Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/542

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» If If n fi >} If ff ft If ff fi 532 ADDITIONAL CORRIGENDA, ETC. Vol. Viii; p. 282 ; Link 86 [tub vol. i, p. 160], after "Oct/' inteH "Hue 6, Jar

  • him/ read ' 6 March H90/1 ' ; line 10, far < 1484/ read ' 1476, being

above 16, on 4 Aug. 1402, as found in the inq. p. mortem of his unole, Kichard, Karl Rivers, to whom he was a coheir/ " p. 283 ; LiNi 8 [tub vol i. p. 155], after " 1640," v'tert "fer * 1680/ read

  • 1640.' " Link 80, [tub vol. i, p. 160], after " West/' mteri " line 12,

ftn- * 1772,' read * (Uc. Loud. 1 June 1722, he 20, she 25)/" p. 287 ; Link 40 [tub vol. i, p. 100], after " Drummond," intert « line 29, efttr * widow,' add ' who was 6. 17 Juue 1814, in Edinburgh, and.' " p. 290 ; LiNi 8 [tub vol. u p. 200], after " May," inteiU "line 18, after

  • s. and h,,' add* aged 25, 26 or 27 at his father's death ' ; line 18, fitr
  • firstly,' read * secondly in or before Michaelmas term 1488' ; lines 19

and 20, fitr * secondly, Margret, da. of,' read ' previously in or before 1485, Margaret, da. of Sir' ; line 22, /ur *She/ read 'His widow ' ; line 23, after ' wife,' add ' Margaret, aged 6 yesrs and no more, 6 Aug. (4 Hen. YIL) 1489, when he was heir to his maternal grandfather.' p. 291 ; LiHi 27 [tub vol. i, p. 208], afkr " Edinburgh," inteH " huit line, conclude ' His widow living 1808.' " Link 40 [tub vol. i, p. 210], ofter "sti.," intert " lino 47, for • 1885,' read * 1808.' " p. 296 ; Link 19 [tub vol i, p. 238], after " Dublin," inteH " line 26, after * VVickltfw,^ add * by Hnrriut Anno, aU tin. of Sir lUcliard ISIigh bT. aKOiuiK,2d Hart. [i.]. She wos b, 9 Dec. 1828.'" Link 86 [tub vol. i, p. 240], for "'(1885),' read * (1897)/ tul-tUuU 'ia now (1895) living,' read UL 7 July 1808, at Torquay, and whs bur. at Bantry '"; Line 87 [tub idem], ufter " Kosauiuiid," add " Ontharine." Link 41 [tub idem), fwr " living 1807," read "m. 7 Dec. 1807, at Christ Church, Down street (as his second wife), Arthur William (Hill-Tbkvob), 2d Barom Trkvou of Brynkinalt/' p. 298; Limb 88 [tub vol. i. p. 2401 ^ft^ "year," add "line 14, for <2 Feb./ read <at Uley, co. Qloucester, 1 Feb.'" Link 48, [fti6 tVfm], for "living 1807," read **d. at 30 Devonshure place, Maryleboue, 1 and was bur, 4 Feb. 1808, at Shriveuham, in her 72d year. Will pr. at £21,260 personalty." p. 304 ; LiRB 51 [tub vol. i, p. 200L ^/^ " net," add " Hia widow Uviug 1808." p. 305 ; Link 25 [tub vol. i, p. 2051 «M " Pembroke," inteH "line 45, after 'widow,' add 'who was aged above 84 on 4 Aug. 1402/" p. 307 ; Link 14 [tub vol. i, p. 800], for " esUblished," read "recognised BO far as having been served heir and as voting for Scotch Uep. Peers, but not by the Committee for Privileges in tlie House of Ixirds." Line 15 [tub idem], inteH as next line, "lines 40 and 42 {bit), fur ' Bkllkulx,' read * Bbluklb.' " p. 308 ; Linbs 10 and 11 [tub vol. i, p. 8121 between these lines inmH at unda' — BELLISLE. See vol. i, p. 309, where it is (wrongly) dealt with as Bbllbiblb. p. 310 ; Link 38 [tub vol. i, pp. 886-8401 after " Brand," add " She d. s.p., suddenly, & March 1808, at Foxcombe, near Abingdon, and was bur, at Wootton, Berks." p. 317 ; Link 50 [tub vol i, p. 306]. after "Theobald," intert " line 22, after * Edmund/ add <or EdwardC*'),' and intert at taid noU "(•>) The will of Edward, Lord Baron of Castle Couuell, 1638, is in the Prerug. Ct.[L]'" „ p. 318; Link 58 rfii6 vol. i, p. 4001 M "a similar," read "aimui- taueously a like.'