Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/535

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OORRIGBNDAy BTO., TO VOL. Vin. 525 p. 56; laat Une, fmr « 1810/' rwA " 180910 "; ^Jist <« 26," oM *' tnd a widow.** p. 58; Hue 8, afl^r <' advisera/' all " and.'* p. 60; Hue 28, fir " 1460/' read '* 1460(«)/' and imert as »aid noU " (««) J. H. Bound suggests that this double creKiion (for nn heiress and her husband), and the succession under it, may be compared with that of Buodeugh (see yol. ii, p. 47). He further points out that this remainder to heirs ^neral created the possibility of an ahtyanre of the earldom, such as is possible in the oase of Arundel under tlio siiecial remainder of 1627, and such as has actually happened in the case of Crumartie under that of 1861, see vo ii, p. 429, note (a). This last named note, however, is modified by the subsequent action [1895J of the Crown '*; line 80, fir " Henry IV.." read " Hen. VI." p. 64; in margin, fir " to 1564," read " Jnn. to Aug." Line 20, a/ier " 1668," add

    • when all hU honoun became firfiiied,"

p. 68; line 2, defe " She " to ** 1647C) "; line 8, eondude " His widow m., after April 1688, as his second wife, Richard (BoDiiXB), 8th Earl of Olavbicabdb [I.], who was living Nov. 1702, but who d. s.p.m.8. shortly afterwards." p. 69; line 12,/or " 2d," read " 5th "; line 24,/or "Jan. 1698," read «« 20 Jan. and bap. 6 Feb. 1697/8, at St. James,' Westm."; line 82, fir "1st cousin once removed," rrad ** second cousin "; after " h.," add " Cope Riou (living 1696), by (-.), da. of (— ), which Cope was s. of",' line 83, deU "Inr" to "which," and tubitUnte *' which last named,(<'(') inurting as s(iid note "{<'A) The binns, ]>ub. 24 and 29 Dec. 1666, and 6 Jan. 1666/7, at St. Andrew's, Holbom, of * Mr. Cope Rich and Mrs. Isabella Maasie,' probably refer to his marriage." p. 72; line 6, afier " ed.,' add " at Eton and "; line 12, fir '* 1897," read " 1898 "; line 16, /or " London." read " Harley street, Marylebone "; last line, fir '* 22,'* read ** 21 "; eonelude ' Will pr. at £8,094." p. 73; line 6, conclude " Ho in. 16 Oct 1897, at St Qco. Han. sq., Iksntrix Frances, 2d and yst da. of Henry Charles Keith (I'ittt-Fitssiiauiucb), 6th Maiiqukbs op Lansdownr, by Maud Evelyn, da. of Jamea (Hamilton), 1st Dukb op Abkroorn [I.]. She was 6. 26 March 1877"; line 88, after "Juliana," add "(20,000)"; line 46, afier " cf.," add " at 64 Cadogan place.*'^ p. 74; last line but one, conclude *' She (2. 8 Majroh 1898, at 20 Queen's Gate." p. 75: line 86, dele " whose " to " doubtful," and substitute *' br. and h. of Robert DB Wbllbs (who d. s.p. soon after 1290), both being sons of William db Wbllbs (d, before 1290), 6th in descent from Rauemer, mesne Lord (in Domesday), of the manor of Welles.(e) He"; line 42, dde "John" to "afsd.," and substitute "William Willoughbt, of Camberworth and Anderly, oo. Lincoln (<')"; insert as said noU " (•) From R. E. Chester Waters' account of the Welles family in MS., being part of his proposed Baronage." p. 76; line 6, after " da.," add " coheir "; line 14, for " presumably da. of John," read "da. of Thomns'*; line 15, deie "by" to "D*Auorib"; line 26, dde brother." p. 77; note (•)> line 2, dde " in " to " h.," and suhstUute " (see note next above)." p. 78; line 8, after " Stbanowatb," add " by Elisabeth, da. and ooheir of Philip (Dabot), Lord Darot and Mbiiiill." p. 80; line 16, for " Her,'* read " His "; lines 17 (bis), 19, 20 and 22, far " Wbluro- Ton," read " Wbllinoton(<')," and insert as said note " f>) * The connexion of the Iron Duke with the plaoe from which he took his title is very slender ... In the year 58 Q«o. III. (1812-18), an Act, of Pari, was passed ... for purchasing an estate for the Marquis of Wellington ... in obedienoe to the directions of this Act, the Duke became possessed of the Tx>rdship of the Manor of Wellington Borough with hereditary rights. The above explains to some extent the