Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/508

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498 CORRIGENDA, BTO., TO VOL. YI. p. 306 ; Une 8, ^fUr ** 54/' add " and was hur, 4 Sep. In the oathedna at Quebec "; line 10, tifter " 78," add " in Upper Portland street and was bur, 18, in Chichester cathedral "; Une 84, for *' SBTTRiNaroN/' r$ad ** Sbtrinotoxi." Note («), line 1, a/ttr " pp.," add " 869-70, and." p. 367 ; Hne 26, for " SiTTBniaTON," nod ** SBTimrorov." Note (a), lines 2 and 8, dile " nobleman " to " honour," and tubitituU " noble families whidi have enjoyed the honour to a somewhat similar extent." p. 369; line 8, for •«Naoton," r^d *<Nootom"; Une 81, afl^ "Gladys," add "widow of George Henry (LowTHin), 4th Babl of LoHSDAiJi";/0r **18th Earl," rMd '* and of Sidney, 18th and 14th Barls.' p. 370 ; Une 17, afotr " Anngre," add " [ie., Ongar]. p. 371 ; in margin, after ** 1469," add**io 1488." Line 27, for " 9th," rtad *< 8th "; dde "Sir"; line 81, for "1717," read "1716/7." Note (»), eandude "Sea ' Bxeerpta Ifietarica,' for a full account of this tournament, with many notices of this Earl and a copy (in extenso) of his will." p. 373; line 7, for "Thomas," read "Eabi. Rivkrs"; line 12, for "1680," read " 1626 "; Une 14, after " secondly," add " before 6 March 1646/7 "; Une 26, conclude " (aged about 22)." Note {^), amdude " See vol. viu, p. 4S6, in the corrigenda to toL vi, p. 180, note (^)." p. 374 ; line 22, after "Geneva," add "ed. [1781] at Winchester"; last line, ftrr " SAYE," rMd "SAY." Note (»), lines 8 and 4, fin- " Mrs. Golydon) who si. about 1701," read " Elisabeth Colleton) who m. Aug. 1714." Note (0, Unes 1 and 7, for " Saye," read " Say "; eondude " See as to the peerages conferred on the family of Pitt, p. 882 {anie), in the corrigenda to vol. ii, p. 126." p. 375; Une 7, after "1808," add " L. IJeut. of Dorset"; Une 10, for "8 Feb./' read " 1 Jan."; after " Milan/' add " bur. at Leghorn. M.L"; lines 11, 18 and 17, for " Saye/' read " Say "; line 16, after " 1828," add " in Qioavenor place "; line 41, conclude " Both bur. 6 May at btepleton, near Blandford "; Une 48, firr "only/' read " 2d but only surv." Note i^), conclude " According to the OenL Mag. there were circumstances indicating suicide. He had lost a large sum in a gaming house the night before." p. 376 ; Note (<>), Une 7, for " here," read " there "; Une 21, after "granted/' odd " in 1800." p. 377 ; line 6, conclude " His wiU, 1788, and hers, 1811, at Prerog. Ct [I.] "; Une 8, after « 1776/' add " ed. (1788) at Winchester." p. 378; line 19, after " 1889," add "at St Marylebone"; Une 22, lifter "she," add " who was b, 1 July 1812." p. 379 ; line 9, for " 28," read " 20 "; line 10, /br " ROBARTES," read " ROBERTS "; line 11, after " 1869," add " at Waterford." p. 380 ; Unes 12 and 18, for " 2 June 1664," read " April 1644, when he was appointed Joint President of Connaught "; Une 18, dele " before 1648 "; after " secondly," add "before 7 Jan. 1644/6"; Une 22, for "1696," read "1696/6"; Une 84, for "in 1667," read "29 Jan. 1666/7"; line 86, for " Encombe," r#ai "Enmore." Note (0), deU " and " to the end, and eubitUuU " of his said father's will and of his own appointment" Note (>), Une 8, for " A. Wood," read " h Wood." p. 382 ; in margin, for " 1714 to 1758," read " 1711 to 1768." Line 8, for "1684," read "1682"; line 16, for "2 Hen.," read "11 Hen."; Une 23, after "was," add *'aum. to Pari, as a Barou (LORD BULLKN DE OliMOND), 12 Nov. (1616) 7 Heniy VIII., by writ, directed Thanes Bullen de Ormond, ChVr, and was"; Une 84, for "6 Jan. 1682/2," read "6 Feb. 1682/8"; Unes 86 and 86, dele " thus," to " name(b) "; last Une, for " Father/' read "Father's title of Obmomd." Note ( dde. p. 383 ; Une 9,/er "1666/' read "1666"; Une 17, for "ZuLnmnr/' read "Zuiastun ": Une 44, after " d.," add'*^ June."