Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/506

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4d6 OORRIOBNDA, STO., TO VOL. YI. p. 313 ; Une 17, dds the flnt " Wbhtm." p. 314; line 86, >br"1894/' read ** 1898 "; line 48, a/t^ <*1844," add "in FloreDoe." Note (•}, line 18, for *' Twiddali/' read '* Twiiddaul" p. 315 ; line 8, wmdud^ *' Thie marriage was diaaolved in 1801 ": line 10, afUr

    • 1867," add "at 8, Cheaterfteld atreet, Mayfair"; line 11, afUr '"See.," add

" to the Earl of Roaebery, when Sec. of Stnto "; line 14, itfier *' Someraet," add

    • 18 Oct. 1894, age 27 "; line 16, for " VifiCOUHT Dbumlambio," read "I.ORD

DoiroLAS ov HawiOK." p. 318 ; line 9. after *< Qen.," add '* She aged above 40 "; line 18. for « atnoe," reoii "after"; Une 17, f^r " waa," read " who by royal warruut, 25 Jan. 1685/6, had the unuaual grant of precedenoe of the widow of an Earl, becoming thereby GouMTias OF Radnor, aa if her huabaud had auc. to that Earldom, was, aocord- ingly "; line 26, aft€r " 1689," add '* before 4 June "; last line, fir *' 1784," read " 1728." Note (4), dde, and euhUUuU " See a aimiUr warrant, 6 Jan. 1699/700, in the case of Catharine, Dow. ViacounleM Qrandiaon of Limerick [I.], widow of the Hon. Edward Fitigerald, otherwise Villiera, a. and h. ap. of Gtooi^ge, the 4th Viaoount, which Qeorge, who d, 10 Deo. 1699, aurvived hie laid eon. p. 319 ; line 7,' eandude " hia second wife"; line 42, after " m.," add " 26 Dec. 1776, or"; Une 45, after "<i.," add <*at Longford castle "; last line, eonaude "Both were bur, at Britford." p. 320 ; line 18, after " 1814," add "at St. Geo. Han. sq."; line 16, eonetude " Both were hur. at Britford "; line 29, ^fter " 1841," add " in Upper QrosTenor stieet" p. 321 ; line 8, efter "at," add "the Anglican church in"; line 4, eondude "and was hur. at Nayeatook, Essex "; line 5, ^fUr " 1825," add " under £80,000." p. 322 ; line 1, after " 66," add " and was hur, 26 July, at Badminton "; line 10, for'* 1866-68," read " 1866-69 "; line 17, for " 1894," read " 1898.*' Note (»»), line 2, after " wounded," add " morUlly "; for " Feroahall," read " PeroMshah "; for " 6 Oct 1846," read " three daya later." p. 323 : line 17, for " owner," read " holder." Note f»), last line, for " unincum- bered," fiemi "unencumbered." p. 324; in maiKin, fer " 1620," read " 1628." Line 21, conclude " WiU, 1644, in Prerog. Ct. [L]." p. 325; Une 8, after "d," add "at Tumbam Green." p. 326; line 4, after " Dublin," add " WiU, 1797, in Prerog. Ct. [L] '*; line 42, after "She," add "d. 19. and"; line 48, ajter "Wilts," add "aged 79"; c/Ur " secondly," add " 26 June." p. 327 ; line 21, oondude " Both d. at Paris and were hur, at Dungannon "; Unas 29 and 87, after " d," add " at Dungannon park "; Une 49, after ^' 6.," add " in St Peter's, Guernsey"; Une 50, after " 1875," add "a Lord in Waiting, 1895-97 ; K.O.M.a., 1897 ; Go?, of New Zealand since 1897." p. 329 ; between lines 28 snd 29, imert at under ^ RATHMORE OF SHANGANACH. Le., " Rathmorb or Shanqakaoh, go. Dublin," Barony (Plunket), cr. 1895 ; see toI. Tin, p. 248, in Apfbndiz. p. 330 ; in margin, for " 1749," read " 1784." Lines 26 and 27, for " 12 May 1769," read^* 11 June 1712 "; line 40, eondude " Both hur. at Umesley." p. 331; line 2, after *'m.,"add "at Hampton"; line 10, after "in," add "York place"; Unea 18, 19, and 20, for "Creawell," read "Cresswell"; Une 45,4^ " He," add " who was (. 21 Nov. 1768 "; last line, for "at a great age," read "aged 76." p. 332 ; line 8, after "ed.," add "at Winchester (1809) and"; line 6, fir "1894, read ** 1898." »»