Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/543

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ADDITIONAL OOttRIGBNDA, ISTO. 533 Vol Tlii ; p. 319 ; Lni 19 [iuh vol. i, p. 408], fffUr "doaUfal/' inaert ** line 11, amdwU * The will of his widow, 1786, in Prerog. Ct [I.].' " M p. 328 ; LiHB 83 [tub yoI. ii, p. 86], ^fier •* 86/' uiMrt *' in margin, ftr ' 1685,' read * 1684/ " LiHB 84 [tub idem], after " 1672)," imert <* line 8, >i 9$ fl »f tl M II It II tl 11 for • 1685,' rMif ' 1684 (before 5 Aug.).' p. 329 ; Limb 10 [mb toI. ii, p. 98], /or "Cunmock," rend '• Cumnock." p. 330 ; LiNB 26 [iHb vol. ii, p. Ill], ^fUr *' 1440)," in$eH " line 10, for

  • 9 Oct. 1459,' read ' 5 June 1464.' "

p. 332; LiWB 25 [wb toI. ii, p. 125], for "were were," read "were"; deU " both." p. 333 ; LiNB 41 [iii5 vol. ii, p. 186], imeH "living" brfort " 1886 ";/or " 1898," read " She d, 6 Feb. 1898, at Weston Houae afad. Will pr. at £17,811." p. 338 ; LiNB 6 [tub vol. ii, p. 171]. afttr " that toI," read " See also the iSs Libria Journal^ Sep. 1898 (p. 188), for intereatiog notes on the family of Caryll." p. 335 ; Lira 88 [wb vol. ii, p. 150], a/lar "1753," inaert "line 20, after ' 1852,' add *tx. (herewith) 1898.'^' p. 336 ; Limb 15 [fti5 vol. ii, p. 155], after " [3.]," add " He was Uving 22 Dec. 1516." p. 343; Limbs 12 and ]4, between these inaeri "p. 239; line 29, /or '8tiBan.' read ' 81 July 1617, at St. Dunstau's, Stepuey, Susan Bammimo, of St Gabriel, Fenchurch, London, widow.' " Limb 21 [aub vol. ii, p. 2421 /^ " 8*>»/' '«»<' "She." p. 346 ; LiKB 20 [avb vol. ii, p. 280], after " unm./' add " at Albert Bridge rund, Bntteraea pnrk." Limb 21 [aub idem], conclude "Will pr. at £23,866 ttoraonalty." LiMB 31 [aub vol. li, p. 282], after " Will," inaert " line 24 [ftt6 vol. ii, p. 283], finr ' 77il,/ read * 87th.' " LiMB 27 [aub ideml Uranapoaa **in margin" to b^^ore "for 1887." Limb 83 [aub idem], eonclade " Will pr. at £41,808 peraoualty." p. 348 ; Limb 8 [aub vol. ii, p. 805], conclude "aged 17 at his father's death ; wss." p. 351 ; Limb 22 [aub voL ii, p. 888], after " 888," inaert " Une 1, eonelude • O.aV.O., 1896.' " p. 352 ; Limb 84 [aub vol. ii, p. 847], condude " last line, for ' William,' read 'ThomasC^)'; conduwB *Tbe will of his widow as Lady Anne Conyeraf of Skdton^ directing her burial to be there, near her husband, dat. 16 Deo. 1547, pr. 21 April 1548, at York.' InaeHaaaaxd noU ' («) See Townsend's Dugdalia, vol. ii, p. 248. Thomas d 1525 ; William (his son) did not die till 1563.' " Note (^), deU the last four lines, from " This " to the end, and aubatituU " Her wUl, however, dia- proves it" p. 355; Limb 47 [aub vol. 0, p. 888], after "M.I.," tnterf "Ime 87, for « 1854,' read * 1864.' " p. 360 ; Limb 80 [iti5 vol. ii, p. 489], after " 28," inaeH " lines 5 and 6, deU '[widow]' to ' Comtbr8(1>)].' " Limb 32 [aub idem], eondude " Noto (*>), <Wfc" p. 362 ; Limb 17 [atib vol. iii, p. 8], after " Rolls," inaert "line 18, after

  • and h.,' add * aged above 18 at the death (80 May 1485) of his

father.' " Line 42 [fii5 vol. iii, p. 15], after " 15," inaert " line 82, for < 9 Oct 1459,' read * 5 June 1464.' " p. 364 ; Limb 54 [aub vol. iii, p. 80], for " 1892," read " Nov. 1891." p. 366 ; Limbs 10 and 11 [iu6 vol. iii, p. 39] between these inaert " p. 39 ; lines 11 and 12, dde * (and so consequently eith«*r a son or grandson)/ and aubatUute * (viz., s. and h. of John D., deed., formerly his a. and h. ap.).' Noto (f), line 3, dele 'by them called.'" LiMB 24 [aub vol. iii, p. 47], fifter " 47," inaert "His " widow d. 12 May 1494.