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54 WARWICK. y. 1204. 5. Hbnrt (db Nbwburgh, othennae db Warwick), Eabl or Warwick, let ■. and h.(*) by fint wife ; 6. 1102; aue, hi$ father, 12 Dm. 1204, was in ward(b) till, on hia full age. King John, by writ, 1 June 121 S, directed the Sheriff of Warwickshire to pay to him, aa *' Henry, Earl of Warwick,'* the third penny of the county («) aa hia ancescore had been aocuatomed to receive it. In the waraof the Barons against the Kings, John and Hen. III. he adhered faithfully to the Royal cause, and, in 121 6, was Commander in the King's army. He m, firstly, before 1208, Maigaret, lat sister and coheir of Henry D'OiiXY, of Hooknorton, Oxon, da. of Henry D'Oilly,(<>) of the same, by Maud, da. of Humphrey db Bohun. He m. secondly, about 1214, Philippa, da. and coheir of (bis former guardian) Thomaa BaasMT, of Headington, Oxon. He d. 10 Oct 1229. Hia widow m., 1280. Itichard SiWARD, " a turbulent apirite<1 person," who took part with the Baruna, 1288-89, in their rebellion. From him ahe waa divorced in 1242, and d. s.p. and a widow about 1246, being bur. at Bicester priory, Oxon. YI. 1229. 6. TuoifAS (db Nbwburgh, (dhsrwite db Warwiok), Eabl or Wabwiok, only s. and h., by first wife ; b. about 1218 ; tue. hit father, 10 Oct. 1229 ; knighted at Gloucester, by Hen. III., 22, and waa confirmed in the Earldom, 24 May 1283,(*) having been girded with the girdle thereof. He waa bearer of the third sword at the coron. of the Queen Consort, Eleanor, 26 Jan. 1286. In 1231 he paid a heavy fine to be excused from serving in Qaaoony. He m., before 1242, Ela, da. of William (dk LoMQBSpiB), Eabl or Saubbobt, by Ela, tuo jure CouMTBas ov Saubbuhy. He d. a.p. 26 June 1242, and waa hur, at Warwick.(0 His widow m. (aa hia second wife) Sir Philip Babbgt, of Wycombe, Bucks, Chief Jiiaticiary, 1268, who d Oct 1271. She d, 8.p. at Headisgton afsd., 6 Feb. 1297, and waa frtir. at Oseney priory, Oxon. Monument there. VII. 11:42. 7. Margaret, who may be considered as mo jure CouNTBSS OF Warwick, having "the tertium denariam de fiaeUie comitatut Warvici delivered U} her,"(B) sbter and h., being only da. of the 5th Earl, by hia 6r8t wife. She was b. about 1215 ; tue. her brother , 26 Juue 1262. She m. firstly, John Mabbual (who d, Oct. 1242), and secondly, before Se|i. 1248, John na Plbsbib, or DB Plbbbbtis, both of whom are conafdered to have been Earla of Warwick, as below is aUted. She was living (1252- 53) 87 Hen« III., but is said(b) to have d. before 5 June 1253, being certainly dead before her aeoond huaband, who d, 26 Feb. 1263. John Mabshal, s. and h. of John Marshal,(^) of Hingham, oo. Norfolk (if. 1285), by Aliva, da. and coheir of Hubert dm Rtb, of the aame, waa firat huaband to the above Margaret, and b generally considered to have been in her right, EARL OF WARWICK, from 26 June 1242 till hia death, four months Uter. He had seizin of Warwick Caatle, 8 Oct 1242, and d. a.p. the same montli. (*) Hia yr. brother, Waleran de Newburgh, of Qreetham, co. Rutland, d, a.p. before 1263, at which date, Brooke (following Roua*a history of these Eiu-b) makes him succeed (on the death of John de Pleaaetia) as Earl of Warwick. To this dignity, had he been altve, he would have been unqueationably heir, to the ezduaion of William Mauduit, his tister't son, who, also, waa of the half Uood. (^) During hia minority, King John granted, in 1208, the Lordahip of Qower in Wales (part of hia ancient inheritance) to William de Braoae. (<*) See Round'a ** MandeviUe " (p. 291) aa to the "tertium denarium pkcitorum " of the ahire of Warwick, at the time of Domesday. (<*) See a good account of this family in ** Ton, and Oen.,*' vola. i and ii. («) (* Hex cinxit Thouiam de Warewic cingulo Comitatus Warewic ; et mandatum CMt Vicecomiti Warwici, quod eidem Comiti liabere factat de predicto oomitatu id quod habere debet nomine Oomitia Warwici et de quo predeceaaorea aui, Comitea Warwici, aeisiti fuerunt tanquam ad eoa pertinente, nomine Comitatua Warwici** (0 *' Upon the new building of the quire of the Collegiate Church there, in King Edward the Third'a time, hia monument, with divera other of hia ancestors, were [ate] removed and never set up again.*' [DugdaU, quoting the Warwick Roll by John Roual (ff) CoUina'a " Baroniet 6y Writ,*' p. 285. (h) "/)oyfc." . (1) See vol. vi, p. 477 (oorraoting p. 208 thereof), aa to this family of Mars&(il*