Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/534

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524 OORRIGBNDA, ETC., TO VOL. VIII. p. 22 ; Note («), line 1, fw ** Boma dignity," nad "an under tenuit" p. 23; leat line but one, a/tsr « 1786/' tuid «Capt 7th Fuulien; Mrred with diitinction in the Peoinsular war, being seYerely wounded at Albuera." p. 24 } line 1, fir " on the Meuse," read " a place near AYranehea in Normandy." p. 29 ; line 28, for " living 1896," read '* d. after a long illneaa, 16 Feb. 1898. at 114 Park street, and was bur. Mt Sudbury "; line 34, conclude '* by Frances, his wife." Top note, line 4, for *' Tamwortb," read •• Tnnworth." Note (»»), eont^uda

  • ' took an active interest lu the Volunteer movements; was a Liberal in politics,"

p. 31 ; line 7, after " He," add '• m. Iwibel nBAUMOMT "; lino 8. cowlyde ** His widow survived till 1884,(m) and ineert as eaUl note " (<>**) One of a trio of widowa in this family. These were (1) Isabel, widow of John, the Elder (<^ 1289), who d. 1334 ; (2) dementia [see note (<*) above], widow of John, the Younger {d. about 1292), who d, 1344 ; (3) Isabel, widow df Willltm (</. 1297), who d, 1314-16"; line 16, for "abo," read "iu 1290"; line 22. for "da.," nod "(who d. in or before 1266), da. and coheir "; line 27, for " waa living 1809," read " d. 181416. luq. 8 Ed. IL(««) [Ex. inform. E. Chester Waters]"; line 80, after "above- named," add "at whose death, in 1297, he waa hardly 9 years <ild." Note (<>), line 2, for "about 1287," read "in 1290"; deU "|Qy. Isiibel]"; lines 8 to 4, dile " Isabel " to the end, and tubelUuU " about 1292. Mis widow d. abroad in 1344." p. 32 ; lines 22 and 28, dde " (about " to " Fitsiidoh," and tubttitute ** Eleanor, widow of Thomas Tunstall, and, before that, of Philip, Lord Daroy (who d. 1418), da, of Henry CFiTZUOOH), liORD Fitzhugh, by Elixalieth, da. of Sir Robert Qbky(<>)." NoU (»), line 6, for " Charter," read ** Charta." Note (<i), dele, and tubtUtuU "There is much obscurity and contradiction as to the order of her marriages and even the identity of this second wife of Lord de Vesci may be doubted ; but, if this be admitted, the order given in the text is the only poisible one, as she had issue by all three husbands, and her first child by Lord Darcy must have been born about 1416, and her last child, one by Lord Vesci, Margaret, Lady de Clifford, must have been born after 1434." p. 34; line 6, for "Hbnbt," read "Husbbt"; lines 17 and 24, fur "1897," read " 1898." p. 36 ; line 12, for " 1226/7," read " 1826/7." p. 37 ; in mai|;in, for " 1689," read " 1686." p. 40 ; line 9, for " Radstook," read " Chewton "; for " living 1897," read "d. s-p. at Marseilles, 30 Jan. 1898, aged 76, and was bur, with her, when all Ait honour t became extinct. Will pr. at £41,808 i>ersonalty "; line 80, for "since 1866 » Lady," read "6. at Sharpham afsd. ; since Nov. 1866 a Woman "; line 31, for " 1897," read " 1898 "; line 48, for '* Blackmore," read " Blackmoor." p. 41 ; line 87, eonclude " Ridiard le Waleys m. Eleanor, widow of Robert le (or de) Bbus, by whom he luid a da., Alice. [J. H. Round]." p. 42 ; line 4, after "1814," add ** in I>ower Brook street, St. Geo. Han. sq."; line 6, after " 8," add " 9 or 29 "; line 24, after " 1784," add "at Milltown, co. Dublin "; line 28, after " suspended," add " Will, 1808, in Prerog. Ct. [I.]." p. 46 ; line 29, for " 1866-71," read " 1866-70 "; line 82, after " m.," add " in Sloane street" p. 47 I between lines 11 and 12, imert a$ under-" WANDALE. f.e., " Wandalb and Hartbidb" Barouy [S.] {Douglaa)^ cr. 1661 with the Earldom of Forvar [S.], which see ; ex. or dorui. 1716. p. 52 I note (*), conclude " J. Horace Round inclines to the date given by Rous." p. 55 ; note {% line 1, after " law," add " as strikingly exemplified (see vol. Tiii, p. 60, note 'f ') in the case of this very Earldom later on."