Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/556

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  • ' Fkiry Queen/' IdeotitT of "Sir SoucU-

roore in—," vii, 92, f. Fane, Sir Francis—, tbo Dramntttt, viii, 118, la

  • < Far«well to HackenEie," vii, 99, c.

Farleigh Hungerford, iv, 275, d. Fanningf Woods, Nortbants, v, 190, 8. Farran, Elizth.— , the actress, iii, 76, e. Faiiside, Battle of— , iv, 249, 5. Fawsley, Northants, vii, 68, 9. Feilding, <'Beaa"— ,ii, 285, 3; viii, 848. last line but two. <' Fifty years of my life." i. 66, 4. Fincb, *' Silvertongued "— , i, 200, 19. Fine no bar to a title of honour, vi, 806, a. M of a peer of Pari, i, 178, cl Finhaven, ii, 415, 41. Finesterre, Battle off Cape— ,vi, 889, 2. Finney v. Cairns, ii, 107, 6. First, see " Premier." First Visoountoy in Scotland, iii, 826, h, Fiacal Earldoms, ii, 268, c ; v, 86, a. Fitfiherbert, Mrs.—, vii, 101, a. Fits James, Henrietta — , viii, 87, 14. " FUvia," Identity of Itowe's — ,viii, 179, c Flaxley Abbey, Cartulary of — , iv, 212, (. Flodden, Battle of—, iv, 296, 8 ; v, 25, 20; 846, last line ; vi, 48, 26. „ Scotch Nobles slain at—, v, 68, 6. Flood, Henry — , ii, 118, a. '* Flower of Chivalry," i, 183. 14. Fontenoy, Buttle of — , vi, 425, 11. Foote, Mario — , the actress, iv, 178, 6. Ford castle, viii, 72, 0. Foreign victories. Peerage titles commem. of-, viii, 269, 85. Forfeited peerage not restorable by Crown alone, i, 201, 7. Forfeiture does not follow from attainder, i. 256, h. „ Entailed honours preserved against — for felony, ii, 1 8 1 ,6. „ Does survival by attainted h. of holder of title entail — ? i, 45,a; 189, c. „ of peerages (1715), iii, 192, a. „ „ (1745), iii, 898. a. Foi)(ery, Claim Co peerage founded on — , vii, 248, 8. Fortune, " The Lawyer's—," iv, 119, e. Foucarmont Abbey, iii, 291,2. Foure Chapel, viii, 106, 16. Fox, Chas. Jhs.— , iv, 243, a ; 244, h. „ „ „ Peerages, [I.], cr. at re- quest of — , iii, 44, ci Fnul, Identity of Smollett's " Lady—," viii, 17, c. Franklin. Sir John—, vii, 877, 5. Fratrh, Doctrine of PoMuuio—, iv, 105, /; 180, c; vi, 171./. It Freemason, Only woman ever admitted — , iii, 186, 6. Frubisher, Martin — , viii, 65, h, Frogual, Kent, vii, 859, b. Galloway, " F^iir maid of—," i. 185, 6 ; iii, 157, 8 and SO. Gardiner, Stephen — , Bp. of Winchesier, i, 295, c Garioch, Dignity of — , iv, 14, li. Garter, Cases where tlie Thistle baa been held with—, i, 11, 6. „ Commoners eL Kts. of—, vi, 129, g ; 188, e. „ held by 7 Dukes of Devon, iii, 118, d Instance of immediate suoceoor in peerage el. to vacancy in — , V. 67, b, „ King, ii. 270, 6. ,, Kts. degraded from — , ii, 64, if ; vi, 69, 26 ; 182, 20. M I^ist of special— missions, ii, 192,a. „ Order of—, i, 276, a ; iii, 870, s. ,, Origin of name of order of — , iv, 852, a. „ Representation of — ^in various families, vi, 59, 6. „ Robes of — ordered for Lady A. Moleyns, iv, 276, g „ Surrender of ~, iv, 840, 21. Gascoyne, Bamber — , vii, 48, a. Gatton, V, 886, 26, vi, 29, o. Gaulston, co. Westmeath, iv, 879. 22. Gaunt, John of — , v, 8, 8. „ „ Bastards of— , vii, 169, 6. Gaverstock, "Lord and Lady—,'* in " Coningsby," v, 807. a. Gawthorpe estate, vii, 262, b, Oeashill, Kings County, vi, 116, 8 and 9. General, " A heaven U>ru — ," ii, 810, 9. „ see " Heirs Gen." George, Brotherhood of St—, iv, 56, «. „ Early occurrence of ilie name — , ill, 199, (L George I, First peerage [I.] cr. by — . „ „ Mistresses of — , iv, 841, d. „ II, Mistress of—, vii, 814, c „ „ Only Duke cr. by—, vi, 24, 6.^ ,, IV, Coronation peerages of — , ii, 851, c<. „ „ Misti-OM of— , ii, 852, a. „ „ Only Duke cr. by — , ii, 60, b, '* Gervase the gentle," viii, 847, 51. Ghost story, vii, 452, d, Ghuznee, Battle of—, iv, 888, a. Gibbs, Anty— & Sons, Merchants, viii, 230 86 Gilbert, Davies Giddy—, vii, 58, b, Gilbert's " H.M.S. Pinafore," viu, 580, 17.