Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/95

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WEMYSS. 85 WEMYSS luid WEMYSS OF ELCHO. Barony [8.] i. Sir John Wkmtss, Bart [S.], of Wemjss, on the L 1638. north bniik of the Forth, co. Fife, 2d s. of Sir John W1KT88, of the same, by his second wife, Anne, sister of James, Earl or Moray Earldom [8.] [8.], ds. of James (8tbvart), Itt FiORD Dovnm [8.]f •««• his elder T 1 A^^ ^' ^*^>^ WR1IT88, in Aug. 1608, being serred heir, 17 April 1010 ; 1. lOi>«>. ^„^^ having been or. a BaronH [8.], 29 Ifsy 1625, with rem. to heirs male whatever (st which date he had a chsrter of the Barony and Regality of New Wemyss in Nova Sootis), was er., 1 April 1626, LORD WEMYSS OF ELCHO [8.], with rem. to his heirs male bearing the name and arms of Wemyss. He was, subsequently, er. 25 June 1633, EARL OF WEMYSS, LORD ELCHO AND METHRL [8.], with a similar remainder. He was High Gommissr. to the Qen. Assembly at Edinburgh, 23 July 1641, being made P.O. by Pari., also in 1641, and one of the Committee of Estates, 1649, thus taking part against that King from whom he had received all his honours. He m., in 1610, Jean, 1st da. of Patrick (Qrat), Lord Orat [S.], by his second wife, Mary, da. of Robert (Stiwart), Ist Earl ot Orutit [S.J She d. 17 and was Jmr. 25 Aug. 1640, at Wemysi. He d. 22 Not. and was bur, 4 Dec 1649, at Wemyss afsd. II. 1649. 2. David (Wbuyss), Earl op Wbhyss, <&o. [S.l only 8. and h., had, as " Master of Wemyss,** a charter of the Barony of Wemyss, 14 Jan. 16S2, was, presumably, styled Lord Elobo from 1638 till he mc. to the ^peerage [8.], 22 Not. 1649, as above, being served heir general, 18 Nov. 165!S. On 22 July 1651, by charter under the great seal, his titles and estates were, on failure of heirs male of his body, lituited to whomsoever he might appoint, which failing, to his heirs male whatever. He, however, after resignation, having no male issue then Hurviving, obtained a noimiamMs thereof, ratified under the great seal, 23 Aug. 1672, with rem., after his death, to m youngest da., Lady Maiptret Wemyss, and Uie heirs male of her body, which failing, tu the other heirs of entail. He built a harbour at Metbel and greatly improved his residence at Wemyss. He m. firstly, 1628. Jean Ist da, of Robert (Balfour. forwuHjf Arnot), Lord Balfour of Burlbigb [S.], by Margaret, mojure Baroriss Balfour op Burlkiob [8.] She d, s.p.m. 10 and was 6tti'. 22 Nov. 1649, at Wemyss, on the dsy of her father-in-law's death. He m. secimdiy, 23 April 1650, Eleanor, 1st da. of John (Flbuimq), 2d Earl op Wioton [8.1, by Margaret, da. of Alexander (Livikgston), 1st Earl op Limutboow [8.1 She a. e.p. 20 April 1652, at Wemyss. He m, tliirdly, 18 Jan. 1658, at SheriflTliall, Margaret, widow of Francis (Scott), 2d Earl of Bucclkucb [8.], and formerly of Alexander TiRSiJR, aisled Lord Baloort, sister of John, Dun op Rotbu [3.], and da. of John (Lbsuk), Earl op Rotbks [8.], by Anne, da. of John (Erskiri), Earl op Mar [8.]. He d. s.p.m.s.(*) June 1679, when the Baronetcy fS.]. presumably, devoWed on the heir male (collateral) of the grantee. His widow JL 1688. [David Wbmyss, styled Loud Elcho, only s. and h. ap., by third wife, cf. unm. and p.p., 28 Sep. 1671, in his 17th year.] III. 1679. S. Margarbt, mo jure Countbss of Wbmtss, &c [S.], 4th and yst. da. and coheir, fieing only surp. child by 8d wife. Slie m. firstly, her distant cousin, Sir James WbmT88, of Caskberry, co. Fife, who, she being heir ex])ectant to the Wotnyas |ieemfco, was consequently er., 15 April 1672. T<oiiu Hurictisland [8.], but for his life only.(^) She ftic. to the peerage [8.]. on her father's death, June 1679, according to the nocudamue of 23 Aug. 1672. Her said husband d, in 1685, leaving (by another marriage) issue male, but his life peerage became, of course, eztinet. The Countess m. secondly, 11 April 1700, at Cramond, as his second wife. (*) Of his tliree daughters by his first wife, Jean, the eldest m. firstly, Archibald (DouglasX Earl of Ormond [8.], and secondly, in 1659, Geoige (Oordon), Earl of Sutherland fS.] She cf. in 1715, and among her issue, the heir of line of the Wemyss family is to be found. (^) See vol. iv, p. 28t note " a," tub " Qlassfonl," for similar creations bestowed on the uusbAuds of Scotch iw> Jure Peeresses.