Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/547

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» » ADDITIONAL OORRIQBNDA, STO. 537^ Vol. Viii; p. 616 ; Lime 1 [tub toI. Til, p. 266], etmaudi *'lin« 17 and 18, dde ' 6rtt wife ' to " Dunoombi ' and nAtOttUe * second wile, Jane, da. of Thomas Warburtor/ '* Link 18 [tub toL ▼!!, p. 274], i^/^ " 1466/7," imert " line 84, for ' m.,' rtad '* who was aged above 16 on 4 Aug. 1492, had m."* p. 618 ; LWB 9 [tub vol. tii, p. 827], o/fer " and,** <iiier( 'Mine 19, /or ' in 1248-49/ recui * shortly before her death.' " Lmn 11 and 12 [tub ▼ol. Til, p. 830], between these intert ** p. 880, line 29, dele * 1472, or '; Hue 35, /or < 22 June,* read ' the first week in Auicast '; for * 11th,' read MOth.'" Liitr 26 [tub toL Tii, p. 839], ^fter "1674," tnssH " line 10,/rir ' about 1692,' read * 2 and bap. 16 May 1690, at St. James Westm.'; fw • 1704,' read ' 1708/4 '; line 11, for • Feb.,' read * Sep.' " Lim 83 [ttib Tol. Tii, p. 848], after *' SAB," interi "lines 21 and 22, for 'generally known as VisooDNT Trintham,' read 'ti^Ud Lord Stratbhavbr,' " p. 619; Limbs 2 and 8 [tub toI. Tii, p. 866], between these intert "p. 356; line 81,/or < A Chot Kowa/ read ' Ton Ghotkowaand Wognin '; line 86, for '1823,' read '80 May 1823'; line 44, deU 'Amed^'; line 46, after ' Ooss,' add ' da. of Antony, Count Amad^ Ton Varkony, by Anna, Oountesa Rsterhasy '; line 46, fitr ' 1796,' read * 81 Dea 1795.' " Link 27 [tub toI. Tii, p. 366], after " 866," inteH " lines 82 and 33, for * Leonice,' read * Leonie '; for ' Aglae, da. of ( — ),' read ' Louise Gfabrielle Agla^ da. of Armand Jules Franoois de Polignao.' " LnrB 31 [tub toI. tu, p. 867], i^fter " 83," interi for * Saasignes,' rsoii ' Sassignies.' " » p. 620; Linb4 [fftt( Tol. Tii, p. 889], after "ap.," tiiterf" line 82, /or 'April,' read 'August'; LiBB 6 [tub ibid.1 conclude "line 88, /or ' 1767,' read ' 1769.' " Lmn 81 and 82 [toL Tii, p. 400], between three interi ** p. 400, line 3, dde ' who,' to ' county '; lines 6 to 8, dde ' 2d a.,' Co ' Kobert,' and tubtiUute ' aboTenamed, who was 2d but 1st snrT. s. and h. male of Marraadnke db Twbro {d. before 1284>85) of Kilton Castle aftd., by Lucy, sister and coheir of Peter fiRUCB, of Skelton, co. York.' " >t P* 622 ; LiKBS 42 and 43 [tub toI. Tii, p. 460], between these Utteri " p 460 ; line 6,/ur ' 1684,' read ' 1584 '; Note (c), line 4,>br "pnm dentia,' read ' pnidentia.' " f tt OCCURENCES AFTER 1 JAN. 1898, are not (save in a few instances where thej do not affect either the succession or the elevation of a Commoner to a peerage) recorded in this Work. Thirty-one Peers hsTS died in 1898 ; the number was but 18 in 1897* as also in 1896 ; 26 in 1896 ; 26 in 1894 ; 27 in 1898, as also in 1892 ; 82 in 1891 ; 21 in 1890. and 26 in 1889. These thirty-one Peers are (the first, ekronologiMlly, being the Earl of Wilton, on 8 Jan.), Anglesey, Bmdford, Buohan [SA Caledon [I.], Carbery [I.]^ Carlingford, a Barony [U.K.] cr. 1874 held with the &rony of Clermont [LI er. 1852 (which last more ancient Bsrony, inasmuch as it had not been inherited till 1887 by the last holder, was not assumed by him), Cawdor, Clonmell [I.], Comber- mere, De Lisle, Deeart [I.], Effingham, Exeter, Henley, a Barony [I.] held with the Barony of Northington [H.K.], Hillingdon. Holmpntrick, Lathom, Liale [L], Liamore [I. and U.K.], Mansfield, Mountcashell [I.], Napier, a Barony [S.], held with the Barony of Ettrick [U.K.], Newton, Ozenbridge, Play fair, St. Albans, Strafford, Suffolk, Vernon, Wilton, and Wincbilsea. Of these peerages the Barony of Carling- ford [U.K.J together with that of Clermont [L], and the Visoountcy of Liamore [I.] together with the Barony of Liamore [U.K.], haTo become extinct, as also has the Viftcountcy of Oxenbridge [er. 1886], but not the Barony of Honson of Burton [er. 1728], which was held therewith. Sd