Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/546

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536 ADDITIONAL CORRIQBNDA, KTO. Vol. ¥iii ; p. 403 ; I^ni 8 [Mib toI. t!, ii. 2571 after " 1684," umri ** Untf 89 ; t^

  • ffi./ add 'at at Qdoiige'a ohapel, Windaor, 27 April 1706/ " Lnn 11

[tub vol, vi, p. 268), after *' Eiirl," insert " line 8d, >br • 1764/ rend ' 1764' ; line 48, for *ueioe/ rea<{ 'niece/ " Line 46 [tub toI. vi, p. 278], after ** 278," inurt " line 2, /or ' June,' rrad * March ' " ; inmt " in margin aa alao in linea 16 and 22, for * 1724/ read * 1726/ " II >i II II II II n II II II p. 494; Limbs 11 and 12 [tub vol. vi, p. 279], betweeD tbeae tneeri

  • ' p. 279 ; noU (b), line 21, far * aimd,' read * am6/ " Lim 16, eonelude

[sub vol vi, p. 280], " Top note, line 6, for * qui,* read * que ' ; line 7, for * leur,' read, in two places, ' leura/ " p. 496 ; LiNB 8 [eub vol. vi, p. 297], condude " line 26, for * Mabkbrltnb,' read ' Maskblynb/ " Linbs 8 and 9 [tub vol. vi, p. 299], between Uieae intert *' p. 299 ; in margin, fur * 1889/ read ' 1310 ' ; line 14, for

  • in Oct 1339,' read '28 or 24 June 1840.' "

p. 496 ; LiNB 14 [tub vol. vi, p. 818], after ** 1728," ineeH laat line. for ' s. of the lat Earl, by his first wife,' read * br. of the late Karl/ " NOTB (b), line IB, for '* cyncical," read " cynical " ;for ** intracUcable/' read " intracUble/' Limb 14 [ftt6 vol. vi, p. 323], Note (a), line 1,/or " 1779," warf " 1797/' p. 499: Limb 1 [tub vol. vi. p. 886], condude " last line, /or * 1767/ read M777/" Link 8 [tub vol. vi, p. 886], after *' Woodhouse," inteH " linea 27 and 28, between these intert at under — [WiLLiAU Watson- Wbntworth, $tyled after Nov. 1734, ViaooUMT HiOHAM 4th, but, after Aug. 1784, 1st aurv. a. and h. ap.; bap. 2 Sep. 1728, at Wentworth Woodhouae ; d. v.p. 16 Aug. 1789 in his nth year.]" Limb 6 [tub idem], dde '< last line fur * 1767,' read * 1777,' " and tubttUuU '* line 85, for ' 1788,' read « 1789/ " Limb 42 [tub vol vi, p. 897], after ** 897," intert "line 80, /or • 1717/ read * 1712.'" P- 600 I LiNB 9 [tub vol. vi, p. 402], condude *' after ' was,' add ' aged 62, and.' " p. 505 ; Last limb [tub vol. vii, p. 86], condude <* It was at hia request that Lydgate, in 1426, translated into English De Ouileville's well- known -'Pe/«ri'naj^« cfe la vie Jiumaine (which he culls PyUiryteage du Mounde)f a work sometimes held to have suggested Uunyau's Pilgrim*e Progrett, [Ex i^forwi, F. J. Fumivall, LL.D. See also N. Jb Q., 9th a, ii, 214.]" p 506 ; Limb 20 [tub vol. vii, p. 42], after " 12," intert " line 20, for

  • 1708/8/ read • 1708/9.' "

p. 506 ; Limb 28 [iii6 vol. vii, p. 89], after " 89/' t'nMrl ** line 18, for ' not known, but/ read ' 12 Oct. 1731, aged about 70, and.'" p. 510 ; Limb 86 [tub vol. vii, p. 129], after " 1807/' intert " line 14, /or ' nephew,' read * cousin.' " p. 513 ; Limb 89 [tub vol. vii, p. 210], after " 1868," inteH *' lines 6 and 7, deU ' 24 March ' to the end, and tubttituU ' 1351, at which date hia widow, then aged about 12, m, William of Bavaria, Count of Haimault and Holland. She d. a. p. 10 April 1362, and waa bur, in Uyusburg Abbey/ " p. 514 ; I JMB 28 [tub, vol. vii, p. 226], condude " note ff), lines 6 and 6, for * Ust named Earl, in 1810,' read * 7th Earl, in 1840.' " LiNB 88 [eub vol. vii, p. 285], condude "line 5, for *28 Dec. 1717,' read '16 Aug. 1714.'" p. 515 ; Limb 46 [tub vol. vii, p. 262], condude " line 88. for Sir Robert Atkins,' read ' Robert Atkinson.' Note (b), line 2, after * da. and h.,' add 'of William Gascoigne, frreat great grandson.'" Linb 46 [«ii6 vol. vii, p. 264], after ** Uecords," intert " line 17, /or ' Thoabb,' retul ' Thouabb.' "