Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/564

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554 OBNRRAL INDEX. PUtMi, OountoM ▼on—, ui, 24, 44. Plaiaii in Poitou, yiii, 65, a. Pole, Cardinal — , Tii, 89. d. Pope, Epigram on Lady Suffolk, vii, 814,^. ,1 Identity of the " Sporus " of, ii, 27,6. „ Moral Rdsaya, Tiii, 129, g. Popham, L. C. J.—, i, 20, 22. Popiah plot, Tii. 216, (.

  • ' Popular" noblemen in 1610, iii, 286, 6.

Port I'Orienfc, Attack on—, vii, 158, 27. PortouUit Pursuivant, ii, 270, 5. PorterJFamily of BDdvmion — , vii, 276, 5. Portman eatate, MaryleboDe, vi, 277, 5. Portpole, iv, 112, 6.

    • PoMeuJo yWiiru," Doctrine of—, it,

105,/; 180, «; vi, 171,/ Powis Honae, vi, 296, a. Poyninga Act, iv, 56, a ; vi, 801, 5. Poynton, Cheshire, viii, 29, 1. Precedence, Descent not neoeaaary for — , vii, 164. 6. „ First grant of — in a patent, ui, 147,6; vii, 171. 6. „ in |I.] peerage, viii, 485, last par. Inherent power of Crown as to—, i, 286, d, of Duke's s. enjoying peerage of less rank, vi, 49, e. „ Earla [B.], v, 284/5, «. „ Peers, yiii, 251, laat par. „ „ [S.], vu, 185, «. „ „ „ dau.'s. marrying peers of less rank, vi, 49, & „ „ in Pari, by Royal warrant, i, 229, «. „ „ [S.] not dependent on date of creation, i, 128, a ; ii, 408. d. some old Baroniea allowed to those sum. therein, tho' not even coheirs, i, 21, 6. „ Question as to — , between Crown and peers, i, 229, last two lines to 281, 6/7. refused to remarried Duke's widow, vi, 26, 6. „ Warrant of — , to widow of h. ap. to a peerage, iv, 77, c. Premier Baronet, vii, 8, a. „ of Nova Scotia, vii, 245, c Barony [I.], i, 170, iu6 " Athenry," ; iv, 400, c. „ [S.]. as a separate dignity, iii, 889, 6. Earldom ezistiug per le, vii, 148, 6. „ [S.]. ii, 408, d. n fi •9 »t w n n >i II II II »■ II II M II II II II Premier Marqueasate [B.], it, 800, d. • Viscountoy, iv, 215, /. [L], i. 250. 21 ; iv, 56, & [S.], ui, 825, 6. Prerogative, Straining of the — , i, 40, • 269, <i. Prescription, Peeragea [I.], by — , i, 250, 18 ; iii, 826, 84. Pretender, Account of the old — , % 872,0. Evidence of birth of the old—, i, 805, a. Peerages cr. by the old — , i, 61*64, note. " Pride's Purge," vu. 229, 8. Priest's Plot, iv, 114, 9. Prince of Orange, see *' Orange." „ „ Wales, see " Walea." Principality, see Walea. Prior, Matthew — , vii, 265, a. HU " Kitty," vi, 811. «. <* Noble lovely Uttle Peggy/' Ti. 278, A. Privy Seal, Lord—, iv, 212, e Protector, see CromwelL <* Provisions of Oxford," vi, 89. ksi Une but two. Prudhoe Castle, i, 94, 81 ; t, 174, last line but one. Purchase in the Army, ii, 144, 42. Pursuivantahipa, ii, 270, 6. Pym,ii,151,/. Pynsent, Sir WiL, u, 212, a. II II II II Q., " Old—," vl, 818, «. Quatford Church, vii, 185, 17. Queen Consort, Are honours of — , merged t vi, 216, 6. „ Eath. Parr, aee Parr. „ Mary Tudor of France, aee Mary. " Queen of Beauty," rii. 188, 6.

    • Queen Sarah," iv, 881, 5.

Queens, Four daujk of an Earl be- coming — , ii, 862, e. Querouaille, Correct spelling of — , tI, 278, text and d. Quondam, «< Lord—," iu, 184, 7. II Raby, co. Durham, viii, 118, d. „ eaUtea, Tiii, 297, 58. Rachel, Madame—, vi, 826, a. Radoot, OzoD, Battle of—, vi, 165, IS. Raglan Castle, viii, 202, e. Raid of Ruthven, iv, 28, 6. Railway Accident, Abergele, ii, 820, 21. Raimbrooke, *< Lord—," in " Coningsby,"* vi, 480,/