Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/503

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CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. VI. 493 p. 267 ; line % for '^Sbe d, 9 Jlay 1718," retd '*and was hur. 11, in Hereford cathedral. She, who was 6. 11 Nov. 1647, d. 9 May 1718, and was 6icr. with her second husband "; line 21, after "She," add ** who was h. 18 Jan. 1684 "; line 48, Osfter ** Stanwell," 0dd ** Ist s. and h."; last line, wndude "at his seat, at Hewell, CO. Worcester." Note («»), line I, for " the yalidity of," rtad " to "; fvr «• word," rmd " word." right, I hare met with the name tfcores of times and it is always personal, ic, withont any d« ' "; line 9, after " ii p. 258 ; tine 1, for " 85/' read " 26 "; line 2, after *< d.," add " in HanoTer square"; line 4, after " 1781," add "and bap. at St. Geo. Han. sq."; line 22, irfter "d," add " in Grosvenor street"; line 28, after " 1811," add " at Knole, co. Kent "; Hue 29, conclude " on board his jaclit, off Deptlord, and was hvr. at Tardebig afsd."; line 45, after " mnle," add " being 5th and yet s. of the 4th Earl "; line 48, /or **179...," rea<f "1798"; line 51, after "75," add "and was 5«ir. at Bisham, Berks." P« 250 ; Note (b), line 5, after " form," add " J. H. Round writes * Eibemieui is B tfcores of times and i inyasioo," add " and.' p. 260 ; Note («), Une IS, for " to," read " for." p. 202 ; between lines 28 and 24, intert a$ under — POLTALLOCH. i.0., " Maloolh of Poi/tallooh, 00. Aigyll/' Barony {Makolm)^ er. 1896 ; tee vol. viii, p. 247, in Appivdix. line 28, t^fter "1786," add "in London"; last line, after "Victoria," add " 1840-41." Note («), line 8, dele " that of." Note («), Une 1, after " list," add " of." Note (d), line 6, for '• overunning," read " oTerrunning." p 263 ; line 2, after " 1885," add " in York street, Portman aquare, and was bur. in Marylebone church "; line 85, for " (Cahfbill)," read " (Humb-Campdbll)." p. 264 ; line SO, dde the first '< Feb." to " 1866," and tuhHUute " 1852.53, 1858-59, and 1866-67 "; lines 80 and 81, deU " next year "; line 82, after " m.," add " at Mellerstain." p« 286; line 10, for " He d." read "called ' an opulent wine merchant.' From her he soon separated. He d. in North Audley street "; line 21, after " d." add " of paralysis." Note C), line 6, after " also," add "in 1780." p. 267; line 21, after " widow," add " who was 5. 15 April 1786." p. 268; line 21, after "County," add "Will, 1799, in Prerog. Ct. [L]"; itfier " 1818," add "at Came"; line 23, for " Dawson," read " (Dawsom) "; line 29, after " poverty," add " and was bur. in Kensal Green cemetery." p. 269; line 14, for "liring 1894," read "d. 23 Not. 1894, at Famham Royal, Bucks, and was bur. at Came. Will pr. at £9,764 "; line 18, after " 1892," add " Rip. Psbb [I.], since 1896." p. 270 ; line 18, <^ " m.," add " 10, or "; line 23, after " 6.," add "19 Mardi." p. 271 ; line 2, for " 1765/6," read " 1665/6 "; line 10,/or " about 1669," read « 26 May 1669, at her town residence, Newport House, and was pritately 5tir. in Somerset House chapel "; line 38, dde " proposed.' If p. 272 ; Note (•), line 9, for " would be," read ** must have been." p. 273; line 17, after "Titehfield," add "hafing d. in Jermyn street, 19"; line 29, after " dL," add " at Bulstrode, Bucks." p. 274; line 15, /or 9/' read •'5'-, line 30, after "year," add "and was 5ttr. 4 April, at BolsoTer "; last line, after " 1796," adcf " niatric at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 1816 ; B. A. and 2d chuH dassica, 1818."