Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/63

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WARWICK. 53 DIOIBR AKD RouoT. He d. 20 June 1128, end wee hur, with hie encestora in the Abbey of Preeux, neitr Pont Aiidemer, in Noraiendy.(*) Hie widow eurvtved him ebont 80 yeere, being living (1150) 2 Hen. II., when ehe wee a benefectreae to Uie Knighte Templara. II. 1123. S. Roger (db Nbwburoh, oihsnoiBe db Warwick), Earl OP Warwick, let & end h.(^) ; 6. before 1102; tue. hUfaiker, 20 June 1128 ; wee one of the 5 EMrh(«) who witueeaed the cherter granted, 8 Sep. 1181, to Seliebury ; wee en adherent of the Kmprei« Meud, but wee chiefly known for the munificent endowmenta he beetowed on the Church ; he wne elao a Cru«ader.(<') He m. before 1130, Qundre<1, let da. of William (db Wakbnkb), 2d Eabl of Surrkt, or Earl Warbvnb, by Isabel, da. -of Hugh, Count ok VxRMANDOia. Hed. 12 June (1158) 18 Stephen. Hie widow delivered Warwick CnsUe, next year, to Henry, afterwarda Henry IL, and wae living 1167. III. 1153. S^ William (db Nbwburoh, otiiermse db Warwick), Karl of Warwick, let b. and h. ; (. before 1140 ; fue.*Au faiker^ 12 June 1163, and wee, like him, a munificent donor to the Church, becoming finally a Cniaader. He m, firstly, Margaret, d«. of Sir John D'RiviLU He m. aeoondly, Maud, da. and coheir(*) of William db Fbrct, by Adelaidn, da. of Gilbert FiT8 Richard, ht db Tobbridob, Lord of (Hare. He ci. ap. in the Holy Lend, 15 Not. 1184.(0 Hie widow was living (1199—1216) in the reign of John, to whom she paiil £1,000, that she might not be forced to re-marry till ehe pleased. lY. 1184. 4* Walbran (db Nbwdurgh, oiherwiM db Warwick), Earl of Warwick, br. and h. ; 6. before 1158 ; sue. hi$ ttrotker, 15 Not. 1184, " but had much ado . . . touching his inheritance, there starting up one who feigned himself to be his brother, Karl William. "(f) He was benrer of " the right-hend eword** at the coronation of John, 27 May 1199. He fii. firstly, before 1190, Mergaret, da. of Humphrey db Bouun,(**) by Margnret da. and eventually coheir of Milee (db Qloucbbtbr), Barl of Hrrrfurd. He is Baid(>) to have wl secondly, Maud, lie m. lastly, Alice, widow of John dr TjIHBHI, of Colley Weston, oo. North- ampton, da. of RobBrt db Harooukt, of Stanton, co. Ozon, by Isabel, da. end h. of Kichard db GAuyiLLB, of Stanton afsd. He d, 12 Dec. 1204.(k) His widow was liring (120708) 9 John. • (*) " Leas prominent and less ambitious than his brother, he was held' in high repute ; for he was prudent, active, upright and law-abiding, of pleasant disposition and holy life." [NnL Biogr.] ** Vir integer et sanctus,'^ and dOlcis et qnieti animi vir,** eaye William of Malmesbury. This character makee it somewhat extra- ordinary that in those days of fierce struggling he should have acquired an Earldom. (^) Of his four younger bnithers (1), llotrode. Bishop of Bvreuz, and Archbishop of Rouen, d, 27 Nov. 1188 ; (2) Robert^ inherited his father'e lands in Normandy, was Seneschal and Justice of that Dukedom, and a great benefactor to the Abbey of Beo. where he d, 80 Aug. 1159. («) See vol. ▼, p. 41, note "g," iuh " Leicester." (<) In the " OeHa Siephani RegU " [p. 74] he is called " Vir mollis.** (*) Agnes, the other coheir, m., about 1168, Joeceline de liouvain and was ancestress of the saooeeding houee of Percy. (0 He possessed in (1166) 12 Hen. IL as many as 105 Knight's fees. A spirited engraving of his profile (in helmet) is given in " DogU^^ taken '* from a drawing of hie seal; M.S. Oott JvUut, o. vii, f. 168.*' («) •• DuffdaU:' (f) " It cannot have been Humphrey de Bohun who m. Margaret of Scotland, for he had no daughter by her. See Ey ton's Itin. of Hen, II. ^ p. 257, bis. or the HoL de Dom^ p. 44. It must, therefore, be the Humphrey, who m. Margaret of Hereford." [Ex. tn/brm. G. W. Watson]. (») " Doyle." (^) " Walerao is the first to whom these arms ' Ckequjf^ Or and Azures a Chevron, SrwUne,* are attributed by Uous [the historian of the Earls of Warwick]. It ta worthy of note that they are oomposed of a ohevron, added to the shield of warenne, his mother's family." [th^].