Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/563

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GENERAL INDEX. 553 OTersione eftate, ii, 89, d, Oxford, "ProTisioiis of—," vi, 89, latfe line but two. Oznaad, Norf., viii, 210,/. Packinffton estate, i, 210, 18. Paffet HooM, ti, 184, e, Pauley Town, i, 4, 11/12. Palatinate of Durham, Hi, 226, text. Palatine earldomi, ii, 221, text. Pantler, Office of—, {▼, 291, c.

  • ' Paradioe of dainty dericea," viii, 18, d.

Pari., Lords of—, Tiii, 250, 18. „ Wonderful—, i, 278, 11. Parr, Qn. Eath — , t, 25, 85 ; vii, 87, d ; 115, 28. Parsons, Nancy—, it, 68, a ; ▼, 278, a. Partial (see Roitoration.) Passaro, Battle off Gape — , Tii. 410, e. Patent^ Baronies cr. by — , before 16th cent., iii. 81, e. „ First grant of precedency in a^, vii, 171, b. „ ,, Tisoonntoy cr. by — , iv, 66, e. " Pater eti <fii«m nupiia demomtrantj" i, 211, c ; ▼!, 69, e. Patrick, 15 orig. Kts. of St.—, i, 186, d. Patteson, Sir John—, ii, 881, 6. Paulet, Sir Amyas— , tI, 282, a. Paxton, Sir Joseph—, iii, 118, e. Peachum, "Polly—," of the "Beggars Opera," i, 878, b. Peel, Sir Robt.— , vii, 800, a. Peel Hall, Cheshire, yi, 258, last line but one. Peerage, First — , held in the three King- doms, ▼{, 151, & „ of same name merged in higher title, W, 809. a ; 811/2, e. „ One entitled to a — [E.], dis- qualified for H. of Com., vii, 105, 88. „ Purchase of a — , Tiii, 177, e, „ Refusal to take up— title, vii, 66, 19. „ Shortest existence of a — , iii, 818, b ; Tiii, 245, e, ,, with extremely wide limitation, ▼i, 426, b. „ (s) Bill to regulate creations of — , ▼ii, 820, e. cf. on females, vi, 474/5. ,, „ laymen with patrimony of Religious Houses, iv, 247, a ; 408, ft. „ „ male issue of English sovereigns, ii, 375, a. „ cr. by James II after abdica- tion, i, 59, 6. 8 F n ff M II If »♦ »• I* It n Peerages or. 1711-12, i, 40, a ; 269, d. „ 1876, {▼, 19, a. M 1885, iy, 286, a. „ 1898, Tiii, p. 587, text, forfeited after 1715, iii, 192, a. „ I745,iii,898,a. Four sons of a peer holdins distinct — , ii, 898, a; Tiii, 898, 20. Hered. — or. by OliTer Crom- well, ii, 88 ; last line, 84, a. Jacobite— (1689— 1760), i, 59, 6. „ Shifting—, ii, 59, a ; 429, 6. „ Surrenders of— [E.], i, 298, &. „ [I.] before 1500, iT, 56,5. [8.] Life—. iT, 28, «. Peers dying 1898, Tiii, 686, text. „ holding peerages [B.J, [S.], and [I.^ i, 8, e ; Tiii, 254, d. „ of high grade not holding Baronies, T, 96, b. „ [E.], sitting in the H. of Commons, Tiii, 424, last four lines. •I l^'i authorised to nominate theur successors, ii, 14, a. „ [S.], Precedency of — , Tii, 186, a. " Pelerinage de la Tie humaine," TiH, 585, 45. Pembroke ColL, Camb., tI, 209, 8. „ „ Oxf., Ti, 219, e. „ origin of name—, tI, 195, a. Pendennis Castle, Defence of — , i, 159, a. Peninsular War, Generals ennobled after—, i, 820, c Pensions, Redemption of perpetual — , It, 68, ci. Pepdie family. It, 248, 5. Pepys, Family of— , the Diarist, tIL 49, e. PerceTal, Spencer—,!, 118, o; Tiii, 887, 81. " Peregrine Pickle," Tiii, 17, a Ferrers, Alice de — , Tiii, 188, c Personal nature of Bng. Baronage, ii, 214, 6. Petersham, Surrey, iii, 228, 7. Petty, Sir Wil., vii, 126, 7. PhaUiris, Epistles of—, Ti,ll56, 28. Philiphaugh, Battle of—, t, 286, 7 ; 858, 44. Physic Gardens, Oxford, Hi, 18, 6. Pioton Castle, t, 816. 22. " Pilgrimage of Grace," iii, 20, 29 ; t, 25, g; vi, 49, 24 ; 89. 29 ; tI, 189, 8. " Pinafore," Gilbert's H.M.S.— , Tiii, 680, 17. Pincema, Office of — , L 140, b. Pinkie. Battle of-, It, 118, 9 ; 296, 30 ; Ti, 87, 22 ; Tii, 178, 27. "Pirates of Pensanoe," ti, 177, c. Pitt, Peerages cf. on— family, Tiii, 882, 21. Plantagenet, Extinction of male line of—, Tii, 88, a.