Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/94

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84 WELLINGTON — WKM. DouRO, 1812-14, and Mabquim of Dodro, 1814-52 ; ed. nt Eton and at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; entered the army in 1828, in which, eventttallj, he became Lieuc- General. M.P, for Aldborough, 1829-32 and for Norwich, 1887-62; er. K.A. 1880, and LL,D. 6 July 1885 of Cambridge ; aide-de-camp to hia father, 1842-52 ; 9ue. to tksf>€eragf, aa above, 14 Sep. 1852 ; P.C. 1858 ; Master of the Horse, 1853-58 ; Col. of the Victoria (Middlesex) rifles, 1858-84 ; K.a., 25 March 1858. By the death of hia cousin, the 5th Earl op Mormimqton [L], 25 July 1863, he became heir male of his grandfather, and, as such, BAKL OP MORNI NOTON, VISCOUNT WELLBSLK V OF DANQAN CASTLE and BARON MORNINQTON [L], L. Lieut. of Middlesei, 1868-84. He m., 19 April 1839, at St. Geo., Han. sq., Elisabeth, 4th da. of George (Hay), 8th Marquiss op Twbbddali [S.], by Susan, da. of William (Momtaoo), 5th Dokb of Man- 0HB8TBR. He 4. s.p., suddottly at the railway station at Brighton, 18 Aug. 1884, aged 77, and was bur. at Strathfieldsaye afsd.(>) Will pr. 18 Dea 1884, personalty above £168,000. Hia widow, 6. 27 Sep. 1820, was a Lady of the bedchamber, 1843-58, mistress of the robesO*) 1861-68 and 1874-80 ; V.O. (8d dass) 1892, and was living 1897. IIL 1884. S, Hbnrt(Wbllsslbt),DukbofWbllington[18U1 Marquus op Wbllikoton [Oct. 1812],MARquB88 of D0DR0[18l4t Earl op Wblunqtoh [Feb. 1812], Viscount Wklumoton of Talavbra and op Wbllinqton, and Baron Wbllbslky (1809], also £ ok Morninqton and Visoodnt Wbllbslbt op Dangan CAfiTLB [I. 1760], and Baron Morninqton [I. 1746], also Prince of Waterloo in tKe Neiherlandi [1815], also Duke of Ciudad Uodrigu and a Qrandee of the first dass in Spain [1812], also Duke of Vittoria [1812], Marquess of Torres Vedras [1812], and Count of Vimiera [1811], in Portugal, nephew and h., being 2d but Ist surv. s. and h.{^) of Major Gen. Lord Charles Wbllbslbt, by Augusta Sophia Anne, da. and h. of the Rt Hon. Henry Manvers Pibbrbi>ont, of Couholt Park, Wilts (yr. son of Uie 1st Eaul AL vbk8 which Charles w;is 2d and yst. a. of the lat Duke, and d. 9 Oct. 1858, aged 50. He was 6. at Aiwley House afsd., 5 April, and bap, 14 May 1846, at St Qeo., Hau. Sq. ; ed. at Eton ; ttometime, 1865, an officer in the Qren. Reg. of Foot Guards ; Lieut. Col. 1876 ; haTiug been Instructor of Musketry, 1871-74. He was M.P. for Andover, 1874-80; ntc. to tht peerage^ 13 Aug. 1884. Hon. Col. 2d Brigade Southern Div. liA. Militia. He m. 7 Murch 1882, Evelyn Katrine Gweufra, yst. da. of Lieut. Col. Thomas Peers Wiluaus, of Temple House, Berks, by Kmily, da. of Anthony Bacon, of Blcott, in that couuty. FamUf/ iTatotei.— These, in 1883, cousiHted of 15,847 acres in HanU ; 2,246 in Herts ; 529 in Somerset, and 494 in Berks. Total, 19,116 acres, irorih £22,162 a year. Principal Seat — Strathfieldsaye, near Winch field, Hants. WELLS, see Wbllbs. WEM, or WEMME. See "BoTBLBR dk Wbmmb, Barony (Boteler), ci 1308; iu abeyance, 1411. t,e,, '* FsRRBRS DB Wbmmb/' See *' BoTBLBR DB Wbmmb/' rs above. See "Jbpprbys op Wbm, oo. Salop," Barony (Jefi-eys), er. 1685; ex. 1702. (•) ** Short in figure and kindly and afiable in intercourse, with little of the dis- tinguished personal presence of the Iron Duke, but whose nose proclaims his descent, and loudly, too, when he has occasion to blow it" ["House of Lords in 1867," OenL Mag,], {^) See vol. ▼, p. 210, note ** o," tub ** Manchester " for a list of these. (•) His elder br., Arthur, *. 5 May and bap, 7 June 1846, at St. Geo., Han. sq. ; d. 7 July 1846, aged 1 year, and was bnr, at Strathfleld Snye.