Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/507

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CORRIGENDA, BTC., TO VOL. VI. 497 P* 333 ; line 39, fir ** Donald Bbat,** rwi *' Donald Maokat." p. 334 ; line 41, fw " Lord Maokat/' read " Lord Rbat." p. 336 ; line 2, for '* 1707, <i.," read « 1767, <i of a decline "; line 4, condnde << under £60,000 "; line 18, fir '* 8 Jan. 1877," read " 2 May 1886." p. 337 : linea 2 io 4, dele " cr," to the end ; line 20. after " Engineer/' add *< (d. 21 Not. 1856, aged 57)." Note (<^), line 1, after " Tbellusaon," add *'(i£. 21 July 17(*7)"; line i.condvde This trust terminated on the death, 5 Feb. 1856, of Charles TheUnsson, grandson ef the testator, aged 59"; last line, eonelwU ** Seo N. A Q., 8th S., zit, 183, for a full account." p. 338 ; lines 10 and 25, after " 1816 " and *< 1888," add "at St Qw. Han. Sq."; line 12, nfttr "Paris," atfd "and was bwr. 17, at Rendlesham"; line 16, /or

  • <6," read "being 5th s. of the 1st Baron; 6. at Rendlesham"; line 16, afier

" onlers," add " sometime Vicar of Aldenhsm, HerU " line 28, after " 1798," add " at Rendleaham "; line 27, after " 1840," add " at Rendlesham haU, aged 84." p. 339 ; line 12, cimdude ** He d. of diabetes, at 37 Charles street. Berkeley square, 17 and was bur, 22 July 1897 at ReTelstoke, aged 69. Will pr. at £85,422 personalty. IL 1897. iP. John (Baring), Baron Rkvklstorb of Mbmbland [1885], 2d but 1st sunr. sl and h. ; ft. 7 Sep. 1863 ; partner in the house of Baring, merchants, abovenamod ; a director of the Bank of England, 1898 ; tue. to the peerage, 17 July 1897." Note (^) conclude as in toI. W., p. 479 in the wrrigenda to this page. p. 340 ; line 12, /or " 31," read "32, in childbed," and was hwr, at Cheneys"; line 20, fir " 1894," rend "1898 "; lino 25, fir " 1892," frtirf " 1892-95 "; line 42, dele and enhslUnte " 2d and yst. s. of John Ricii,(<') of London, mercer {d* T.p. 2!) July 1458) "; last line, see vol. ▼!, p. 479, in the eorrigeixda to this |)age. Note (e), line 1, dde " He " to " from," and eubMuie " This John was s. and h. ap. of." p. 341; line 9, /or " s.," read " Ist surv. s."; line 18, after " Hadloy," add "Alderman of London"; line 14, eondude " m. Robert Forth, and." p- 343: Note («), Mtielude " Alnn of Richmond signs aa *Come$ Orientalium Ang^orum on 31 Mny 1081, and Uuh {Le,, Ktist Anglis] wns the real Earldom of the people you call Earls of Richmond.' [Ixstter of E. CliC8tor Waters, 16 June 1898]." p. 344 ; Top note, lino 26, fir " Stophanis," read " Stcphani." p. 345 ; line 18, fir "sieaed," re^ "seized." Note («), eommenee "J. H. Round writes (22 March 1898) ' In my forthcoming calendar of documenta preserred in France, I have Alan, Comet Richmitndke as witness to a charter of Stephen, in 1136. I lenn to the view that (like Strigul) the title waa taken from the residence informally.' »f p. 364 ; line 13, ftfr "sieaed," read "seieed "; line 29, see Tol. Ti, p. 479, in the corrigenda to this page. p. 357 ; line 12, fir " 1481-82," read " between 20 July and 25 ifoT. (12 Ed. IV.) 1472. [Inq. p. m. and Pat Roll. 12 Ed. IV.]"; line 18, for "1481," read " 1471 (~)," and ineert at taid note " (<») Dugdnle girea the date as 1481, and tho' in the text of the Test. Vet. it is given as 1471 yet a misleading note thereto, by Nicolas, suggests Dugdale's date as more likely." p. 359 ; Note («}, eondude " See voL vii, p. 176, note ' a/ 9ub Sokbrsr." p. 362 ; deb the sub note " Once by Ric. II." to the end, and wbeHiiuU " See toL ti, p. 474, in the corrigenda, kc, to page 41." P' 363 ; Top note, line 1, e^fter " 8d," add "§o raiaed." 2y