Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/557

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OBNBRAL INBBX. 547 ailbert'a " Pirates ol Penzance/' ▼!, 177, «. Oilchrut, Connie—, the actress, ▼!, 187) a. ' Gilleeland eaUte, iu, 6, 7. Olamia Oaatle, Tii, 466, 22. Glamorgan, Earldom of—, viii, 628, 16. Glenae, co. Dumfries, ii, 161, 12. Glencoe Massacre, ii, 14, 4 ; vii, 228, a. Glenfemess, oo. Nairn, v, 72, 86. Glenshiels, Battle of—, vii, 98, 10.

  • ' Gloaoester" Frigate, Wreck of—, vi,

446, e. „ Herald, ii, 270, b. GloTer, Peer a—, iv, 420, 6. Glover's " Hosier's Ghost,** vii, 182, e. Glyn Mills k Co., Bankera, iv, 284, 8 ; viii, 196, 7. " Gorboduc," Tragedy of—, iii, 149, /. Gowrie Plot, tv, 886, 87. Grace Dieu Monastery, ii, 96, 8. Grace, Pilgrimage of — , v, 26 g. Grafton, CO. Wore, vii, 142, 18. Gramont Memoirs, i, 8, a ; vii, 260, a. Grand Master of the Household, i, 126,/. Grandpr6, Comt<^ of—, viii, 324, /. Granton Pier, ii, 60, 36. Grasse, Defeat of Count de— , vi, 389, 9. Grays Inn, iv, 112, 5. Great Barony, vi, 842, a. „ Chamberlain (tee Chamberlain). Greenway Court, Virginia, iii, 806, last line but one. Greenwich Hospital, vi, 18, 38. Grentmesnil family, vi, 473, 26 to 48. GrenviUe family, Peerages of. on — , iv, 92 a. Grey, Lady Jane — , iii, 149, 14. „ „ „ Peera signing settle- ment of Crown on — , in, 70,/. " Grey Steel," iii, 241, 28. Grindlow, co. Derby, ii, 436, 41. Grosvenor House, viii, 110, 6. Grosvenor — Scrope controveny, vii, 84, 18. Guileville's ** Pelerinage de la vie humaine," viii, 6, 86, 46. Gumley House, i, 267, g. Gunnings, The Miss — , i, 127, a; ii, 890, a. Gunpowder Plot, v, 878, 10 ; vi, 91, 16. Guy^s Tower, viii, 68, a. Gwalior, Capture of — , vii, 292, 1. Gwinnett, Epigram by — , v, 348, 6. Gwydyr, co. Carnarvon, viii, 147, a. G Wynne, Parantage of Nell — , vii, 4, li. Gypde, " The— Laddie," ii, 176, 6. Haddon Hall, vi, 468, e, Hadham, Edmund of—, vi, 866, 22. Hafod, South Wales, vi, 27, 84. Haggenton family, iv, 220, d* Hailes Abbey, oo. Gloua, ii, 862, 81. Half-blood, No bar in case of dignity, iii, 878. c; vi,171,/. „ Succession of the — , iit, 46, d; iv, 87, c; 106, e and/; viii, 66,/. Halidon Hill, Battle of—, v, 869, 81 ; vi, 419, 2. Halkhead estate, vi, 422, h ; 424, e. Ham, Surrey, iii, 228, 7. Hamilton, Antb<»ny — , i, 8, a; vii, 260, a, „ John, Arehbp. of St. Andrew's, vii, 110, 6. Hampden, Descendants of John — , iv, 166 a. Hampton Court, iii, 288, a, Hanbury- Williams, "New ode to a number of Great Men," viii, 167, d. Hanger, Col.—, ii, 880, 48. Hanmer, Sir Thos.— , iv, 67, 4. Hanover, King of—, ii, 442, 26 ; 448, 1. Hanser, Kaspar— , vii, 286, a. Hanworth estate, vii, 67, c. HapsbuTgs, "Our Kngliah- ," vui, 367,44. Hard wick, *' Bess of—," vii, 140, 88. Haringworth chapel, viii, 226, e, „ estate, viii, 226, 6. Harleian Collection and Library, vi, 179, g. Hiirpur, Elisth- , iv, 118, (2. Harrington estate, vii, 287, /. Harrowden estate, viii, 18, a. Hartgill, Murder of—, vii, 254, e. Hassop, CO. Derby, vi, 20, 41. Haatings, Lady Flora—, iv, 188, d. Hatfield House, vii, 40, e. „ Jasper Tudor of—, vi, 21 2^ 8. Hatton, Sir Xtupher— , iv, 192, 6. Hawkhead esUte, vi, 422, h ; 424, c. Hawley, Lieut. -Gen. — , iv, 197, a. Heathcote, Sir Wil. — , vii, 17, c. Heaton, co. Lane, viii, 161, 6. Hedingham Castle, vii, 486, 6 ; vi, 162,sr ; 168, 14; 170, 6 and t ; 171,6; 172,6. „ Priory, vi, 168, 6. Hedsor estate, i, 880, h. Heira, equivalent to ** Kein of the body," vi, 108, €. „ Gen., Did early writs of sum. cr. a peerage deacendible to — , vii, 261, e. „ „ Dignities cr. by writ descend- ible to—, if, 802, 6. „ „ preferred to h. male in [S.] peerages, v. 869, 6; vii, 46, e ; 46, e. „ „ Unusual Uen to^, in Irish patent, ii, 108, 6. „ BCale and of entail. Construction of "and," 0,286,6. „ 9, bearing the name and arms, {, 86, a.