(^^) See voL Yin, p. 66, note (»), eub " Warwick," as to this name.'* p. 255 ; line 24, eotteiude *'at St Stephen's green, Dublin "; Une 26, eomlude *<and was Imr, 7, in Mount Jerome cemetery "; Une 81, after " 1819," add " at Castle BeUingham, Ireland." p 256 ; Une 21, dde the mark of issue, and iubelitute " His Grace d. of influenia, 1 April 1897, aged 69, at SL Stephen's green, and was ktar* in Mount Jerome cemetery afod. V. 1897. 6. William Lbb (Plunkbt), Baron Plunkbt of New- ton, 1st s. and h., 6. 19 Dec. 1804 ; eti. at Harrow and at Trin. Coll., DubUn ; B.A., 1889 ; sometime Attachd te the Kmbassy nt Constentinople and at Home ; eue, to the peerage, 1 April 1897. He m. 4 June 1894, at the English church, Hue d' Agueasau, Paris, Victoria Alexaudiina, Sd and yst da. of Frederick Temple (HA.111LTON Tkmpli-Blackwood), 1st Mauqubss or Duppirin and op AvA,bv Harriot Georgtna, da. of Archibald Rowan Hamilton, of Klllyleagh, 00. Down. She was 6. 1878." Une 82, for *<TOTNBS," read <'TOTNBSS"; hut Une, for "about," remd " privately, before."